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Unplanned Power Outage- Portion of Thembalethu and Rosedale

We are aware of an unplanned power outage affecting portions of Zone 9 in Thembalethu and Rosedale.

Our team has already been dispatched to the site and is working to resolve the issue.

No ETR is available at present.

We appreciate your patience and will provide updates as soon as more information is available.

No Fireworks Allowed in George and surrounds

George Municipality reminds the public that due to the high fire risk, the setting off, and possession of fireworks, firecrackers, flares, paper lanterns and other such paraphernalia in the George municipal area is not allowed.

Strict Fireworks Legislation
George has strict firework legislation and according to the Bylaw on Community Safety, Section 58 (13) No person may discharge fireworks outside of a designated Fire Works Area. No fireworks area has been made available in George and should someone be caught discharging a firework, a flare or lighting a Chinese lantern an immediate fine of R1000 is applicable as well as a potential charge of arson.

Confiscation Notices
Law Enforcement Services together with other Role players would start with the compliance campaign by doing continuous inspections at shops in all areas. Confiscation notices and Fines will be issued to non-compliant shops and confiscated fireworks will be handed over to the SAPS Explosives unit for disposal.

Marine Flares
Setting off marine rocket flares for fun is hugely dangerous and irresponsible. NSRI is compelled to log and investigate each and every incident in case it is a real emergency which of course takes up their time and valuable resources and, more seriously, could detract from genuine flare sightings. It is also hugely dangerous for those setting off the flares, which, as they are quite costly, we suspect are also probably out of date. Marine guidance notes explain that all old flares need to be disposed of correctly.

Rocket flares degrade with time and there have been cases where the rocket propellant separates from the parachute and you are left with an uncontrolled flare which then comes back down and hits the person who has fired it off.

George Municipality will firmly enforce the applicable by-laws and Law Enforcement officials will be deployed at various areas and beaches throughout the season to attend to fireworks complaints.

Pets and fireworks
This will hopefully assist in reducing the noise levels and allow people (and their pets) to plan for “noisy” periods thus allowing for a quieter, safer environment for all concerned. For some pets, especially dogs and cats with particularly noise-sensitive ears, the sound of fireworks can cause intense fear responses. Some pets will go to extremes to hide, others get startled and run away, and general anxiety caused by unexpected loud sounds can have long-lasting effects on animals.

Other impacts of fireworks- did you know?
Bees become so disorientated they don’t go back to their hives.
Birds have panic attacks at night causing mass deaths.
Fish and other animals perish after ingesting fireworks debris.
Companion animals have anxiety and panic attacks.
Fireworks can also trigger Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in people.

Please report the illegal setting off of fireworks to 044 801 6350 or after hours at 044 801 6300.
Please report the illegal trade in fireworks to 044 801 6350 or after hours at 044 801 6300.

FIRE EMERGENCIES: 044 801 6311


Geen vuurwerke word in George en omgewing toegelaat nie

George Munisipaliteit herinner die publiek daaraan dat weens die hoë brandrisiko, die afvuur, en besit van vuurwerke, klappers, fakkels, papierlanterns en ander sulke toebehore in die George munisipale gebied nie toegelaat word nie.

Streng vuurwerkwetgewing
George het streng vuurwerkwetgewing en volgens die Verordening op Gemeenskapsveiligheid, Artikel 58 (13) mag geen persoon vuurwerke buite ‘n aangewese Vuurwerkgebied afvuur nie. Daar is geen vuurwerkgebied in George beskikbaar gestel nie en sou iemand gevang word wat ‘n vuurwerk, ‘n fakkel of ‘n Chinese lantern aansteek, is ‘n onmiddellike boete van R1000 van toepassing asook ‘n moontlike klag van brandstigting.

Wetstoepassingsdienste sal saam met ander rolspelers met die nakomingsveldtog begin deur deurlopende inspeksies by winkels in alle gebiede te doen. Beslagleggingskennisgewings en boetes sal uitgereik word aan winkels wat nie aan die vereistes voldoen nie en gekonfiskeerde vuurwerke sal aan die SAPD se plofstofeenheid oorhandig word vir vernietiging.

Mariene vuurpylfakkels
Dit is uiters gevaarlik en onverantwoordelik om mariene vuurpylfakkels vir die pret te laat afgaan. NSRI is verplig om elke voorval aan te teken en te ondersoek ingeval dit ‘n werklike noodgeval is, wat natuurlik hul tyd en waardevolle hulpbronne in beslag neem en nog ernstiger, afbreuk kan doen aan werklike fakkelwaarnemings. Dit is ook uiters gevaarlik vir diegene wat die fakkels afvuur aangesien dit redelik duur is en waarskynlik verouderd. Luidens Mariene handleidingnotas moet alle ou fakkels korrek vernietig word. Vuurpylfakkels versleg mettertyd en daar was al gevalle waar die vuurpyldryfmiddel van die valskerm skei en jy sit met ‘n onbeheerde fakkel wat dan terugkom en die persoon wat dit afgevuur het, tref.

George Munisipaliteit sal die toepaslike verordeninge streng toepas en Wetstoepassingsbeamptes sal deur die seisoen by verskeie gebiede en strande ontplooi word om aandag te gee aan vuurwerkklagtes.

