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Community Safety Forum Hosts Quarterly Meeting to Strengthen Safety Initiatives in George

In the photo is the George Community Safety Forum convening its quarterly meeting

The George Community Safety Forum convened its quarterly meeting on Wednesday, 02 October 2024, at the George Municipality Council Chambers—the meeting aimed to bolster safety measures across the city of George through a collaborative, integrated approach.

The MMC for Community Safety in George, Cllr. Brendon Adams officially opened the forum meeting, which Lee-Anne Meiring, senior manager for Community Safety in George, facilitated. Participants were divided into three working groups focusing on key areas vital to the city’s safety strategy: urban design, socio-economic development, and law enforcement.

In attendance were representatives from George Municipality, Garden Route District Municipality, the South African Police Service (SAPS), the Department of Social Development (DSD), Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness, Department of Correctional Services (DCS), Western Cape Education Department (WCED), Community in Blue, SANCA Garden Route, Western Cape Liquor Authority (WCLA), Community Development, Community Policing Forum (CPF) George, CPF Pacaltsdorp, CPF Thembalethu, Smoking and Alcohol Harms Alleviation and Rehabilitation Association (SAHARA), NICDAM, Legally You, POCS, Men’s Sector and local ward committee members.

The collaboration among these diverse entities highlights the Municipality’s commitment to fostering a safer environment for all residents through integrated efforts and community engagement.

Lee-Anne Meiring, senior manager for Community Safety in George facilitated the meeting
The meeting aimed to bolster safety measures across the city of George


Suicide Awareness Programme launched at Pacaltsdorp High School

In the photo above are learners that attended the suicide awareness programme at Pacaltdorp and the identified people in the photo are from left, Tarryn Arries (teacher at Pacaltsdorp High School), Juwayriah Syster (Programme co-ordinator from ACVV George), Carol Kaboni (teacher at Pacaltsdorp High School) and Robyn Parks (Career Guidance Officer at George Municipality).

In an initiative aimed at tackling concerns of teenage suicide, Robyn Parks from George Municipality’s Community Development department and Juwayriah Syster from ACVV George recently collaborated to host a comprehensive Suicide Awareness Programme at Pacaltsdorp High School.

The programme addressed the reasons why some teenagers attempt to or commit suicide and the signs to look out for as a teacher and a friend. The importance of positive friendships was emphasised as peer pressure can play a crucial role in a teenager’s life. Young people should know real friends will motivate and uplift you, and not judge you.

Learners were educated on how to report concerning behaviours and encouraged to seek help when needed. Resources from various child protection organisations, including ACVV George, FAMSA George, George Child and Family Welfare, Badisa, and the Department of Social Development, were highlighted to ensure that all students, regardless of where they live, knew where to turn for assistance.
A unique component of the event included the distribution of crochet arm bracelets, created through a collaboration involving officials from the Community Development department, ACVV George and a foster care parent with ACVV George. These bracelets, symbolising the circle of life and featuring a central bead representing faith, the importance of prayer and meditation serve as a reminder of hope and resilience during difficult times.

At the start of the programme, learners were asked to anonymously write down their contact information if they felt they needed help or knew someone who did. This initiative aims to facilitate connections with appropriate support services.

The event also marked the launch of the Big Brother and Big Sister initiative, designed to establish a support system for younger learners. Six grade 11 learners, three boys and three girls, were selected to serve as mentors, receiving training to assist peers facing challenges, whether academic or personal, because learners are not always comfortable sharing with teachers.

Following the informative session, learners participated in a pledge against suicide, symbolised by painting their hands and printing them on paper. The programme concluded with positive engagement, as students actively participated and demonstrated genuine interest in the topics discussed.


Learners were gifted crochet arm bracelets, to remind them of the circle of life and how to embrace their faith and hope, especially when faced with difficult seasons.

From left Juwayriah Syster (Programme co-ordinator from ACVV George), Robyn Parks (Career Guidance Officer from George Municipality) and Shaldeo Savage (Social Auxiliary Worker form ACVV George) taking the pledge.

