Phased-in roll-out for Thembalethu
GO GEORGE has announced that the bus service to Thembalethu will be activated in three stages with the first wheels rolling down Nelson Mandela Boulevard soon. The other two stages will follow soon thereafter.
The George Council accepted that it had not been possible to make the initial November deadline, but resolved that service should roll out as soon as possible with a further announcement to be made at least one week before the activation of the routes. The current preparations are all seen as part of rolling out the service.
Three stages of roll-out
Stage 1:
Route 11 Thembalethu – GR Mall
Route 18A Thembalethu – Blanco
Route 18B Fourways – Blanco
Route 57A Jonga Community
Route 57B Ramaphosa Community
Route 57C Tabata Community
Stage 2:
Route 10 Thembalethu – George Industria
Route 57D Fourways Community
Stage 3:
Route 4A Thembalethu – CBD
Route 4A Express Thembalethu – CBD
Route 4B Fourways – CBD
Route 57E Ngcakani Community
Route 62A Jonga – Hospital
Route 62B Ramaphosa – Hospital
Route 62C Tabata – Hospital
Information about the Thembalethu service
The first phase of the Thembalethu roll-out information campaign focused on visits to businesses in town employing Thembalethu residents, followed by a three-week campaign at the Thembalethu clinic and library, and engagement with staff at schools and educational institutions. To date, these activities resulted in one-on-one engagement with 7 748 individuals.
On 7 February, the communication champions started with door-to-door engagement with residents at their homes, which to date, has covered 1 972 homes and approximately 7 888 household members. Information sheets containing route maps of the phased-in roll-out are being handed out and explained to prospective passengers. The unanimous response to the news that the buses are definitely still coming is that of excitement, relief, and gratitude.
All-over readiness
Infrastructure such as bus stops, temporary shelters and operational facilities are on schedule and mostly completed. Residents should soon see buses driving through the area testing schedules and routes.
Anyone who would like to request an informational visit to their staff or organisation can call the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044 from 05:00 until 20:00, seven days a week.
Themba clinic:
These women visiting the Thembalethu Clinic were excited to learn more about the upcoming bus service to Thembalethu. From left, Phumzile Bonga, Siphokazi Goliath, communication champion Akhona Gxumisa, and Inna Adam. The name of the woman on the right is not known.
Tyron door to door:
Thembalethu residents are welcoming the GO GEORGE communication champions to their homes. Here Tyron Jeyi, GO GEORGE community liaison officer, explains to a lady what to expect from the bus service.
Door-to-door cleaning can wait:
Cleaning can wait! Vuyelwa Myali is listening attentively to communication champion Nomnikelo Bolitye explaining how she can use the bus service.
Engagement in Blanco:
From restaurants, gymnasiums and factories to nurseries and petrol stations – all over George, staff residing in Thembalethu are taking a moment to listen to what they can expect when the bus service rolls out to their area. Here, Tyron Jeyi, GO GEORGE community liaison officer, chats to workers at a garage in Blanco.
PERSVERKLARING: Thembalethu-busdiens ingefaseer
Uitgereik: 24 Feb 2023
GO GEORGE het aangekondig dat die busdiens na Thembalethu in drie fases geaktiveer sal word met die eerste wiele wat binnekort in Nelson Mandela Boulevard af sal rol. Die ander twee fases sal kort daarna volg.
Die George-raad het aanvaar dat dit nie moontlik was om die aanvanklike sperdatum in November te haal nie, maar het besluit dat die diens so gou moontlik moet uitrol met ‘n verdere aankondiging wat minstens een week voor die aktivering van die roetes gemaak moet word. Die huidige voorbereidings word alles gesien as deel van die uitrol van die diens.
Drie fases van uitrol
Fase 1:
Roete 11 Thembalethu – GR Mall
Roete 18A Thembalethu – Blanco
Roete 18B Fourways – Blanco
Roete 57A Jonga Community
Roete 57B Ramaphosa Community
Roete 57C Tabata Community
Fase 2:
Roete 10 Thembalethu – George Industria
Roete 57D Fourways Community
Fase 3:
Roete 4A Thembalethu – CBD
Roete 4A Express Thembalethu – CBD
Roete 4B Fourways – CBD
Roete 57E Ngcakani Community
Roete 62A Jonga – Hospitaal
Roete 62B Ramaphosa – Hospitaal
Roete 62C Tabata – Hospitaal
Inligting oor die Thembalethu-diens
Die eerste fase van die Thembalethu-inligtingsveldtog het gefokus op besoeke aan besighede in die dorp wat inwoners van Thembalethu in diens het, gevolg deur ‘n drie-weke lange veldtog by die Thembalethu-kliniek en -biblioteek, en skakeling met personeel by skole en opvoedkundige instellings. Tot op hede het hierdie aktiwiteite gelei tot een-tot-een skakeling met 7 748 individue.
Op 7 Februarie het die passasiersdiensbeamptes (champions) begin met deur-tot-deur skakeling met inwoners by hul huise, wat tot op hede 1 972 huise en ongeveer 7 888 lede van huishoudings gedek het. Inligtingsblaaie wat roetekaarte van die ingefaseerde uitrol bevat, word uitgedeel en aan voornemende passasiers verduidelik. Die eenparige reaksie op die nuus dat die busse beslis nog kom, is dié van opgewondenheid, verligting en dankbaarheid.
Algehele gereedheid
Infrastruktuur soos bushaltes, tydelike skuilings en operasionele fasiliteite is op skedule en is meestal voltooi. Inwoners behoort binnekort busse deur die gebied te sien ry vir die toetsing van skedules en roetes.
Enigiemand wat ‘n inligtingsbesoek aan hul personeel of organisasie wil versoek, kan die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum skakel by 0800 044 044 van 05:00 tot 20:00, sewe dae per week.
Themba clinic:
Hierdie vroue wat die Thembalethu-kliniek besoek het, was opgewonde om meer te wete te kom oor die komende busdiens na Thembalethu. Van links, Phumzile Bonga, Siphokazi Goliath, passasiersdiensbeampte Akhona Gxumisa, en Inna Adam. Die naam van die vrou aan die regterkant is nie bekend nie.
Tyron door to door:
Thembalethu-inwoners verwelkom die GO GEORGE- passasiersdiensbeamptes in hul huise. Hier verduidelik Tyron Jeyi, GO GEORGE-gemeenskapskakelbeampte, aan ‘n dame wat om van die busdiens te verwag.
Door-to-door cleaning can wait:
Skoonmaak kan wag! Vuyelwa Myali luister aandagtig na die passasiersdiensbeampte, Nomnikelo Bolitye, wat verduidelik hoe sy die busdiens kan gebruik.
Engagement in Blanco:
Van restaurante, gimnasiums en fabrieke tot kwekerye en vulstasies – regoor George neem personeel wat in Thembalethu woon ‘n oomblik om te luister na wat hulle kan verwag wanneer die busdiens na hul area uitrol. Hier gesels Tyron Jeyi, GO GEORGE-gemeenskapskakelbeampte, met werkers by ‘n motorhawe in Blanco.