Executive Mayor of George , Ward 26 Councillor
Executive Deputy Mayor, Proportional Representative Councillor
Speaker, Ward 28 Councillor
MMC Planning and Development (Planning, Building Control, Property, IDP, Performance Management, Economic Development, Agriculture and Tourism), Ward 4 Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
MMC Human Resources, Proportional Representative Councillor
MMC Human Settlements, Ward 1 Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Ward 8 Councillor
MMC Community Safety, Ward 17 Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
MMC Civil Engineering Services (Operating Aspects, Capital Projects and BFI), Ward 23 Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Ward 2 Councillor
Ward 3 Councillor
Ward 5 Councillor
Ward 6 Councillor
Ward 7 Councillor
Ward 9 Councillor
Ward 10 Councillor
Ward 11 Councillor
Ward 12 Councillor
Ward 13 Councillor
MMC Community Services (Social Development, Sport, Libraries and Customer Care), Ward 14 Councillor
Ward 15 Councillor
Whip of Council, Ward 16 Councillor
MMC Electro-Technical Services, Ward 18 Councillor
Ward 19 Councillor
Ward 20 Councillor
Ward 21 Councillor
MMC Financial and Strategic Services, Ward 22 Councillor
Chairperson GIPTN Section 79 Committee, Ward 24 Councillor
Ward 25 Councillor
MMC Community Services (Parks, Refuse and Environment), Ward 27 Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
MMC Corporate Services, Proportional Representative Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Chairperson MPAC Section 79 Committee, Proportional Representative Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Proportional Representative Councillor
Acting Municipal Manager
Chief Financial Officer
Acting Director Corporate Services
Acting Director Electrotechnical Services
Director Community Services
Acting Director Human Settlements, Planning and Development
Director Civil Engineering Services
Proportional Representative Councillor