Positive slogans at the event to remind learners of their worth, that there is always help and noting that nothing in life is so bad that you have to take your own life.

Imizamo Yethu Secondary Shines at Funda Mzansi 2024

Seen with the proud team of learners from the left Mrs Matya and Mrs Biyela, both teachers from Imizamo Yethu Secondary. Standing at the back is Mr Jongi Mbanga, Assistant Director of Library Services for the Western Cape.

Imizamo Yethu Secondary School achieved great success at the 2024 Funda Mzansi National Reading Championship, held from September 23 to 27 in George. The proudly George school won three major awards, marking a significant achievement in their first participation in nine years.

The school claimed first and second place in the Spelling Bee and secured third place in the national reading competition. Mrs. Busi Biyela, the coordinator and teacher at Imizamo Yethu, expressed her pride in the students’ accomplishments, stating, “This is the very first time in nine years participating in this competition that we have won. Our students worked incredibly hard, and these awards are a testament to their dedication and passion for reading.”

The school also participated in debates and book reviews, gaining valuable experience. Their participation was supported by the Western Cape Provincial Department of Sports, Arts and Culture Libraries, which provided hotel accommodation.
George Municipality ensured the success of the event by hosting and maintaining competition venues. The achievements of Imizamo Yethu Secondary have set a high standard for future competitions.


GO GEORGE survey to measure socio-economic impact of bus service

Surveyor Ranwin James talks to Aletta Joseph from Blanco about GO GEORGE.

The annual GO GEORGE passenger satisfaction survey will kick off at the beginning of October with easily identifiable surveyors approaching people for input. An appeal is made to the George community to take 20 minutes out when they are approached and to assist with the valuable feedback only obtainable from those who use the bus service or are in some way impacted by its operations.

This annual survey under the joint auspices of the Western Cape Department of Mobility and the Municipality of George aims to determine and measure the overall socio-economic impact of the implementation of the GO GEORGE bus service in George. The results will be compared/ with previous results for benchmarking and planning purposes.

Macro-, transport- and socio-economic impact measured
The overall impact will be measured in three main areas, namely macro-economic, transport-economic and socio-economic impact. Several surveys will be carried out over a two-month period, starting at the beginning of October 2024.

George residents will be approached for feedback by means of the following two surveys:
• Passenger satisfaction surveys, which will be carried out at GO GEORGE bus stops across the operational route network;
• Special-interest group surveys (e.g., users with special needs and specific-interest groups), to be carried out through personal interviews.

Surveyors easily identifiable
Surveyors will be wearing GO GEORGE-branded identification cards showing the person’s photo and ID number.

For more information or enquiries, the GO GEORGE Call Centre can be phoned on 0800 044 044.


GO GEORGE-opname om sosio-ekonomiese impak van busdiens te meet

Die jaarlikse GO GEORGE-passasierstevredenheidsopname skop aan die begin van Oktober af met maklik identifiseerbare navorsingsbeamptes wat mense sal nader vir insette. ‘n Beroep word op die George-gemeenskap gedoen om 20 minute af te staan wanneer hulle genader word en om te help met die waardevolle terugvoer wat slegs verkry kan word van diegene wat die busdiens gebruik, of op een of ander manier deur sy bedrywighede geraak word.

Hierdie opname onder die gesamentlike vaandel van die Wes-Kaapse departement van mobiliteit en die munisipaliteit van George mik om die algehele sosio-ekonomiese impak van die implementering van die GO GEORGE-busdiens in George te bepaal en te meet. Die resultate sal vergelyk word met vorige uitslae vir prestasiemeting en beplanningsdoeleindes.

Makro-, vervoer- en sosio-ekonomiese impak gemeet
Die algehele impak sal op drie hoofgebiede gemeet word, naamlik makro-ekonomiese, vervoer-ekonomiese en sosio-ekonomiese impak. Verskeie opnames sal oor ‘n tydperk van twee maande gedoen word, met wegspring aan die begin van Oktober 2024.

