GO GEORGE services introduced to new students
CAPTIONS: NMU registration 1:GO GEORGE communication champion Akhona Gxumisa explains the bus routes to Mamvemve Makena. Mamvemve is a BCom Accounting student from Port Elizabeth.
Despite all the excitement of going to university, becoming part of campus life and finding your way in a strange city can be daunting for first-year students. With this in mind, GO GEORGE hosted an information stall at the assisted registration expo at NMU George Campus to provide bus service information to students, parents and staff.
Although the bus routes haven’t reached the campus yet, students make use of the bus service in and around town to get to shopping centres, medical services, places of worship and recreation or sports facilities. Students coming from rural areas or smaller towns with no public bus services were impressed and pleased to learn about the affordable and scheduled services provided by GO GEORGE.
Any new bus users are invited to phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044 for information about Smart Card and trip purchases and assistance planning their trip. All the necessary system information such as route maps and timetables are also available to download on the website www.gogeorge.org.za.
NMU registration 2: Yibabathi Vetini (second from left) and Sukude Lwando (far right) are two new IT students from Umthata who were excited to learn about the options offered by the bus service. GO GEORGE communication champions Akhona Gxumisa (far left) and Zanele Matiwana enjoyed engaging with the excited new students.
GO GEORGE-dienste aan nuwe studente bekendgestel
Ten spyte van al die opwinding om universiteit toe te gaan, om deel te word van die kampuslewe en om jou pad in ‘n vreemde stad te vind, kan die ondervinding vir eerstejaarstudente oorweldigend wees. Met die oog hierop het GO GEORGE ‘n inligtingstalletjie by die registrasiebystand-ekspo op die NMU George-kampus aangebied om busdiensinligting aan studente, ouers en personeel te verskaf.
Hoewel die busroetes nog nie die kampus bereik het nie, maak studente van die busdiens in en om die dorp gebruik om by winkelsentrums, mediese dienste, plekke van aanbidding en ontspanning of sportgeriewe uit te kom. Studente wat uit landelike gebiede of kleiner dorpe sonder openbare busdienste kom, was beïndruk en bly om te hoor van die bekostigbare en geskeduleerde dienste wat deur GO GEORGE gelewer word.
Enige nuwe busgebruikers word genooi om die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel vir inligting oor Slimkaart- en ritaankope en hulp met die beplanning van hul ritte. Al die nodige stelselinligting soos roetekaarte en tydroosters is ook beskikbaar vir aflaai op die webwerf www.gogeorge.org.za.
NMU registrasie 1: GO GEORGE-passasiersdiensbeampte Akhona Gxumisa verduidelik die busroetes aan Mamvemve Makena. Mamvemve is ‘n BCom Rek-student van Port Elizabeth.
NMU registrasie 2: Yibabathi Vetini (tweede van links) en Sukude Lwando (heel regs) is twee nuwe IT-studente van Umthata wat opgewonde was om meer te wete te kom oor die opsies wat die busdiens bied. GO GEORGE- passasiersdiensbeamptes Akhona Gxumisa (heel links) en Zanele Matiwana het dit geniet om met die opgewonde nu