Brandveiligheidswenke vir informele strukture
Die volgende wenke vir brandveiligheid in informele nedersettings soos verskaf deur die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Regering:
* Maak seker dat alle stowe op ‘n vasstaande oppervlak is om te keer dat dit omval
* Hou ‘n emmer water byderhand om klein vure mee te blus wanneer dit begin.
* Maak seker dat alle kerse in ‘n veilige kershouer geplaas word, weg van vlambare
materiaal. Sny lang kerse in die helfte om te keer dat dit omval.
* Bou wonings ten minste 3m uitmekaar om te verhoed dat brande vinnig versprei.
Die oop ruimte rondom die huis moet ook skoon gehou word.
* Hou altyd ‘n emmer sand naby wanneer ‘n paraffientoestel gebruik word. Water
sal nie ‘n paraffienvuur blus nie en kan sake vererger deur die vlamme te versprei.
Paraffienbrande kan slegs met sand of ‘n brandblusser geblus word.
* Sorg dat daar genoeg ventilasie is wanneer kos op oop vlamme in jou woning
gaargemaak word.
* Gooi sigarette in ‘n veilige houer en maak seker dit is heeltemal dood.
* Alle oop vure moet geblus word voordat jy die plek verlaat of gaan slaap.
* Moenie ‘n Gallie Blik of ‘n oop vuur wat in dromme gemaak word binne ‘n
informele strukture of huis gebruik nie.
* Moet nooit ‘n soldeer- of steenkoolvuur oornag in die huis los nie, aangesien dit
asemhalingsprobleme kan veroorsaak.
* Wees veral versigtig wanneer gastoestelle gebruik word om kos gaar te maak. Die
silinders moet in ‘n goeie toestand wees en gereeld getoets word vir enige
lekkasies wat ‘n brand of ‘n ontploffing kan veroorsaak.
* Moet nooit jou deur van binne met ‘n hangslot sluit nie; gebruik eerder ‘n
skut/skuiwer vir maklike ontsluiting indien ‘n brand sou ontstaan.
* Wees bewus van die gevare van onwettige en foutiewe elektriese verbindings.
Enige elektriese aansluiting moet deur ‘n geakkrediteerde elektrisiën geïnstalleer
* Hou altyd paaie en die toegang tot wonings skoon sodat noodvoertuie maklik
kan rondbeweeg.
* Moenie noodpersoneel voorkom of ontwrig wanneer hulle aandag gee aan
voorvalle nie, aangesien hulle daar is om lewens te red en die vernietiging van
eiendom te voorkom nie.
Kontak asseblief die volgende George Noodnommers in geval van noodgevalle en brande:
ONWETTIGE VERBINDINGS – Lewensgevaarlik en ‘n brandgevaar
Enige ongemagtigde elektriese verbinding is onwettig en gevaarlik. Of jy nou ‘n stroombreker omseil om ‘n ekstra verlengingskoord te laat loop of jou eie draad in ‘n elektriese boks inprop, ‘n onwettige verbinding is enige elektriese bedrading, toestel of toerusting wat op enige manier aan die munisipale elektriese netwerk gekoppel is om toegang te verkry tot elektrisiteit sonder toestemming en/of betaling. Omdat daar gewoonlik geen stroombrekers op onwettige verbindings is nie, kan die drade oorverhit en ‘n brand veroorsaak. Elektriese brande is gevaarlik en moet nie met water geblus word nie, want water gelei elektrisiteit, en jy kan geskok word.
Rapporteer onwettige verbindings by 044 801 9222/044 803 9222 of 044 801 6300 (a/h).
Rapporteer mense wat onwettige verbindings maak by 0860 044 044, SAPD 10111 of die nommers hierbo.
George Munisipaliteit bied ‘n R2500 beloning aan vir inligting wat lei tot die suksesvolle skuldigbevinding van elektriese diefstal en/of vandalisme in ‘n geregshof. Die getuie sal op rekord na die owerhede moet gaan en sy/haar naam en kontakbesonderhede moet gee vir die doel om te getuig, maar sy/haar identiteit sal beskerm word.
Skakel 0860 044 044 om vir die beloning in aanmerking te kom.
