New email address for Town Planning Complaints
PUBLIC NOTICE: DIRECTORATE PLANNING – New email address for Town Planning Complaints
In continued efforts to improve service delivery and promote ease of doing business the Planning Section of the Directorate: Planning and Development is pleased to announce that a dedicated, centralised departmental email address has been created in addition to the other official enquiry portals of the municipality where complainants may file their complaints and enquiries regarding suspected illegal land use activities.
The e-mail address, is monitored by designated officials who are tasked with ensuring that complainants receive acknowledgement of their complaint or enquiry and that the complaint is duly uploaded to the centralised electronic complaints register of the municipality, during which process a reference number and case officer will be assigned.
Town Planning information is available at The George Municipal mobile application which can be downloaded from to your desktop or cellphone.
Clients are encouraged to only make use of these official portals and refrain from lodging complaints of this nature directly to the e-mail addresses of municipal officials. The above will take effect and commence as from 01 April 2021.