PUBLIC NOTICE: THE ART OF PITCHING “how to communicate your business”
PUBLIC NOTICE: THE ART OF PITCHING “how to communicate your business”
The George Municipality, Economic Development in collaboration with SEDA
are hosting Art of Pitching Bootcamp.
Interested entrepreneurs are requested to register to Ongeziwe Mthongwana by RSVP by
Friday, 21 October 2022 on 044 801 9462 or email .
24 -25 October, 08h30 daily
Banqueting Hall, Civic Centre, York Street in George
This intervention will capacitate the entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge in the following areas:
• Develop a winning Business Model Canvas.
• Present business cases effectively.
• Conduct pitching event searches.
• Access finance.
• Improve deal flow for investors.
• Conduct persuasive pitches for potential funders, and
• Use of digital tools such as Facebook business, Instagram and WhatsApp Business.