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Please don’t give money or handouts to individuals begging on the streets

We kindly request that you refrain from giving money or handouts to individuals, including both children and adults, who are begging on the streets.

The George Municipality urges the residents of George to be part of the solution for those living on the streets by directing their donations to reputable organizations like the George Night Shelter or Kidstop. This approach is far more effective than providing direct assistance to people begging at street intersections, which has become a growing concern.

Regrettably, providing money or handouts to individuals on the streets can perpetuate their homelessness and lead to negative long-term consequences.

If you wish to make a positive impact, you can get in touch with the following organizations:

  • Freddy Trout, PASA (People Against Substance Abuse) at 068 487 4848.
  • Jonathan Gelderbloem, YFC Kidstop at 044 874 2624/044 875 1794.
  • Department of Social Services at 044 814 1920.
  • Andre Olivier from Cremhog via email at

Please note that living on the streets is not a criminal offense, and individuals cannot be arrested or relocated without their consent. The responsibility to assist people living on the streets mainly falls under the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the National Department of Social Development.

George residents, business owners, and organizations interested in helping the homeless or sharing innovative ideas for their support are encouraged to participate in the monthly PLOTS meeting.

For more information, please contact Estelle Fredericks at 044 802 2000, extension 2015 during office hours.


Moet asseblief nie geld of uitdeelstukke aan individue gee wie op straat bedel nie

Ons versoek u vriendelik om nie geld of uitdeelstukke aan individue te gee, insluitend beide kinders en volwassenes, wat op straat bedel nie.

George-munisipaliteit doen ‘n beroep op die inwoners van George om deel te wees van die oplossing vir diegene wat op straat woon deur hul skenkings aan betroubare organisasies soos die George Night Shelter of Kidstop te rig. Hierdie benadering is baie meer doeltreffend as om direkte hulp te verleen aan mense wat by straatkruisings bedel, wat ‘n toenemende bekommernis is.

Ongelukkig kan die verskaffing van geld of uitdeelstukke aan individue op straat hul haweloosheid voortduur en tot negatiewe langtermyngevolge lei.

As jy ‘n positiewe impak wil maak, kan jy met die volgende organisasies in aanraking kom:

  • Freddy Trout, PASA (People Against Substance Abuse) by 068 487 4848.
  • Jonathan Gelderbloem, YFC Kidstop by 044 874 2624/044 875 1794.
  • Departement Maatskaplike Dienste by 044 814 1920.
  • Andre Olivier van Cremhog via e-pos by

Neem asseblief kennis dat om op straat te lewe  nie ‘n kriminele oortreding is nie, en individue kan nie in hegtenis geneem of hervestig word sonder hul toestemming nie. Die verantwoordelikheid om mense wat op straat woon by te staan, val hoofsaaklik onder die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) en die Nasionale Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling.

George-inwoners, sake-eienaars en organisasies wat belangstel om haweloses te help of innoverende idees vir hul ondersteuning te deel, word aangemoedig om aan die maandelikse PLOTS-vergadering deel te neem.

Vir meer inligting, kontak asseblief Estelle Fredericks by 044 802 2000, uitbreiding 2015 gedurende kantoorure.