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Dogs on beaches(sand area) detrimental to Blue Flag status

Dogs on beaches(sand area) detrimental to Blue Flag status – we request your co-operation!

George Municipality wishes to inform all dog owners that in order to adhere to the Blue Flag international standards at all of our beaches, it is imperative to enforce strict rules of NO DOGS ON BEACHES (SAND AREAS) that is in line with the Municipality’s By-law, Keeping of dogs, cats and animals.

Wilderness Beach, Herold’s Bay and Victoria Bay have full Blue Flag status and Leeintjiesklip has Pilot status for the 2023 festive season. Blue Flag is an international coastal management programme that accredits beaches that meet standards of excellence in water quality, environmental management, environmental education and information as well as safety and services. In South Africa the programme is implemented by the Wildlife Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA). The Blue Flag season runs from 1 December 2023 to 31 January 2024.

Dog excrement can contaminate the water and jeopardise the Blue Flag status of our beaches – even if the dog poop is picked up. Dog owners are therefore warned to keep dogs on a leash and off the sandy areas at the beaches. Law Enforcement officers will not hesitate to act against those that do not adhere to the By-law.

Further to this By-Law no dog or other animal may be in any public street or public space (any open public space the public has access to which falls under the George Municipal jurisdiction for example beachfronts, parks, sport fields and sidewalks) except on a leash and under control. This is unless the animal is in an area designated by the George Municipality as a free-running area.

A person is not allowed to walk a dog other than a guide dog, ON A BEACHFRONT, a public street, public place, without carrying enough plastic or paper bags or wrappers, to place the excrement into, in the event of the dog defecating. Please note that dogs are allowed on the sidewalk areas, (tarred, brick-paved etc.) of beachfronts, if these conditions are adhered to.

The beach areas under the control of the George Municipality include Herold’s Bay, Gwaiing River Mouth Beach, Victoria Bay and the Leentjiesklip and Wildnerness beach areas up until the NSRI (Salina’s Restaurant). The area to the left of Salina’s Restaurant (facing the sea) falls under Sanparks. The attached map indicates the areas on Wilderness Beach where dogs MAY be walked on the beach.
The George Municipal By-Law may differ from that of other municipalities. Please humanely muzzle and or more can and will be imposed.

Animal owners leaving on vacation should please ensure that they have their animals cared for by a reliable person or at an animal boarding facility such as kennels or catteries.
We ask dog owners to familiarise themselves with a map of Sanparks attached, to see where dogs are allowed on beaches and where not.


Honde op strande (sandgebied) is nadelig vir Blouvlagstatus – ons versoek u samewerking!

George Munisipaliteit wil alle honde-eienaars in kennis stel dat om aan die Blouvlag internasionale standaarde by al ons strande te voldoen, dit noodsaaklik is om streng reëls van GEEN HONDE OP STRANDE (SANDGEBIEDE) af te dwing wat in lyn is met die Munisipaliteit se Bywet, Aanhou van honde, katte en diere.

Wildernisstrand, Heroldsbaai en Victoriabaai het volle Blouvlagstatus en Leeintjiesklip het status vir die 2023-feesseisoen. Blouvlag is ‘n internasionale kusbestuursprogram wat strande akkrediteer wat aan standaarde van uitnemendheid in watergehalte, omgewingsbestuur, omgewingsopvoeding en inligting sowel as veiligheid en dienste voldoen. In Suid-Afrika word die program deur die Wildlife Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA) geïmplementeer. Die Blouvlagseisoen strek van 1 Desember 2023 tot 31 Januarie 2024.

Honde-ontlasting kan die water besoedel en die Blouvlagstatus van ons strande in gedrang bring – selfs al word die honde-afval opgetel. Honde-eienaars word dus gewaarsku om honde aan ‘n leiband en van die sanderige gebiede by die strande af weg te hou. Wetstoepassingsbeamptes sal nie huiwer om op te tree teen diegene wat nie by die Verordening hou nie.

Ingevolge hierdie Verordening mag geen hond of ander dier in enige openbare straat of openbare ruimte wees (enige oop openbare ruimte waartoe die publiek toegang het en wat onder die George Munisipale jurisdiksie val, byvoorbeeld strandfronte, parke, sportvelde en sypaadjies) behalwe aan ‘n leiband en onder beheer. Dit is tensy die dier in ‘n gebied is wat deur die George Munisipaliteit as ‘n vrylopende gebied aangewys is.

‘n Persoon word nie toegelaat om met ‘n ander hond behalwe ‘n gidshond, OP ‘N STRAND, ‘n openbare straat, openbare plek, te loop sonder om genoeg plastiek- of papiersakke of omhulsels te dra, om die ontlasting in te plaas, in die geval die hond ontlas nie. Neem asseblief kennis dat honde op die sypaadjie-gebiede, (geteer, baksteen geplaveide ens.) van strandfronte toegelaat word, indien hierdie voorwaardes nagekom word.
Die strandgebiede onder beheer van die George-munisipaliteit sluit in Heroldsbaai, Gwaiingriviermondstrand, Victoriabaai en die Leentjiesklip- en Wildnerness-strandgebiede tot by die NSRI (Salina’s Restaurant). Die gebied links van Salina’s Restaurant (wat na die see kyk) val onder Sanparke.

Die George Munisipale Verordening kan verskil van dié van ander munisipaliteite. Snoer asseblief jou hond op ‘n menslike manier,om die hond onder beheer te hou, indien die dier as gevaarlik, boosaardig of wreed beskou word. Geen diere moet in ‘n onbewaakte en/of toe voertuig of oop bakkie in enige openbare straat of ruimte gelaat word nie. Indien hierdie verordening nie nagekom word nie, kan en sal ‘n boete van R500 en hoër opgelê word.

Diere-eienaars wat met vakansie vertrek, moet asseblief seker maak dat hulle hul diere deur ‘n betroubare persoon of by ‘n diere-instapfasiliteit soos honde-herberg of katte-herberg versorg word.
Ons vra honde-eienaars om hulself te vergewis van ‘n kaart van Sanparke wat aangeheg is, om te sien waar honde op strande toegelaat word en waar nie.