Following the bombing of a GO GEORGE bus this past week, George Municipality and the Western Cape Government have resolved to combine resources in offering a financial reward to help bring the perpetrators to book.
George Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk, strongly condemned the incident in Pacaltsdorp where a petrol bomb was thrown into a bus carrying passengers. Final figures confirm that 11 passengers have been taken to hospital by ambulance – eight of them have been treated for burn wounds of whom two have been admitted to hospital. The SA Police Service is investigating the incident.
“We are abhorred at the atrocious act and want to see those responsible meet the full brunt of the law,” Van Wyk said. “We need the cooperation of the community to come forward with any information that could lead to the conviction of these persons. We cannot and will not allow this type of action to jeopardise the safety of our residents and the operations of our much needed public bus service.”
People with information regarding the attack should phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044. Call Centre agents will notify the designated person(s) to return the call and take down information which will be treated with the utmost confidence. Take note that only information that leads to conviction will be considered for the reward.
Ná die bomaanval op ‘n GO GEORGE-bus die afgelope week het George-munisipaliteit en die Wes-Kaapse regering besluit om hulpbronne te kombineer om ‘n finansiële beloning aan te bied om die oortreders aan die pen te laat ry.
George se uitvoerende burgemeester, raadsheer Leon van Wyk, het die voorval in Pacaltsdorp waar ‘n petrolbom in ‘n bus met passasiers gegooi is, ten sterkste veroordeel. Finale syfers bevestig dat 11 passasiers per ambulans hospitaal toe geneem is – agt van hulle is vir brandwonde behandel van wie twee opgeneem is in die hospitaal. Die SA Polisiediens ondersoek die voorval.
“Ons verafsku die gruwelike daad en wil sien dat diegene wat verantwoordelik is, met die volle impak van die reg kennis maak,” het Van Wyk gesê. “Ons het die samewerking van die gemeenskap nodig om na vore te kom met enige inligting wat tot die skuldigbevinding van hierdie persone kan lei. Ons kan en sal nie toelaat dat hierdie tipe optrede die veiligheid van ons inwoners en die bedrywighede van ons broodnodige openbare busdiens in gevaar stel nie.”
Mense met inligting oor die aanval moet die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 skakel. Die agente sal die aangewese persoon in kennis stel om die oproep te beantwoord en inligting af te neem wat met die grootste vertroulikheid hanteer sal word. Let daarop dat slegs inligting wat tot skuldigbevinding lei, vir die beloning oorweeg sal word.