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Mayor finds happy homeowner that had retaining walls build at home to assist in heavy rains

Media Release: Mayor finds happy homeowner that had retaining walls, gutters build at her home to re-route run-off during heavy rains

Issued by George Municipality 16 March 2023 for immediate release


George Mayor, Ald Leon van Wyk, walked with officials from the Human Settlements, Planning and Development Directorate in Isaac Street, Rosedale in Ward 14 on Tuesday where retaining walls and gutters were installed to minimise water run-off at homes with steep slopes. The mayor visited the home of Alice Mostert where retaining walls and gutters were build in front and around her house to re-route rainwater, especially during heavy downpours. Although the sewer system in the street catches most of the water, heavy downpours can become too much to handle. Mostert said she is very happy with the improvements at her house and it makes a huge difference when it is raining. She said that she knows of a few neighbours situated up the Street that also need assistance, but they will be in contact with the Municipality. Ald Van Wyk said he is happy with the work that was done and is thankful for funding and grants made available to the Municipality by the Western Cape Minister of Infrastructure from the separate operating account for special projects like these.

Ald Leon van Wyk with Madoda Bokwe, Clerk of Works,  Human Settlements, Planning and Development at Mostert’s home in Isaac Street.

Ald Leon van Wyk and Alice Mostert give the improvements at her home a thumbs up!

Madoda Bokwe, Charne Flores, Project Administrator at Human Settlements, Planning and Development, Mayor Leon van Wyk and Wendy-Ann Mentor, Manager: New Housing from Human Settlements, Planning and Development in front of Mostert’s house.