Public Notice: Traffic flow changes Market Street
Public Notice: Traffic flow changes Market Street
Issued George Municipality, 8 February 2022
Traffic flow
Certain lane changes in Market Street will be brought into effect on Monday 7 February 2022. The attached diagram indicates the lanes that will be open to traffic and the direction of flow.
- Meade St to York St
One way traffic only in the direction of York Street. Both entrances to the Van der Stell parking Square will open, but access to Donarail Square will only be possible from York or Meade street access.
- Cradock St to Meade St
Two-way traffic will continue on this section of Market Street. The Go George bus stops currently situated in the section of Market Street between Mitchell and Cradock Street, will be temporarily relocated to the section of the road between Cradock and Meade Street as indicated on the diagram.
- Mitchell St to Cradock St
One way traffic only in the direction of Cradock Street.
Programme for Completion
The current programmes for completion of Phases 1, 2 and 3 of the Market Street reconstruction projects are as follows.
- York St to Meade St: end of April 2022
- Meade St to Cradock St: end of March 2022
- Cradock St to Mitchell St: end April 2022
Upgrade of Remainder of Market Street
Temporary repair to a section of Market Street will be done on Wednesday 9 February 2022, however, the Municipality is awaiting additional funding to complete the rehabilitation of Market Street in March 2022.