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Christmas Lights Vandalised

At the beginning of December, the George Municipality excitedly announced the switching on of Christmas Lights through a lights Festival that took place in Pacaltsdorp, an event that helps create a festive atmosphere throughout the Festive Season. Sadly, some of the lights, particularly in York Street in the George CBD, and at the Unity Park Circle, have been vandalised. Not only have the power lines been vandalized, but also the controller unit, which makes the repair work more costly for the Municipality and can take longer to repair.

The Municipality’s Electrotechnical Department Services has already started the repair work and replacement of the vandalised material.

The Municipality urges the members of the public to refrain from destroying their property. Vandalism is a crime and ultimately costs ratepayers’ money. Please report people tampering, painting, breaking, or stealing municipal property to the SAPS and George Municipality Law Enforcement (044 801 6350 or 044 801 6300 after hours) as soon as you see it happening. If you can take pictures of the culprits in the act without endangering yourself, it will help a lot. Thank you in advance for helping us protect our infrastructure.

George Municipality offers an amount of R2500 as a reward for information that leads to the successful conviction of vandalism in a court of law. The witness will have to go on record with the authorities, giving his/her name and contact details to testify, but his/her identity will be protected. Report to 0860 044 044 to be eligible for the reward.