R544 470 for broken bus windows in one year
In the photo above, damage through an incident such as this can cause the driver to lose control of the bus as his vision is suddenly obstructed by the shattered glass. It could result in serious injuries and death of passengers and staff on the bus. The replacement cost in this case was about R20 000.
A total of 38 incidents of stone-throwing at GO GEORGE buses have been reported since April last year. The repair of damaged bus windows during this period has cost the George Public Transport Network (GIPTN) R544 470.
“Vandalism of GO GEORGE infrastructure and buses is a serious concern as it affects the quality of the service experience of our passengers and detracts from our mission of delivering a dignified and safe public transport service,” said Morné Lakay, GO GEORGE Manager. “A damaged bus is taken out of service for repairs, which places pressure on the existing fleet. Delays in coordinating a replacement bus may lead to a ripple effect where the service for the day runs late.”
According to Lakay, acts of vandalism often occur as a prank and may not be seen as a crime. “But damaging public property is a criminal offence and culprits will be treated as such and prosecuted, ending up with a criminal record. Throwing stones at a bus is a senseless act of vandalism. It endangers the lives of passengers and staff and can cause serious injuries.”
Most at risk are buses – damage to windows as well as seats inside the bus – and public infrastructure at the bus stops such as glass panels and service information stickers in the bus shelters.
Lakay says they are appealing to the community to become involved by promoting ownership and territorial responsibility towards buses and bus facilities in their area. “We need the help of parents, teachers, community influencers, youth leaders, religious and business organisations to instil the right values in youngsters, to make them understand the consequences of their ‘pranks’ and to put a stop to the senseless attack on a service that benefits their own community.”
GO GEORGE appeals to the public to discourage and help stop vandalism and to report any vandalising activities by phoning the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044. Photos of the culprits in the act, without endangering the photographer, will be very helpful.
In a case like this, a stone or brick thrown at a bus could break through the window and land on passengers. It costs R19 100 to replace this window. GO GEORGE appeals to the public to discourage and help stop vandalism.
R544 470 vir stukkende busvensters in een jaar
Uitgereik Maandag 15 April 2024
Altesaam 38 voorvalle van klipgooiery na GO GEORGE-busse is sedert April verlede jaar aangemeld. Die herstel van beskadigde busvensters gedurende hierdie tydperk het die George Openbare Vervoernetwerk (GIPTN) R544 470 gekos.
“Vandalisme van GO GEORGE-infrastruktuur en busse is ‘n ernstige bron van kommer aangesien dit die gehalte van die dienservaring van ons passasiers beïnvloed en afbreuk doen aan ons missie om ‘n waardige en veilige openbare vervoerdiens te lewer,” het Morné Lakay, GO GEORGE-bestuurder, gesê. “‘n Beskadigde bus word uit diens onttrek vir herstelwerk, wat druk op die oorblywende vloot plaas. Vertragings met die koördinering van ‘n vervangingsbus kan tot ‘n rimpeleffek lei waar die diens vir die hele dag laat loop.”
Volgens Lakay word dade van vandalisme dikwels as ‘n poets gesien sonder om dit as ‘n misdaad te beskou. “Maar die beskadiging van openbare eiendom is ‘n kriminele oortreding en skuldiges sal as sodanig behandel en vervolg word, wat met ‘n kriminele rekord eindig. Om klippe na ‘n bus te gooi is ‘n sinnelose daad van vandalisme. Dit stel passasiers en personeel se lewens in gevaar en kan ernstige beserings veroorsaak.”
Die grootste risiko is busse – skade aan vensters asook sitplekke in die bus – en openbare infrastruktuur by die bushaltes soos glaspanele en diensinligtingsplakkers in die busskuilings.
Lakay sê hulle doen ‘n beroep op die gemeenskap om betrokke te raak deur eienaarskap en territoriale verantwoordelikheid teenoor busse en busgeriewe in hul omgewing te bevorder. “Ons het die hulp van ouers, onderwysers, gemeenskapsbeïnvloeders, jeugleiers, godsdiens- en sake-organisasies nodig om die regte waardes by jongmense te vestig, om hulle die gevolge van hul ‘poetse’ te laat verstaan en om die sinnelose aanval op ‘n diens wat hul eie gemeenskap bevoordeel, stop te sit.”
GO GEORGE doen ‘n beroep op die publiek om vandalisme te ontmoedig en stop te sit en om enige vandaliserende aktiwiteite aan te meld deur die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel. Foto’s van die skuldiges op die daad, sonder om die fotograaf in gevaar te stel, sal baie nuttig wees.
1. Skade deur ‘n voorval soos hierdie kan veroorsaak dat die bestuurder beheer oor die bus verloor, aangesien sy visie skielik deur die gebreekte glas belemmer word. Die vervangingskoste in hierdie geval het omtrent R20 000 beloop.
2. In ‘n geval soos hierdie kan ‘n klip of baksteen wat na ‘n bus gegooi word, deur die venster breek en op passasiers beland. Dit kos R19 100 om hierdie ruit te vervang. GO GEORGE doen ‘n beroep op die publiek om vandalisme te ontmoedig en te help om dit stop te sit.