YOUTH MONTH: GO GEORGE focuses on youngsters and Covid safety
The GO GEORGE bus service has made extra effort during Youth Month to get the Covid-safety message across to the youth and to create awareness of the role each member of society needs to fulfil during the pandemic.
Engaging with learners in a safe way without visiting schools and addressing groups of children, the GO GEORGE communication champions have been visiting bus stops near the schools to hand out small, refillable bottles of hand sanitiser branded with a message from Georgie, the GO GEORGE mascot: Your safety, our concern. Learners were also reminded to keep a safe distance, to wear their masks correctly, covering both the mouth and nose, and never to pull it down when talking to someone.
Commemorating Youth Month, young people between the ages of 12 and 20 were invited to participate in a lucky draw which could be accessed from the GO GEORGE Facebook page. The lucky winner has received a GO GEORGE drawstring bag with a variety of branded items.
For more information or any bus-related enquiries, please phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044, visit the website, or follow the GO GEORGE Facebook page for the latest news and service updates.
The George High School learners were surprised and happy to be handed a pocket-sized and refillable bottle of hand sanitiser from the GO GEORGE communication champions.
JEUGMAAND: GO GEORGE fokus op jongmense en Covid-veiligheid
Uitgereik 5 Julie 2021
Die GO GEORGE-busdiens het gedurende Jeugmaand ekstra moeite gedoen om die Covid-veiligheidsboodskap aan die jeug oor te dra en om bewustheid te skep van die rol wat elke lid van die gemeenskap tydens die pandemie moet vervul.
Om op ‘n veilige manier met leerders te kommunikeer sonder om skole te besoek en groepe kinders toe te spreek, het die GO GEORGE-passasiersdiensbeamptes bushaltes naby die skole besoek om klein, hervulbare botteltjies handreiniger uit te deel. Leerders is ook daaraan herinner om ‘n veilige afstand te hou, hul maskers korrek te dra, beide die mond en neus te bedek, en dit nooit af te haal wanneer hulle met iemand praat nie.
Ook om Jeugmaand te gedenk, is jongmense tussen die ouderdomme van 12 en 20 genooi om deel te neem aan ‘n gelukstrekking via die GO GEORGE Facebook-blad. Die gelukkige wenner het ‘n GO GEORGE-toerygsak ontvang met ‘n verskeidenheid handelsmerkitems.
Vir meer inligting of enige busverwante navrae, skakel asseblief die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044, besoek die webwerf, of volg die GO GEORGE Facebook-blad vir die jongste nuus- en dienskennisgewings.
Die Hoërskool George-leerders was verras en bly om ‘n sakgrootte, hervulbare botteltjie met handreiniger van die GO GEORGE- passasiersdiensbeamptes te ontvang.