Operation Kleinkrantz, Hoekwil and Touwsranten a resounding success
George Municipality launched the first of its ongoing Operation Cleanup’s for 2022 with 4 days dedicated to Kleinkrantz, Hoekwil and Touwsranten last week. This operation was meant to have taken place in November 2021 but was postponed following the severe flash floods experienced in George.

Ward 4 Councillor, Marlene Barnardt expressed her gratitude towards the various directorates who participated in the 4 days operation last week. “ I visited Kleinkrantz several times during the operation and would like to commend the whole of Community Services who did a great job of clearing and cleaning streets, pruning trees and so on. I was very pleased to see the areas being given the necessary attention they deserve,” said Cllr Barnardt.

Community Services: Cleansing, Social Services, Parks and Recreation
A number of illegal dump sites were cleared as well as streets cleaned of weeds and swept by a team of EPWP workers together with a JCB. Social Services together with the Department of Health and South African Police Services (SAPS) visited the area to provide information on available services. Residents were assisted with referrals to the relevant government departments for their needs. Discussions were held with residents around the dangers of illegal dumping as part of George Municipality’s ongoing awareness campaign.

Kleinkrantz Creche and Sonneblom Creche in Touwrantanten are two of the 28 creches that are assisted by the George Municipality. Our officials visited last week to review their daily activities with the toddlers, to look at maintenance issues and equipment requirements. Where possible the George Muncipality will assist and/or refer the matter to Early Childhood Development section of Basic Education Department for further action.

Parks and Recreation cut grass in municipal open spaces, sprayed herbicide on pavements for weeds. Parks and Recreation staff spent some time clearing and cutting grass around Sonneblom Creche. Another team focused on trimming trees in Kleinkrantz area.
Planning: Building Control
Directorate for Planning and Development sent two assistant Building Control officers, Eddie Koeberg and Mkhululi Nkeya to review the areas and a number of illegal advertising boards were removed.

Civil Engineering Services
Civils teams updated roadmarkings and signage in all three areas. The sewer teams walked the main sewer lines to inspect for any spillage or leaks.
Electrotechnical Services
The Client Services team for Electrotechnical worked their way through the Kleinkrantz informal settlement, addressing complaints and checking prepaid meters and ready boards. The streetlights team repaired a number of street lights in Kleinkrantz, the informal settlement, Kerk Street in Hoekwil and Touwsranten.

Protection Services: Traffic
Traffic Officers patrolled the area of Kleinkrantz, Hoekwil and Touwsranten and did speed enforcement in Hoekwil. The drunk driving kit was set up in Kleinkrantz and local residents were encouraged to test goggles that simulate the effects of drunk driving.