Fire Safety Tips for Informal Structures
The following tips for fire safety in informal settlements as provided by the Western Cape Provincial Government:
* Make sure that all stoves are on a stable surface to prevent them from falling over
* Keep a bucket with water handy to extinguish small fires when they start.
* Make sure all candles are placed in a safe candleholder, away from burning material. Cut long candles in half to prevent it from falling over.
* Build dwellings at least 3m apart to prevent fires from spreading rapidly. The open space around the home must also be kept clear.
* Always have a bucket of sand nearby when using a paraffin appliance. Water will not put out a paraffin fire and can worsen matters by spreading the flames. Paraffin fires can only be extinguished using sand or a fire extinguisher.
* Ensure that there is enough ventilation when cooking food on open flames inside your dwelling.
* Discard cigarettes in a safe container and ensure they are completely put out.
* All open fires must be extinguished before you leave the area or go to sleep.
* Do not use a Gallie Blik or an open fire made in drums inside an informal structures or house.
* Never leave a brazing or coal fire overnight inside the house, as this could cause breathing difficulties.
* Take special care when using gas appliances to cook food. The cylinders must be in a good condition and tested regularly for any leaks that might cause a fire or an explosion
* Never lock your door from the inside using a padlock; instead, use a shooter/shifter for easy unlocking should a fire occur.
* Be aware of the dangers of illegal and faulty electrical connections. Any electrical connection must be installed by an accredited electrician
* Always keep roads and the access to dwellings clear so that emergency vehicles can move around easily.
* Do not prevent or disrupt emergency personnel when they attend to incidents, as they are there to save lives and prevent the destruction of property.
Please contact the following George Emergency numbers in case of emergencies and fires:
FIRE EMERGENCIES: 044 801 6311
ILLEGAL CONNECTIONS – Life threatening and a fire hazard
Any unauthorised electrical connection is illegal and dangerous. Whether you’re bypassing a circuit breaker to run an extra extension cord or plugging your own wire into an electrical box, an illegal connection is any electrical wiring, device or equipment that is connected in any way to the municipal electrical network to access to obtain electricity without permission and/or payment. Because there are usually no circuit breakers on illegal connections, the wires can overheat and cause a fire. Electrical fires are dangerous and should not be extinguished with water, because water conducts electricity, and you can be shocked.
Report illegal connections on 044 801 9222/044 803 9222 or 044 801 6300 (a/h).
Report people making illegal connections on 0860 044 044, SAPD 10111 or the numbers above.
George Municipality is offering a R2500 reward for information leading to the successful conviction of electrical theft and/or vandalism in a court of law. The witness will have to go on record to the authorities and give his/her name and contact details for the purpose of testifying, but his/her identity will be protected.
Phone in to 0860 044 044 to be eligible for the reward.
Iingcebiso zoKhuseleko loMlilo kwiZakhiwo zaMatyotyombe
Ezi ngcebiso zilandelayo zokhuseleko lomlilo kumatyotyombe njengoko kubonelelwe nguRhulumente wePhondo leNtshona Koloni:
* Qinisekisa ukuba zonke izitovu zikwindawo ezinzileyo ukuthintela ukuba zingawi
* Gcina i-emele enamanzi kufuphi ukuze ucime imililo emincinci xa iqalisa.
* Qinisekisa ukuba onke amakhandlela abekwe kwisibambi makhandlela esikhuselekileyo, kude nezinto ezivuthayo. Sika amakhandlela amade phakathi ukuwathintela ukuba angawi.
* Yakha iindawo zokuhlala ukuba ziqelelane ngobuncinane be-3m ukunqanda ukunwenwa komlilo ngokukhawuleza. Indawo evulekileyo ejikeleze ikhaya nayo kufuneka igcinwe ingena zinto.
* Hlala une -emele yesanti kufutshane xa usebenzisa isixhobo separafini. Amanzi akanakuwucima umlilo weparafini kwaye anokwenza imeko ibe mbi ngokugqithileyo ngokusasaza amadangatye. Imililo yeparafini inokucinywa kuphela kusetyenziswa isanti okanye isicima-mlilo.
