Ebb and Flow water update 21 April 2021 at 4.25pm
Pressure differences because of the new pipe installation at Ebb and Flow yesterday has caused a leak to an old connection on the same line. Repairs are already underway and should be resolved in the next two to three hours.
There is currently water in the reservoirs and pipes, but residents are requested to use water sparingly to sustain supply until the system has been reconnected. Water pressure may be lower while repairs are underway. Water tankers will be roaming just in case.
Minor leakages are normal following major repairs, especially in sections where old and new infrastructure connect, and the municipality has the necessary materials to make associated repairs on this site.
The George Municipality apologises of the inconvenience and thanks residents for their ongoing support and understanding.
Water tankers will be roaming in vicinity of Adonis Street, Jasper Street, Thyz Jacobz Retirement Village (Church Street, Hoekwil) and Denneboom Street. The fire department tanker will be stationed at the Touwsranten Superette from 5pm.