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What if I admit guilt but cannot afford to pay my fine?
* You may make written representations in person or per email to the clerk of the Municipal Court requesting a reduction of your fine any time before or on your court date. Should your representations be successful, the prosecutor shall reduce your fine accordingly taking into consideration the nature and seriousness of the offence, the interests of society, as well as your personal- and financial circumstances.
* Note that it remains your responsibility to follow-up on the outcome of your representations.

• Note that the representations process does not suspend your court proceedings and that, should you not receive any feedback by your court date, that you must attend to the Municipal Court on your court date.
• Should you be unable to make payment before or on your court date you must attend the Municipal Court on your court date. You may seek a postponement on your court date to provide you additional opportunity to make payment.

How do I dispute a fine?
* You may dispute your fine in writing in person or per email to the Clerk of the Municipal Court any time before or on the court date.
* Note that should you dispute your fine on your court date, you must still appear in person to attend court. The matter shall then be postponed in court for further investigation.
* The Clerk of the Court shall refer your representations to the prosecutor which shall investigate the grounds of your dispute by consulting with the traffic/law enforcement officer who issued your fine, the prosecutor shall further compare the respective versions, and consider the available evidence when deciding. This process may take approximately two to three weeks.
• You shall be notified accordingly and timeously of the outcome of your dispute. Should you be successful, the prosecutor shall withdraw your fine. Should you be unsuccessful, the prosecutor shall contact you to discuss your options, which includes making further representations for a reduction of your fine.

* Should you be unsuccessful, and should you wish to proceed with the prosecution of your case you shall have to attend to the Municipal Court on your court date for the matter to proceed on trial.
• Note that it remains your responsibility to follow-up on the outcome of your dispute.
* Note that this process does not suspend your court proceedings and that, should you not receive any feedback by your court date, that you must attend to the Municipal Court on your court date.

Who do I address my representations to?
• You may attend to the Municipal Court situate at 71 York Street, Dormehlsdrift, George, to make representations in person. You will then address your representations to the prosecutor.
• You may make written representations per email to the clerk of the court, Mrs. A. Felix, at
• You may also complete and hand in your representations at either the George or Provincial Traffic Departments whereafter it shall be transported to the Municipal Court for processing.


Wat as u skuldig wil pleit maar nie die boete kan bekostig nie?
• U mag enige tyd voor óf op u hofdatum geskrewe vertoë persoonlik of per e-pos aan die klerk van die Munisipale Hof rig en versoek dat u boete verminder word.
• Indien u vertoë suksesvol is, sal die aanklaer die aard en die erns van die oortreding, die belange van die gemeenskap, sowel as u persoonlike en finansiële omstandighede in ag neem, en u boete dienooreenkomstig verminder.
• Let daarop dat dit u verantwoordelikheid bly om die uitslag van u vertoë op te volg.
• Let daarop dat die vertoëproses nie u hofverrigtinge opskort nie en dat, as u teen u hofdatum geen terugvoer ontvang het nie, u die Munisipale Hof op u hofdatum moet bywoon.
• As u nie voor of op u hofdatum die boete ten volle betaal nie, moet u die Munisipale Hof op u hofdatum bywoon. U mag ‘n uitstel op u hofdatum versoek om u ‘n ekstra geleentheid te gee om betaling te maak.

Hoe betwis u ‘n boete?
• U kan u boete enige tyd voor óf op die hofdatum skriftelik betwis persoonlik of per e-pos aan die klerk van die Munisipale Hof.
• Let daarop dat as u u boete op u hofdatum betwis, u steeds persoonlik in die Munisipale Hof moet verskyn. Die saak sal dan in die hof uitgestel word vir verdere ondersoek.
• Die klerk van die Munisipale Hof sal u vertoë na die aanklaer verwys wat die gronde van u dispuut deur die verkeers/wetstoepasser wat u boete uitgereik het, sal ondersoek. Die aanklaer sal verder die onderskeie weergawes vergelyk en die beskikbare bewyse oorweeg wanneer besluit word. Hierdie proses mag ongeveer twee tot drie weke neem.
• U sal dienooreenkomstig en tydig in kennis gestel word van die uitslag van u dispuut. Indien u suksesvol is, sal die aanklaer u boete terugtrek. Indien u onsuksesvol is, sal die aanklaer met u kontak maak om u opsies met u te bespreek, insluitende die rig van verdere vertoë vir ‘n verlaging van u boete.
• Indien u onsuksesvol is en voort wil gaan met die vervolging van u saak, moet u op u hofdatum in die Munisipale Hof verskyn die saak om voort te gaan op verhoor.
• Let daarop dat dit u verantwoordelikheid bly om die uitslag van u dispuut op te volg.
• Let daarop dat hierdie proses nie u hofverrigtinge opskort nie en dat, as u teen u hofdatum geen terugvoer ontvang het nie, u die Munisipale Hof op u hofdatum moet bywoon.

Aan wie rig u u vertoë?
• U kan na die Munisipale Hof by 71 Yorkstraat, Dormehlsdrift, George gaan om persoonlik vertoë te maak. U sal dan u vertoë aan die aanklaer rig.
• U mag geskrewe vertoë per e-pos aan die klerk van die Munisipale Hof, Mev. A. Felix, by rig.
• U kan ook u vertoë voltooi en indien by die George- of Provinsiale Verkeersdepartemente waarna dit na die Munisipale Hof vir verwerking gestuur sal word.