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Establishment of Ward Committees (see link for updated schedule for meetings)

Follow the link for the Ward Committees Establishment Schedule –


NOTICE DPD 16/2022



George Municipality started with the process of establishing Ward Committees from

07 February 2022 in all of the 28 wards (see amended schedule below).  In order for any member of the community to qualify as a member of a ward committee he/she must:

  • be a registered voter in the ward;
  • must reside in the ward;
  • represent a sector or geographical area (a ward will be divided into geographical blocks) which is actively involved in some formal developmental activity in the ward;
  • be elected by his or her sector/geographic area to serve on the committee, and remains in good standing as a member of his/her sector/geographic area;
  • not be indebted to the municipality for a period longer than three months, unless he or she can prove that arrangements for the settlement of the account has been made;
  • not be an employee of the local or district municipality;
  • not be a person of unsound mind who has been declared so by a court of law.

A South African Police clearance may be performed on all nominated ward committee members.  A negative outcome will be reported to the Municipal Council to determine the viability of the nominee to serve on the relevant ward committee, or not.

The following are excluded from being represented on a Ward Committee –

  • political parties and political organisations;
  • any organisation that is prohibited in terms of national legislation;
  • trade unions;
  • any other structure or organisation that, in the opinion of the Municipal Council, is not advancing the object of Ward Committees;
  • a serving Municipal Councillor of George Municipality or any other municipality; and
  • government departments at National and Provincial spheres.

Members of the local community are requested to bring their identity document or valid driver’s license on the voting day.

For enquiries please contact Ms Paulina Saaiman or Ms Siphokazi Maku at tel: 044 801 9439 or  e-mail or


Please note that access to all venues is subject to Covid-19 protocols which includes thermal scanning, registration, sanitising of hands, wearing a face mask and only the regulated amount of people will be allowed.


  1. M. GRATZ


Civic Centre

York Street










George Munisipaliteit het vanaf 07 Februarie 2022 begin met die vestigingsproses van die wykskomitees in al 28 wyke (sien gewysigde skedule onder).  Ten einde vir ‘n lid van die gemeenskap om te kwalifiseer as lid van ‘n wykskomitee, moet hy of sy:

  • ‘n geregistreerde kieser in die wyk wees;
  • in die wyk woonagtig wees;
  • ‘n sektor of geografiese gebied verteenwoordig (wyk sal verdeel word in geografiese blokke) wat aktief betrokke is in formele ontwikkelings aktiwiteite in die wyk;
  • gekies word deur sy of haar sektor/geografiese gebied om op die wykskomitee te dien, en hy/sy moet ‘n goeie reputasie as lid van sy/haar sektor/geografiese area behou;
  • nie ‘n agterstallige munisipale dienste rekening hê vir langer as drie maande nie, tensy hy/sy kan bewys dat reëlings getref is vir die vereffening van die rekening;
  • nie in diens wees van die plaaslike of distriksmunisipaliteit nie; en
  • nie geestelik versteurd verklaar wees deur ‘n bevoegde hof nie.

‘n Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens klaring kan uitgevoer word op alle genomineerde wykskomiteelede.  ‘n Negatiewe uitkoms sal gerapporteer word aan die Munisipale Raad ten einde vas te stel of die genomineerde bevoegd is om op die betrokke wykskomitee te dien, al dan nie.

Die volgende is uitgesluit om verteenwoordig te word op die wykskomitees –

  • politieke partye en politieke organisasies;
  • enige organisasie wat ingevolge Nasionale Wetgewing verbied word;
  • vakbonde;
  • enige ander struktuur of organisasie wat, volgens die mening van die Raad, nie die doel van wykskomitees bevorder nie;
  • ‘n dienende Munisipale Raadslid van George Munisipaliteit of enige ander munisipaliteit; en
  • staatsdepartemente op Nasionale- en Provinsiale vlakke.

Lede van die plaaslike gemeenskap word versoek om hul identiteitsdokument of geldige rybewys op die stemdag saam te bring.

Vir enige navrae kontak Me Paulina Saaiman of Me Siphokazi Maku by tel: 044-801 9439 of

e-pos of


Geliewe kennis te neem dat toegang tot alle lokale onderhewig is aan Covid-19 protokolle wat insluit termiese skandering, registrasie, ontsmetting van hande, die dra van ‘n masker en slegs die gereguleerde aantal persone sal toegelaat word.




  1. M. GRATZ









uMasipala waseGeorge uza kuqalisa inkqubo yokumiselwa kweeKomiti zeeWadi ukususela ngomhla wesi- 07 eyoMdumba 2022 kuzo zonke iiwadi ezingama-28 (khangela uludwe lwenkqubo elungisiweyo ngezantsi). Ukuze naliphina ilungu loluNtu libe nokulungela njengelungu lekomiti yewadi kumele li:

  • be ngumvoti obhalisiweyo kwiwadi;
  • hlale kwiwadi;
  • limele icandelo okanye ummandla wejografi (iwadi iyakwahlulelwa kwiindawo zejografi ezinezakhiwo nezitrato macala onke) osebenza ngokukhutheleyo kwimisebenzi ethile yophuhliso esesikweni kwiwadi;
  • lonyulwe licandelo/ ngummandla walo wejografi ukuba lisebenze kwikomiti, kwaye lihlale njengelungu elaziwa ngesimo esilungileyo lecandelo/ lommandla walo wejografi;
  • lingabi natyala kwamasipala lexesha eligqithileyo kwiinyanga ezintathu, ngaphandle kokuba lingabonisa ngobungqina bokuba amalungiselelo okuhlawula ityala enziwe;
  • lingabi ngumsebenzi kamasipala wasekhaya okanye wesiThili;
  • lingabi ngumntu ungaphilanga ngengqondo uye waziswa ngolo hlobo yinkundla efanelekileyo.

Ucoceko kumaPolisa oMzantsi Afrika lungakhangelwa   kuwo onke amalungu ekomiti yewadi onyuliweyo. Isiphumo esingamkelekanga siya kuchazwa kwiBhunga likaMasipala ukuze kumiswe ukuba nokwenzeka kokuba umgqatswa asebenze kwikomiti yewadi enxulumene noko okanye hayi.

Aba balandelayo ababandakanywanga ukuba bamelwe Kwikomiti   yeWadi, –

  • Amaqela epolitiki kunye nemibutho yepolitiki;
  • Nawuphina umbutho othintelweyo ngokowiso -mthetho lwesizwe;
  • Iimanyano zabasebenzi;
  • Nasiphina esinye isakhiwo okanye umbutho ngokoluvo lweBhunga likaMasipala, ongayiqhubeli phambili injongo yeeKomiti zeWadi;
  • uCeba osebenzela uMasipala waseGeorge okanye nawuphina omnye umasipala; kunye
  • namaSebe kaRhulumente kumaSebe eSizwe nePhondo.

Amalungu oluNtu lwasekhaya ayacelwa ukuba eze neSazisi okanye nephepha-mvume lokuqhuba elisemthethweni ngomhla wokuvota.

Malunga nemibuzo qhagamshelana noNksk Paulina Saaiman okanye uNksk Siphokazi Maku kulo mnxeba: 044 801 9439 okanye nge-imeyili okanye


Nceda qaphela ukuba ukufikelela kuzo zonke iindawo zendibano kuxhomekeke kwimithetho yokuziphatha yeCovid-19 equka ukuskenwa kobushushu, ubhaliso, ukucocwa kwezandla, ukunxitywa kwemaski yobuso kwaye linani elimiselweyo labantu kuphela eliya kuvunyelwa.



Civic Centre

York Street