Issued George Municipality, 27 January 11h50
Test results received for 26 January, indicate that the Touw River is NON-COMPLIANT at Ebb & Flow area for Full Contact and NO SWIMMING OR WATERSPORTS IS ALLOWED at this stage.
Lagoon Mouth NON-COMPLIANT, no swimming is allowed, however, intermediate contact is allowed and therefore canoeing and water sports where you do not touch the water are permitted.
The results are compliant for Fairy Knowe and swimming and water sports are permitted.
Issued George Municipality, 26 January 11h00
Test results received for 25 January, indicate that the Touw River is COMPLIANT for Full Contact.
SWIMMING, canoeing, and water sports are allowed at all areas – Ebb and Flow, Fairy Knowe and Lagoon/ river mouth.
Issued by George Municipality 26 Jan 2022 at 11h00
Issued George Municipality, 25 January 10h00
Test results received for 24 January, indicate that the Touw River is COMPLIANT for Full Contact.
SWIMMING, canoeing, and water sports are allowed at all areas – Ebb and Flow, Fairy Knowe and Lagoon/ river mouth.
Issued by George Municipality 25 Jan 2022 at 10h00
Issued George Municipality, 24 January 10h00
Test results received for 23 January, indicate that the Touw River is COMPLIANT for Full Contact.
SWIMMING, canoeing and water sports are allowed at all areas – Ebb and Flow, Fairy Knowe and Lagoon/ river mouth.
Issued by George Municipality 24 Jan 2022 at 10h00
Issued George Municipality, 23 January 10h00
Test results received for 22 January, indicate that the Touw River remains NON-COMPLIANT at Ebb and Flow and Fairy Knowe area for Full Contact and NO SWIMMING IS ALLOWED at this stage. Intermediate contact is allowed and therefore canoeing and water sports where you do not touch the water are permitted.
The results are compliant for the River mouth/lagoon and swimming and water sports are permitted.
Issued by George Municipality 23 Jan 2022 at 10h00
Issued George Municipality, 22 January 10h00
Test results received for 21 January, indicate that the Touw River remains NON-COMPLIANT at Ebb and Flow and Fairy Knowe area for Full Contact and NO SWIMMING IS ALLOWED at this stage. Intermediate contact is allowed and therefore canoeing and water sports where you do not touch the water are permitted.
The results are compliant for the River mouth/lagoon and swimming and water sports are permitted. Issued by George Municipality 22 Jan 2022 at 10h00