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Notice Archive

Notice: Interruption of The Electricity Supply


Portion Of Pacaltsdorp Industrial

Pioneer Str

NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on SATURDAY 05 FEBRUARY 2022 FROM  09H00 TO 11H00 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains.  Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on SUNDAY 06 FEBRUARY 2022 FROM  09H00 TO 11H00

For enquiries contact: R Jacobs on Tel:  044 874 3917

Date Issued: 02\02\2022

Public Notice: Swimming Pools In The George Municipality Municipal Jurisdiction Are Open To Public

Issued George Municipality on 1 February 2022

The Conville public swimming pool has been opened for the public, as of 31 January 2022. The Uniondale public swimming pool will be opened to the public with effect from 4 February 2022.  


  • Monday to Friday: 13:00 – 16:00 (with 2 Lifeguards on Duty)
  • Saturdays and Sundays (Public Holidays): 09:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 16:00 with 2 Lifeguards on Duty and one Lifeguard on standby.


Conville Swimming Pool:

  • The maximum number of people allowed during normal operations will be 200 people in total (swimming or not).
  • The maximum number of people allowed in the bathrooms is 10 in each ladies’ and men’s bathroom.
  • Wearing a mask in the building and in the bathrooms is mandatory.
  • Entrance to the facility will be controlled by conducting screening including a register where every person signs in.

Uniondale Swimming Pool:

  • The maximum number of people allowed during normal operations is 50 people in total (swimming or not).
  • The maximum number of people allowed in the bathrooms is – 5 men and 5 ladies
  • Wearing a mask in the building and in the bathrooms is mandatory.
  • Entrance to the facility will be controlled by conducting screening including a register where every person signs in.


Non-Sporting events:

  • Entrance fee: Adult (Including children 16years and above): R 11,50 per person
  • Children (15 years & under): R 3,50 per child
  • Season ticket: Adult (Including children 16years and above): R315,00
  • Children (15 years & under): R253,00 per child
  • Half Season ticket: Adult (Including children 16years and above): R157,50
  • Children (15 years & under): R126,00 per child
  • Swimming tuition: 8 lessons per person: R 77,50 / person (Both adult and children)

Sporting events:

Hire of Conville Swimming Pool:

• Galas for Adults: R1 235,00 / day

• Swimming: R 133,00 / hour

• Galas for Schools: Monday to Friday: R193,00 /hour Saturday to Sunday &Public Holidays: R293,00/hour

• School competitions:

  • Individual School competitions: R 62,00 /hour
  • Individual School training sessions: R 92,00 / hour session
  • Floodlights: R 65,00 / hour
  • Touchpads: R3 785,00 / day

PLEASE NOTE: Entry fee to the Swimming Pools is VAT INCLUSIVE

For enquiries/bookings: Conville Swimming Pool

Tel: 044 801 9488

Contact persons:

G de Villiers Email: – Sport Development Assistant

LY Botha Email  – Sport Development Officer

Riaan Swart Email

Enrico Engelbrecht Email  

For enquiries/Bookings: Uniondale Swimming Pool

Tel: 044-8019020 / 044 7521024 (Uniondale Office)

Delays in switching on and off streetlights in the East of George

Please note that there are currently delays in the switching on and off, of streetlights in the eastern suburbs of George.  This is due to vandalism to the George Municipal fibre infrastructure.

Technicians are working to get this service restored.

REMEMBER: The George Municipality offers a reward for information that leads to the successful conviction of electrical theft and /vandalism in a court of law. The witness will have to go on record to the authorities, giving his/her name and contact details to testify, but his/her identity will be protected. Report to 0860 044 044

UPDATE: Media Alert, N2 temporarily closed 27 January @ 15h45

A truck overturned on the N2 near the Herolds Bay turnoff, direction Mosselbay, earlier this morning.

The N2 Highway has been temporarily closed for approximately 1hour, as follows:

  • Both lanes on the N2 Highway have been closed
  • Traffic officers are diverting motorists to the R102 past the airport
  • Diversion points are the Pacaltsdorp and Heralds Bay bridges on the N2

Mop-up operations are in progress, emergency workers are still on the scene removing the truck from the road.

Please continue to drive cautiously as traffic became slow due to a detour to the alternative route.

Issued George Mun


A truck overturned on the N2 near the Herolds Bay turnoff, direction Mosselbay, earlier this morning.

The N2 Highway is partially open as follows:

  • West to East lanes (Cape Town to George) has been reopened for traffic; no need to use R 404 toward the George Airport and R 102 to George at this stage.
  • East to West lanes (George to Cape Town); only one lane is open for traffic. Please drive cautiously.

Emergency workers are still on the scene removing the truck from the road. Our disaster management warns that the N2 will be temporarily closed later this afternoon as the mop-up exercise will get more complex.  

