MEDIA STATEMENT: 9:00 am Status Update – Building Collapse, Victoria Street – George
Issued Garden Route District Joc/George Municipality, 10 May 2024, @ 9am
GRDM JOC confirms that following reports of a private drone flying over the rescue zone at Victoria Street yesterday May 9th, the Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) has declared the incident site at Victoria Street a No-Fly Zone. This restriction will be strictly enforced, and any individuals found violating it will be subject to criminal prosecution.
Total estimated number on-site at the time of incident: 81
Patients retrieved: 37
Patients blue: 9 (deceased)
Patients red status on recovery from site: 15 (critical)
Patients yellow status on recovery from site: 6 (life-threatening injuries)
Patients green status on recovery from site: 7 (minor injuries)
Unaccounted: 44
The rescue operation is approaching 91 hours, as at 10 May.
The rescue operation continues to be a multi-agency approach, involving local excavation contractors, the District Roads Engineer and a large-scale demolition company.
Rescue techniques will still be applied meticulously and sensitively by the highly skilled and experienced disaster management team.
An update will be issued by 12pm on Friday 10 May 2024, – South African Time.
On-site Triage Description
Blue: Deceased
Red: Critical
Yellow: Life-threatening injuries
Green: Minor injuries
Note: Medical Status of patients is not disclosed. The status given is as at recovery from the incident site.
*Note: Person declared deceased as at 10 May is a red patient who was retrieved, has been in hospital, and has now been declared deceased.