George Municipality Ensures Continuous Service Delivery During Festive Period
George Municipality’s Headquarters
While many municipalities across the country closed during the festive period, George Municipality stood out by keeping its offices open, ensuring continuous service delivery to citizens and businesses. The decision to remain open allowed the municipality to respond effectively to various cases and maintain essential services.
In the Human Settlement Division, seven emergency fire cases and one natural disaster case were addressed during December 2023. Assistance was provided to three families in accordance with the approved Emergency Accommodation and Assistance Policy. Five other affected families were informed about outstanding documentation needed for assistance. No Breaking New Ground (BNG) houses affected by fires were reported for December 2023.
The Planning Development Compliance Section remained active, addressing both new and existing complaints, updating matters, and conducting follow-up inspections. Three meetings with attorneys were held to discuss current cases, and three new matters were referred to the legal section. Inspections for land use contraventions numbered 21, resulting in nine notices served to landowners. Six consultations were held with property owners who received notices to discuss the way forward in their matters.
Statistical Information for the Town Planning Division from December 1 to December 21, 2023:
• Building plans processed: 251
• Approved building plans: 119 (110 residential, 9 non-residential)
• New applications in circulation: 60 (56 residential, 4 non-residential)
• Certificates of Occupancy issued: 70 (61 residential, 9 non-residential)
• Building Control inspections conducted: 117 (6 commencement, 18 drainage, 2 ad hoc, 91 completion)
• Complaints addressed by Building Control: 27
The George Municipality remains dedicated to delivering efficient services and ensuring the well-being of its