PUBLIC NOTICE: Victoria Street Entry Gate to George Municipality Remains Open
Following a review of the potential adverse traffic impact, the public is hereby informed that the George Municipality has revised its decision regarding the closure of the Victoria Street entry gate at the George Municipality Main Building.
It was resolved that the Victoria Street entry gate will remain open and that further traffic calming measures will be explored to enhance the safety of employees and the public using the facility.
All drivers are urged to be vigilant for pedestrians and maintain low speeds in the area. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to safety.
ISAZISO SOLUNTU: Isango lokungena kwiSitalato iVictoria kuMasipala waseGeorge lisahleli livuliwe
Ikhutshwe nguMasipala waseGeorge
Ukulandela uphononongo lwefuthe elibi elinokubakho lezendlela, uluntu luyaziswa ukuba uMasipala waseGeorge usihlaziyile isigqibo sakhe malunga nokuvalwa kwesango lokungena kwisitalato iVictoria kwiSakhiwo esiPhambili sikaMasipala waseGeorge.
Kugqitywe ukuba isango lokungena kwisitalato iVictoria liya kuhlala livuliwe nokuba amanye amanyathelo okuthomalalisa izithuthi aya kuphononongwa ukomeleza ukhuseleko lwabasebenzi noluntu olusebenzisa eli ziko.
Bayabongozwa bonke abaqhubi ukuba baqaphele abahambi ngeenyawo kwaye bagcine isantya esiphantsi kwindawo leyo. Enkosi ngentsebenziswano kunye nokuzibophelela kukhuseleko.
OPENBARE KENNISGEWING: Victoriastraat-toegangshek na George Munisipaliteit bly oop
Uitgereik deur George Munisipaliteit
Na ‘n hersiening van die moontlike nadelige verkeersimpak, word die publiek hiermee ingelig dat die George Munisipaliteit sy besluit oor die sluiting van die Victoriastraat-toegangshek by die George Munisipale hoofgebou hersien het.
Daar is besluit dat die Victoriastraat-toegangshek oop sal bly en dat verdere verkeersbeperkende maatreëls ondersoek sal word om die veiligheid van werknemers en die publiek wat die terrein gebruik, te verbeter.
Alle voertuigbestuurders word versoek om waaksaam te wees vir voetgangers en lae spoed op die terrein te handhaaf. Dankie vir jul samewerking en toewyding tot veiligheid.