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George Municipality appeals to businesses and the public – ONLY PUT OUT REFUSE ON COLLECTION DAYS

Urgent Public Notice: George Municipality appeals to businesses and the public, in general, to ONLY PUT OUT REFUSE ON COLLECTION DAYS FOR THAT SPECIFIC AREA.

Businesses must only put out refuse on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and NOT on any other day. The businesses, especially the George CBD, should please not put refuse bags out on the sidewalks. Our cleaning teams remove the refuse from the designated spots.

REFUSE REMOVAL: GENERAL• All refuse bags, black, green and blue, must be put out by 07:00 am on the removal day ONLY.• Only 4 green bags are allowed, and unlimited blue bags.• All black bags will be collected over season time (1 Dec 21 – 07 Jan 22) and can also be substituted or combined with bundles of branches/ garden waste. Bundles must not be too big for one person to pick up OR more than 1m in length.• Broken glass should be wrapped in newspaper when thrown into bags to prevent injuries to workers.• Bulky waste must be disposed of at the Gwaiing Landfill Site on R102. The Gwaiing landfill site will be open Monday to Friday at 7:00 until 19:00, Saturdays and Public Holidays from 7:00 until 15:00 (except Christmas Day).

COLLECTION DATES WITH REGARDS TO UPCOMING FESTIVE PUBLIC HOLIDAYSRefuse (black, green and blue bags) will be collected as per normal on 27 December (Monday) 2021.
Affected areas:27 December 2021 – Blanco, Riverlea, Heatherpark, Heatherlands, Glen Barrie, Kraaibosch, Groenkloof, Blue Mountain Village, Herold’s Bay, Victoria Bay, Rondevlei area (George side) and businesses.
CONTACTGeorge Municipality Environmental Services82 Meade Street, George. Phone 044 802 2900Black bag-related enquiries: 044 802 2900Blue and green bag enquiries: LGE Waste, 044 878 0688/lgewaste@gmail.com10 Extension Road, Pacaltsdorp Industrial Area