Get ready to use the bus to school this year
With the new academic year starting next week, parents’ transport schedules will take on the regular frenzy of dropping off and picking up their children at school. Parents of learners who use the GO GEORGE bus service to get to school are encouraged to help their children get equipped in time.
It is important to get a GO GEORGE Smart Card, load enough trips before schools start, and not wait until they have no trips left before topping up again. The Smart Card should be treated with the same care as any bank card or cash; if it gets lost, trips on the card cannot be refunded or transferred to a new card.
Check expiry date on card
Learners who already have Smart Cards should check the expiry date on the front of the card.
Similar to bank cards, GO GEORGE Smart Cards expire every five years. A batch of cards expired at the end of December 2023. Those with expired cards should buy a new card (R35) before schools start or use another existing card in their possession that is still valid. Trips can be transferred from an expired card to a new or valid existing card.
Smart Cards can be bought at any of the GO GEORGE Smart Card kiosks at the Transport Hub in Cradock Street, Blanco Triangle, Garden Route Mall and Nelson Mandela Boulevard in Thembalethu. Two mobile kiosks are scheduled to rotate service between the Protea terminus in Pacaltsdorp, the Eve bus stop in Rosedale, Cheap Foods in Nelson Mandela Boulevard near the entrance to Parkdene, and the Jonga circle in Thembalethu. Feel free to phone the Call Centre on 0800 044 044 for the exact mobile kiosk location at a specific time.
School route maps
GO GEORGE communication champions will be present at the bus stops near high schools during the first few weeks of the school term to hand out route maps and inform learners about the different routes to school. Unique maps depicting the different options available to school and back home have been created for each school. These maps can also be downloaded from the GO GEORGE website by visiting
Learners are advised to discuss the best boarding time, route and transfers with the champions. In most cases, there will be different options to avoid full buses during peak times.
To request an on-site visit and direct engagement from GO GEORGE, schools are welcome to phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044 or send an email to
Taking the bus to school is a safe and reliable mode of transport for learners.
Met die nuwe akademiese jaar wat volgende week afskop, begin ouers se uitdaging met dol vervoerskedules om hul kinders by die skool af te laai en op te tel. Ouers van leerders wat van die GO GEORGE-busdiens gebruik maak om by die skool uit te kom, word aangemoedig om hul kinders te help om betyds alles hiervoor gereed te kry.
Dit is belangrik om ‘n GO GEORGE-slimkaart te kry en genoeg ritte te laai voordat skole begin, en nie te wag totdat leerders geen ritte oor het voordat hulle weer herlaai nie. Die Slimkaart moet met dieselfde sorg as enige bankkaart of kontant hanteer word; as dit wegraak, kan ritte op die kaart nie terugbetaal of na ‘n nuwe kaart oorgedra word nie.
Hou vervaldatum op kaart dop
Leerders wat reeds slimkaarte het, moet die vervaldatum voor op die kaart nagaan. Soortgelyk aan bankkaarte, verval GO GEORGE-slimkaarte elke vyf jaar. ‘n Bondel kaarte het einde Desember 2023 verval. Diegene met kaarte wat verval het, moet ‘n nuwe kaart (R35) koop voordat skole begin of ‘n ander bestaande kaart in hul besit wat steeds geldig is, gebruik. Ritte kan van ‘n vervalle kaart na ‘n nuwe of geldige bestaande kaart oorgedra word.
Slimkaarte kan by enige van die GO GEORGE-slimkaartkiosks by die vervoerkern in Cradockstraat, Blanco-driehoek, Garden Route Mall en in Nelson Mandela-boulevard in Thembalethu gekoop word. Twee mobiele kiosks gaan dienste roteer tussen die Protea-terminus in Pacaltsdorp, die Eve-bushalte in Rosedale, Cheap Foods in Nelson Mandela Boulevard naby die ingang van Parkdene, en die Jonga-sirkel in Thembalethu. Skakel gerus die inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 vir die presiese ligging van die mobiele kiosks op ‘n spesifieke tydstip.
Go GEORGE-passasiersdiensbeamptes sal gedurende die eerste paar weke van die skoolkwartaal by die bushaltes naby skole wees om leerders in te lig oor die verskillende roetes skool toe. Unieke kaarte wat die verskillende opsies skool toe en terug huis toe uitbeeld, is vir elke skool geskep. Hierdie kaarte kan ook afgelaai word vanaf die GO GEORGE-webwerf deur te besoek.
Leerders word aangeraai om die beste opklimtyd, roete en oorklimhaltes met die passasiersdiensbeamptes te bespreek. In die meeste gevalle sal daar verskeie opsies wees om vol busse tydens spitstyd te vermy.
Om ‘n besoek op die skoolterrein en direkte skakeling met die leerders aan te vra, is skole welkom om die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel of ‘n e-pos na te stuur.
Busvervoer is ’n veilige en betroubare manier vir leerders om by te skool te kom.