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The George Municipal Council approved the Policy for the installation of services in road reserves in July 2022. This Policy aims to provide clear guidelines on the standards that all applicants must comply with when installing services within the George Municipality’s road reserves.

The George Municipality’s road reserves are acquired at a large cost to the Council to ensure that the Municipality delivers on its constitutional requirements.  Private services in a public road reserve must be coordinated within the available space restriction of the road reserves and surroundings.

Public road reserves are Municipal property and accommodate numerous municipal services, including roadways, signage, stormwater systems, water networks, sewer conveyance networks, electricity networks, sidewalks, and trees.

Private services in a public road reserve must be coordinated and well managed within the available space restriction of the road reserve and surroundings. Installation of private services must also be carefully managed and controlled to protect municipal services from immediate damage during installation of these private services and that may also result in future damage during Municipal maintenance and/or upgrades to their services.

These services may also not restrict the Municipality should the need arise to maintain, refurbish, or upgrade municipal services. This policy provides clear guidelines on the standards that all applicants must comply with when installing services within the George Municipality’s road reserves.

Wayleave Application and Approval Process

The following documents must be prepared and submitted with the Wayleave Application.

  1. Application letter: Addressed to the Municipal Manager on the Applicant’s letterhead and signed by an authorized person, and indicating contact details (address/telephone/cellular/e-mail), an area map indicating the position of the proposed works, project details, and scope;
  2. Layout plan / Engineering Plans indicating proposed services, to scale and dimensioned from either erf boundary or kerb line, details of proposed services, existing and proposed structures, existing fibre installations of all service providers along the full route, and traffic/pedestrian accommodation drawings.
  3. Professional Civil Engineering Consultant’s appointment;
  4. Confirmation that all Network Licensees have been contacted regarding the proposed installation and possible trench sharing;
  5. Proof that all other affected and/or relevant external or public entities have been consulted and positions of their services, and approvals, acquired;
  6. Proof of payment of the applicable fees and tariffs;
  7. Proof of contractor’s CIDB registration;
  8. Confirmation of quantities regarding proposed trenching; and
  9. Preliminary construction programme with the proposed commencement date.

A Wayleave Application Fee will be applicable as included in the Municipal annual approved Tariff List. Payment of the Application fee must be made with the submission of the Wayleave Application, with all other fees payable on the Wayleave Approval.

For more information please contact: Civil Engineering Services Department on Tel: 044 801 9348 or email to:


Issued by George Municipality