No more controlled burns or permits from 15 November
Please be reminded the George Municipality will not allow controlled burns or issue permits for controlled burns in the municipal area from Monday 15 November 2021.
A controlled burn permit is valid for 12 months from the date of issue but may not be used during the official fire season, which in the Western Cape is usually from November/December to February/March each year.
As a general measure, the municipality prefers that controlled burns are done for agricultural purposes (clearing fields for regrowth) only and NOT for biomass reduction – please consider alternatives such as chipping.
The municipality appeals to the public to always be fire aware, no matter what time of the year it is – please always exercise extreme caution, make fires in protected and designated areas only, and dispose of cigarette butts safely. Burning of garden refuse in residential areas is illegal.
Fire emergencies only 044 801 6311
All after-hours emergencies 044 801 6300
General enquiries (office hours) 044 801 6300