* Qinisekisa ukuba kukho umoya owaneleyo xa upheka ukutya kumadangatye avulekileyo ngaphakathi kwindawo ohlala kuyo.
* Lahla icuba kwisikhongozeli esikhuselekileyo kwaye uqinisekise ukuba licinywe ngokupheleleyo.
• Yonke imililo evulekileyo kufuneka icinywe phambi kokuba umke kule ndawo okanye uye kulala.
• Musa ukusebenzisa imbawula okanye umlilo ovulekileyo owenziwe kumagubu ngaphakathi kwesakhiwo setyotyombe okanye endlwini.
* Ungaze ushiye umlilo ovuthayo okanye wamalahle ngobusuku ngaphakathi endlwini, njengoko oku kunokubangela ubunzima bokuphefumla.
* Yiba nenkathalo ekhethekileyo xa usebenzisa izixhobo zegesi ukupheka ukutya. Iisilinda kufuneka zibe kwimeko entle kwaye zivavanywe rhoqo malunga nako nakuphi na ukuvuza okunokubangela umlilo okanye ugqabhuko-dubulo.
* Ungaze ulutshixe ucango lwakho ngaphakathi usebenzisa iqhagi; endaweni yoko, sebenzisa isidubuli ukuze uvule lula xa kuthe kwakho umlilo.
* Qaphela iingozi zoqhagamshelo olungekho mthethweni nolunempazamo. Naluphi na uqhagamshelo lombane kufuneka lufakwe yincutshe yombane evunyiweyo
* Hlala ugcina iindlela zicacile kunye nokufikelela kwiindawo zokuhlala kucacile ukuze izithuthi zikaxakeka zikwazi ukuhambahamba lula.
* Musa ukuthintela okanye uphazamise abasebenzi bakaxakeka xa bejongana nezehlo, njengoko beze kusindisa ubomi nokuthintela ukutshatyalaliswa kwempahla.
Nceda uqhagamshelane nezi nombolo zilandelayo zaseGeorge zoNgxamiseko xa kukho imeko kaxakeka kunye nemililo:
Ingozi yobomi kunye nobungozi bomlilo
Naluphi na uqhagamshelo lombane olungagunyaziswanga alukho mthethweni kwaye luyingozi. Nokuba awusinaki isixhobo sokhuseleko sokuqanda uqukuqelo lombane kwindlela yombane ukuze usebenzise ucingo lolwandiso olongezelelweyo okanye uqhagamshele ucingo lwakho kwibhokisi yombane, uqhagamshelo olungekho mthethweni lulo naluphi na ufakelo locingo lombane, isixhobo okanye isixhobo esiqhagamshelwe nangayiphi na indlela kuthungelwano lombane likamasipala ukuze ube nokufikelela ukufumana umbane ngaphandle kwemvume kunye/okanye intlawulo. Ngenxa yokuba zingekho izixhobo zokhuseleko zokuqanda uqukuqelo lombane kwindlela yombane ngokuqhelekileyo kuqhagamshelwano olungekho mthethweni, iingcingo zinokutshisa kakhulu kwaye zibangele umlilo. Imililo yombane iyingozi kwaye akufanele icinywe ngamanzi, kuba amanzi ahambisa umbane, kwaye unokukhatywa ngumbane uwe.
Xela uqhagamshelo olungekho mthethweni kule nombolo 044 801 9222/044 803 9222 okanye 044 801 6300 (emva kweeyure).
Xela abantu abenza uqhagamshelo olungekho mthethweni ku-0860 044 044, SAPD 10111 okanye kwezi nombolo zingasentla.
uMasipala waseGeorge unikezela ngembuyekezo yama-R2500 ngolwazi olukhokelela ekugwetyweni ngempumelelo kobusela bombane kunye/okanye ukonakalisa impahla enkundleni yomthetho. Ingqina kuya kufuneka libhale phantsi kwabasemagunyeni kwaye linike igama lalo kunye neenkcukacha zoqhagamshelwano ngenjongo yokungqina, kodwa igama lakhe liya kukhuselwa.
Tsalela umnxeba ku-0860 044 044 ukuze ube nelungelo lokufumana imbuyekezo.