George Municipality wins AMEU Award 2022
George Municipality has been announced as winner of the Top Performing Municipality (Category B Municipality) by the Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (AMEU) on 4th October. The 68th AMEU Convention hosted in the first week of October ended with a gala dinner and the award was presented to Electrotechnical Services Director, Bongani Mandla as part of the AMEU President’s Legacy Awards Programme. The award celebrates the Electrotechnical Services department of a top performing category B municipality with the focus on revenue management, repairs and maintenance, infrastructure capital expenditure, electrification amongst other areas.
The participating municipalities were compared on a number of aspects where performance had to be indicated. These aspects included non-technical losses, which are measure d by subtracting the technical losses from our total Losses. George Municipality performance in this regard equated to 4.87%. Other aspects reviewed were revenue collection, electrification of formal houses as well as un-proclaimed areas, indigent customers with access to Free Basic Electricity, Unplanned Outages that are restored to supply within industry standard timeframes and capital expenditure.
An award celebrating a top performing category B municipality with focus on revenue management, repairs and maintenance, power purchase, BBBEE procurement spend, training and development, infrastructure CAPEX spend and electrification