We will issue a warning as soon as that is about to happen.

Issued George Mun

UPDATE: Media Alert, 27 January @ 09h00

Truck has overturned on the N2 near the Herolds Bay turnoff.

The road has been temporarily closed from traffic moving from West to East (Cape Town to George), for approximately an hour. Motorists are advised to take the turnoff to the George Airport R 404, then into R 102 into York Street in George then turn right to join the N2 on the Pacaltsdorp intersection.

All emergency role players are currently on the scene, trying to remove the truck from the road.

Motorists are requested to proceed with caution.

Issued George Mun


Issued George Municipality, 27 January 11h50

Test results received for 26 January, indicate that the Touw River is NON-COMPLIANT at Ebb & Flow area for Full Contact and NO SWIMMING OR WATERSPORTS IS ALLOWED at this stage.

Lagoon Mouth NON-COMPLIANT, no swimming is allowed, however, intermediate contact is allowed and therefore canoeing and water sports where you do not touch the water are permitted.

The results are compliant for Fairy Knowe and swimming and water sports are permitted.

Issued George Municipality, 26 January 11h00

Test results received for 25 January, indicate that the Touw River is COMPLIANT for Full Contact.

SWIMMING, canoeing, and water sports are allowed at all areas – Ebb and Flow, Fairy Knowe and Lagoon/ river mouth.

Issued by George Municipality 26 Jan 2022 at 11h00

Issued George Municipality, 25 January 10h00

Test results received for 24 January, indicate that the Touw River is COMPLIANT for Full Contact.

SWIMMING, canoeing, and water sports are allowed at all areas – Ebb and Flow, Fairy Knowe and Lagoon/ river mouth.

Issued by George Municipality 25 Jan 2022 at 10h00

Issued George Municipality, 24 January 10h00

Test results received for 23 January, indicate that the Touw River is COMPLIANT for Full Contact.
SWIMMING, canoeing and water sports are allowed at all areas – Ebb and Flow, Fairy Knowe and Lagoon/ river mouth.

Issued by George Municipality 24 Jan 2022 at 10h00

Issued George Municipality, 23 January 10h00

Test results received for 22 January, indicate that the Touw River remains NON-COMPLIANT at Ebb and Flow and Fairy Knowe area for Full Contact and NO SWIMMING IS ALLOWED at this stage. Intermediate contact is allowed and therefore canoeing and water sports where you do not touch the water are permitted.

The results are compliant for the River mouth/lagoon and swimming and water sports are permitted.

Issued by George Municipality 23 Jan 2022 at 10h00

Issued George Municipality, 22 January 10h00

Test results received for 21 January, indicate that the Touw River remains NON-COMPLIANT at Ebb and Flow and Fairy Knowe area for Full Contact and NO SWIMMING IS ALLOWED at this stage. Intermediate contact is allowed and therefore canoeing and water sports where you do not touch the water are permitted.

The results are compliant for the River mouth/lagoon and swimming and water sports are permitted. Issued by George Municipality 22 Jan 2022 at 10h00

UPDATE: Power Supply Restored in parts of Wilderness 27 Jan 2022

Power supply has been restored in parts of Wilderness. The affected streets were Louis, Cedric & The waves.

Issued by George Municipality

27 Jan 2022 at 09:35

Power is currently off in parts of Wilderness. Affected streets are Louis, Cedric & The waves. Electricians are out to investigate the cause of the power outage.

Issued by George Municipality
27 Jan 2022 at 07:40

Ward Committees: Database for Registered sectors / organisations and division of wards into block

NOTICE NR.  DPD 003/2022

Notice is hereby given that the ward committee database for registered sectors/ organisations as well as maps, which contain the division of the wards into blocks, are available for comments from *27 January 2022 – 03 February 2022* at the area offices and at the Uniondale Office.  

Please contact the following persons in this regard.

Wards: 1,3,22,26

Contact Person: Marshel Abrahams

Tel: 044-803 9275

Wards: 2,5,6,18

Contact Person: Garth Meyer

Tel: 044-801 9379

Wards: 8,17,20

Contact Person: Maria Figeland

Tel: 044-803 9261

Wards: 7,9,10,11,12,13,15,21  

Contact Person: Thembakazi Matseke

Tel: 044-801 9448

Wards: 14

Contact Person: Berenice Arries

Tel: 044-803 9295

Wards: 16

Contact Person: Karin Samson

Tel: 044-801 9111 (x2797)

Wards: 23,27

Contact Person: Evangeline Thorne

Tel: 044-803 9286  

Wards: 4 ,19

Contact Person: Walter Damons

Tel: 044-803 9280

Wards: 24, 25

Contact Person: Marildien Olivier

Tel: 044-752 1024

Wards: 28

Contact Person: Paulina Saaiman

Tel: 044-801 9074