Roadworks Lawaaikamp
Upgrade of residential roads and associated stormwater infrastructure servicing Lawaaikamp including Charlie Hugo, Willie Schaap, Ellen Vena, Vuyani Ncamazana, Florence Ntondini and Melford Notshokovu Streets will impact residents and motorists for the period 16 November 2021 to 10 June 2022.
PROJECT: Lawaaikamp roads and stormwater upgrade
DESCRIPTION: The existing roads and associated stormwater infrastructure servicing Lawaaikamp including Charlie Hugo, Willie Schaap, Ellen Vena, Vuyani Ncamazana, Florence Ntondini and Melford Notshokovu Streets will be upgraded.
PROJECT PERIOD: 16 November 2021 to 10 June 2022
SERVICE DISRUPTION: Municipal services may be disrupted during construction. Advance notification of planned temporary disruptions will be sent out via social media.
TRAFFIC IMPACT: Caution needs to be exercised by motorists and pedestrians for the duration of the construction period. Adherence to temporary road signage and markings will be required. Most of the work will be executed on the side of road, but full road width reconstruction and road crossings will also be undertaken. Traffic control will be in place to guide road users.
ACCESS TO SITE: Access to the site will be strictly controlled. Any member of the public who enters the site will have to comply with the relevant requirements in terms of the Health and Safety Act and National State of Disaster: COVID-19 Regulations.
PROJECT ENQUIRIES: Urhwebo e-Transand – Klasie Lategan 044 695 0105