The George Municipality’s five-year Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and which was adopted in May 2022 is currently being reviewed and the Municipality encourages the citizens of George, including Uniondale and surrounds to participate meaningfully and be part of the development of the city.
George Municipality, like all local municipalities in South Africa, must use the IDP as a method to plan the future development of its area. The IDP, according to Lauren Waring, the George Municipality director for Human Settlements, Planning and Development and Property Management, the IDP is an approach to planning that involves the entire municipality and its citizens in finding the best solutions to achieve good long-term development.
“The IDP is a super plan for an area that gives an overall framework for development. It aims to coordinate the work of local and other spheres of government in a coherent plan to improve the quality of life for all the people living in an area. It should consider the existing conditions and problems and resources available for development. The plan should look at economic and social development for the area. It must set a framework for how land should be used, what infrastructure and services are needed and how the environment should be protected,” Waring added.
The Municipal Systems Act (MSA) and Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) require municipalities to review their five-year IDP and budget documents annually to remain relevant and respond to the municipality’s developmental needs. The MSA further requires that municipalities create an opportunity to encourage local communities to participate in municipal matters such as the IDP and budget.
Public Participation engagements underway
“Between 11 and 18 April 2023, the George Municipality conducts a series of meetings with ward committees who are representing both the geographical setting and existing sectors within the 28 wards in the George Municipal area,” Waring said. “The wards are clustered to meet at different venues to discuss the draft IDP and the draft budget.
The George Municipality furthermore extends an invitation to the citizens from all 28 wards to comment on the following documents:
• Draft 1st Review of the 5th Generation Integrated Development Plan (IDP) 2023/2024
• The Draft Medium Term and Revenue Expenditure Framework (MTREF) 2023/24 – 2025/26 and the Draft Property Taxes, Tariffs, New and Revised Budget-related Policies for 2023/24, as envisaged by Section 17 of the MFMA for the George Municipality
The above documents are available for inspection, public representation, inputs, and comments. The set of Council resolutions and all other relevant documents are made public at all libraries and ward offices during normal office hours and are also displayed on the George Municipality’s website at: Hard copies of the above-mentioned documents are also available at all libraries and area offices in the George Municipal precinct.
Submission of IDP and budget comments
Comments must be in writing and addressed to the Municipal Manager, PO Box 19, George 6530, or to WhatsApp: 060 779 7634; or sent to the following email address:, clearly stating “Comments: Draft Amendment of the 5th Generation IDP 2022 – 2027 or Draft Budget 2023/24 – 2025/26”.
Persons wishing to comment on the Draft Budget documentation (inclusive of the policies and tariffs/charges), but cannot read or write will be assisted during office hours by the Manager: Budgets: Mr Renaldo Coetzee at or 044 8019122
Ward Councillors and ward committee members wishing to comment on the Amendment of the 5th Generation IDP 2022 – 2027, but cannot read or write will be assisted during office hours by the IDP Officer Mrs Ronel Le Fleur- Valla at, Fourth Floor, York Street, George. Alternatively, at 044 801 9075.
The public participation closing date for comments is Tuesday, 25 April 2023 at 16:30.