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GO GEORGE passenger satisfaction higher than ever

In the photograph above George Municipal Manager, Dr Michelle Gratz, and Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk were pleased to learn about the positive results in the latest annual passenger satisfaction survey handed over to them by James Robb (far right), Public Transport Oversight Official of the George Municipality.

George se munisipale bestuurder, dr. Michelle Gratz, en uitvoerende burgemeester, raadsheer Leon van Wyk, was bly om te verneem van die positiewe resultate in die jongste jaarlikse passasierstevredenheidsopname wat James Robb (heel regs), toesigbeampte oor openbare vervoer van die George-munisipaliteit, aan hulle oorhandig het.

The results are in: A whopping 93% of passengers are highly satisfied with the GO GEORGE service and the opportunities it provides in terms of safety, accessibility, mobility, and affordability. George residents experience GO GEORGE as a positive public transport option that contributes significantly to their environment and the economic development of the town.

This is the outcome of the latest annual passenger satisfaction survey conducted among users of GO GEORGE, special-interest groups and other stakeholders indirectly affected by the bus service.

According to Morné Lakay, GO GEORGE Manager, an all-inclusive public transport service is an essential contributor to economic growth, poverty alleviation, social integration and job creation in communities. “We need to know whether we hit the mark and find this survey the optimal tool to obtain feedback on passenger experience regarding systems operation. It helps us to understand passenger trip characteristics and how passengers plan and execute a trip.  We get an indication of passenger perceptions in terms of value for money, cost, and affordability,” Lakay said.

Feedback from passengers and special-interest groups

The survey done on behalf of GO GEORGE by research specialists in the socio-economic field aims to determine the overall socio-economic impact of GO GEORGE, including the macro-economic and transport economic impact. It was done in all the operational areas over six weeks, from 21 September 2023, Mondays to Fridays from 07:00 until 17:00. In addition to interviews with passengers, special-interest groups were also approached for insight. These included formal as well as informal businesses, forums impacted by universal accessibility such as special-needs schools and the GO GEORGE Disability Forum, and town planners – both private and municipal.

Higher scores confirm overall satisfaction

Most passenger satisfaction scores have improved from 2022, indicating that GO GEORGE successfully achieved its stated aims of providing a high-quality public transport service. The following areas obtained very high levels of satisfaction:

  • Bus stop accessibility (100%)
  • On-board bus accessibility (94,1%)
  • Safety and security at bus stops (95,8%)
  • Skilled drivers (96,4%)
  • Bus drivers are knowledgeable, courteous, friendly and helpful (94,6%)
  • Smart Card kiosk cashiers are knowledgeable, courteous, friendly and helpful (95,4%)
  • Solving Smart Card problems (94,4%)
  • Ease of understanding timetables and route maps (96,5%)
  • Reliability of services (92,9%)
  • Destination and bus stop proximity (93,7%)

“This kind of feedback is heartwarming,” commented Lakay. “The prioritisation of public transport investment is an absolute necessity. Government subsidises public transport – GO GEORGE trips included – so that nobody should have to turn away a job opportunity because they cannot afford to travel to work.”


GO GEORGE-passasierstevredenheid hoër as ooit

Die uitslae is in: ‘n Allemintige 93% van passasiers is hoogs tevrede met die GO GEORGE-diens en die geleenthede wat dit bied ten opsigte van veiligheid, toeganklikheid, beweeglikheid en bekostigbaarheid. George-inwoners ervaar GO GEORGE as ‘n positiewe openbare vervoeropsie wat beduidend bydra tot hul omgewing en die ekonomiese ontwikkeling van die dorp.

Dit is die uitkoms van die jongste jaarlikse passasierstevredenheidsopname wat gedoen is onder gebruikers van GO GEORGE, spesiale belangegroepe en ander belanghebbendes wat indirek deur die busdiens geraak word.

Volgens Morné Lakay, GO GEORGE-bestuurder, is ‘n allesomvattende openbare vervoerdiens ‘n noodsaaklike bydraer tot ekonomiese groei, armoedeverligting, maatskaplike integrasie en werkskepping in gemeenskappe. “Ons moet weet of ons ons doel bereik het en vind hierdie opname die optimale hulpmiddel om terugvoer te kry oor passasierservaring rakende die werking van stelsels. Dit help ons om passasiers se reispatrone te verstaan en hoe hulle ‘n rit beplan en uitvoer. Ons kry ‘n aanduiding van passasierspersepsies in terme van waarde vir geld, koste en bekostigbaarheid,” het Lakay gesê.

Terugvoer van passasiers en spesiale belangegroepe

Die opname wat namens GO GEORGE deur navorsingspesialiste op sosio-ekonomiese gebied gedoen is, het ten doel om die algehele sosio-ekonomiese impak van GO GEORGE, insluitend die makro-ekonomiese en vervoerekonomiese impak, te bepaal. Dit is oor ses weke in al die operasionele gebiede gedoen, van 21 September 2023, Maandae tot Vrydae van 07:00 tot 17:00. Benewens onderhoude met passasiers, is spesiale belangegroepe ook genader vir insig. Dit sluit in formele sowel as informele ondernemings, forums wat geraak word deur universele toeganklikheid soos skole met spesiale behoeftes en die GO GEORGE-gestremdheidsforum, en stadsbeplanners – privaat sowel as munisipaal.

Hoër tellings bevestig algehele tevredenheid

Die meeste passasierstevredenheidstellings het verbeter vanaf 2022, wat daarop dui dat GO GEORGE sy verklaarde doelwitte om ‘n hoëgehalte openbare vervoerdiens te lewer, suksesvol bereik het. Die volgende gebiede het baie hoë vlakke van tevredenheid getoon:

  • Toeganklikheid van bushalte (100%)
  • Toeganklikheid aan boord van busse (94,1%)
  • Veiligheid en sekuriteit by bushaltes (95,8%)
  • Vaardige bestuurders (96,4%)
  • Busbestuurders is kundig, hoflik, vriendelik en behulpsaam (94,6%)
  • Slimkaartkiosk-kassiere is kundig, hoflik, vriendelik en behulpsaam (95,4%)
  • Die oplossing van slimkaartprobleme (94,4%)
  • Gemak om roosters en roetekaarte te verstaan (96,5%)
  • Betroubaarheid van dienste (92,9%)
  • Nabyheid van bestemming en bushalte (93,7%)

“Hierdie soort terugvoer maak ons harte warm,” het Lakay gesê. “Die prioritisering van belegging in openbare vervoer is ‘n absolute noodsaaklikheid. Die regering subsidieer openbare vervoer – GO GEORGE-ritte ingesluit – sodat niemand ‘n werksgeleentheid hoef weg te wys omdat hulle nie kan bekostig om werk toe te ry nie.”