Troeteldiere en vuurwerke
Hierdie sal hopelik help om die geraasvlakke te verminder en mense (en hul troeteldiere) in staat stel om te beplan vir “geraas” periodes en sodoende ‘n stiller, veiliger omgewing vir alle betrokkenes, moontlik te maak. Vir sommige troeteldiere, veral honde en katte met besonder geraas-sensitiewe ore, kan die geluid van vuurwerke intense vreesreaksies veroorsaak. Sommige troeteldiere gaan tot uiterstes om weg te kruip, ander skrik en hardloop weg, en algemene angs wat deur onverwagte harde geluide veroorsaak word, kan langdurige uitwerking op diere hê.

Ander impakte van vuurwerke – het jy geweet?
Bye raak so gedisoriënteerd dat hulle nie teruggaan na hul korwe nie.
Voëls ondergaan paniekaanvalle in die nag wat massa-vrektes veroorsaak.
Visse en ander diere vergaan nadat hulle vuurwerkrommel ingeneem het.
Geselskapsdiere het angs- en paniekaanvalle.
Vuurwerke kan ook posttraumatiese stresversteuring by mense veroorsaak.

Rapporteer asseblief die onwettige afvuur van vuurwerke by 044 801 6350 of na-ure by 044 801 6300.
Meld asseblief die onwettige handel in vuurwerke by 044 801 6350 of na-ure by 044 801 6300 aan.


Meter Reading Service Provider

Londoloza Utility Solutions is the appointed service provider to deliver meter reading services.

Meter readers wear the following gear to verify themselves:
• A navy blue raincoat (if it’s cold or raining)
• A yellow branded safety vest.
• A unique identification card.
• Grey overall pants with safety boots.

Should a property owner have any questions/enquiries regarding the meter readers, please call Londoloza on the Telephone number: 012 492 6600 or Cell/WhatsApp line at 081 602 3425.

Self-readings are still allowed and can be submitted by making use of the following methods:

Submit your meter reading by email to, including the accountholder’s name, contact details, George Municipal account number, and
date of reading.

Submit your meter reading using the My Smart City – George App
✅ Go to your Apps home screen
✅ Tap on the Municipal Self Meter Readings icon
✅ Tap the Add Account and Complete all relevant fields (Please note that you can only proceed once you have selected your location under your profile.)
✅ Once done, tap Save Details.

Enquiries regarding water meter readings may be directed to: or

Early Closure of MVR, DLTC, and VTS offices

Please be advised that the Motor Vehicle Registration (MVR) services in Hibernia and Blanco, the Driving Licence Testing Centre (DLTC) in Pacaltsdorp, and the Vehicle Testing Station (VTS) will be closed from 2 p.m. on Wednesday, 13 November 2024.

All services will resume as normal on Thursday, 13 November 2024.

Public Notice: New Whatsapp number for book renewals ONLY at George Library

The George Library is pleased to announce a new, convenient service for book renewals via WhatsApp ONLY FOR THE MAIN LIBRARY. Library users can now easily renew their borrowed books by sending their card barcode number to 074 262 4958.

Once the barcode is submitted, users will receive a new due date for their books. This service aims to provide a quicker and more accessible way to manage your library items.

We encourage all library members to take advantage of this new feature. Please share this information with others in the community so they can also benefit from the enhanced service.

We thank the public for their continued support of the George Library.

You may phone the George Library at 044 801 9199 for more information. For contact details for the other libraries visit under contacts.

Water Safety Tips for the Festive Season

As we enjoy the festive season, please keep these essential water safety tips in mind to protect yourself and your loved ones:
• Never swim alone and avoid swimming in the sea, dams, or rivers at night.
• Do not swim under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants.
• Always supervise children near water. Ensure they cannot access pools, ponds, water features, baths, buckets of water, or open toilets—young children can drown in as little as 4 cm of water.
• Secure your swimming pool with a pool net or an SABS-approved fence to prevent accidental falls.
• Swim only in designated areas at the beach where lifeguards are present and avoid swimming too far out.
• Remember, swimming in the sea is very different from swimming in a pool or dam, even for experienced swimmers.
• Only dive into water if you can see what’s below the surface, and always test the depth, first.

• George Fire and Rescue: 044 801 6311
• Toll-Free Disaster Number: 087 152 9999
• NSRI (National Sea Rescue Institute): 082 990 5955 | 087 094 9774

Stay safe and enjoy the water responsibly!


George Municipality Mayoral Outreach

The Executive Mayor of George Municipality, Ald Jackie von Brandis will be joined by her Mayoral Committee and officials from George Municipality for a Mayoral Outreach in Kleinkrantz. Residents are invited to join MMC’s and officials who will be at K20 Kleinkrantz Informal Settlement (Philadelphia Pinkster Gemeente Kerk) to tend to any service delivery related queries they may have.

Details for Mayoral Outreach as follows:
Date: 12th November 2024
Time: 10h00 – 13h00
Venue: K20 Kleinkrantz Informal Settlement, (Philadelphia Pinkster Gemeente Kerk)

We urge all residents to make use of this opportunity as we endeavour to decentralize services, bringing them closer to you.

George Community Development telephone lines out of order

The George Community Development office’s telephone lines are temporarily out of order. The matter is receiving attention as technicians are investigating the cause of the downlines.
For urgent matters the public can visit the office at the corner of Varing and St. John’s Streets, George CBD or email or