Inwoners van George sal deur middel van die volgende twee opnames vir terugvoer genader word:
Passasiersopnames, wat by GO GEORGE-bushaltes oor die operasionele roetenetwerk heen gedoen sal word;
Spesiale belangegroep-opnames (byvoorbeeld gebruikers met spesiale behoeftes en spesifieke belangegroepe), wat hoofsaaklik deur persoonlike onderhoude uitgevoer sal word.

Navorsingsbeamptes maklik identifiseerbaar
Navorsingsbeamptes sal GO GEORGE-gemerkte identifikasiekaarte dra wat die persoon se foto en ID-nommer toon.

Vir meer inligting of navrae kan die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 geskakel word.


Navorsingsbeampte Ranwin James gesels met Aletta Joseph van Blanco oor GO GEORGE.

George Municipality Strengthens Town Planning Team with Key Appointments

In the photo from left to right: Amelia Lombard (Assistant Town Planner), Henriëtte Koch (Senior Manager of Spatial Planning), and Naudica Swanepoel (Senior Town Planner), all from the Section for Town Planning and Environmental Management.

The George Municipality is pleased to announce the bolstering of its Town Planning team with the appointments of three key professionals: a Senior Manager, a Town Planner, and an Assistant Town Planner.

The new team members are:
• Henriëtte Koch, Senior Manager of Spatial Planning, Planning, and Development,
• Naudica Swanepoel, Senior Town Planner, Planning, and Development, and
• Amelia Lombard, Assistant Town Planner, Planning, and Development.

These appointees bring diverse expertise to the Municipality’s Planning and Development division, covering areas such as Capital Investment Planning, Town Planning, and Land Use Management. Their extensive experience will support the Municipality in advancing sustainable and well-planned urban development.

George firefighters ready for 9th “Toughest Firefighter Alive*

Seven of George Municipality’s toughest are participating in the 9th TFA competition being held in Mossel Bay at De Bakke beach. Junior Firefighter Duarte Carolus and Frazier Pedro are competing in the Individual Challenges and the full team will participate in the Team Relay Saturday 28 September.

The TFA-SA is based on the international Toughest Firefighter Alive’ Challenge, the blue riband event of the World Firefighter Games (WFG). The WFG started in Auckland, New Zealand 1990 and is held in a different country every two years with the winner of the TFA Competition at the WFG being crowned the World’s Toughest Firefighter Alive, a very prestigious award.

The Firefighters for Excellence Foundation – SA exists to promote and encourage elite fitness amongst firefighters, acknowledging the critical role fitness and wellness plays within the firefighting profession, in ensuring the safety and well-being of our communities.

Individuals, municipalities, volunteer organizations, private firefighting companies, military firefighters are encouraged to support and partake in TFA-SA. The event provides the opportunity to collaborate and benchmark the South Africa’s firefighters whilst enhancing service delivery through fitter, stronger fire fighters, build community relations, motivate fire fighters and restore local and national pride in the fire services.

Seen here in their Team gear are from left Firefighter and Team Leader Nico Rossouw, Junior Firefighters Duarte Carolus, Frasier Pedro, Shawn Platt, Regan Van Beulen and Firefighter Denzil Muller. Not in the photograph Junior Firefighter Thabiso Keketsi.


George Municipality and stakeholders – Support the Homeless – “Adopt a Person”

George Municipality as part of the PLOTS Forum held a quarterly meeting recently  focusing on improving the lives of homeless individuals. Various departments and NGOs, including representatives from Project Hope and community wellness programmes, discussed strategies for effective support.

We invite businesses, NGOs, and community members to participate in our new “Adopt a Person” initiative. Instead of giving cash directly to individuals, you can donate R25 to the George Night Shelter. This donation provides a person with one night of accommodation, including a meal and shower.

For more information, please contact:George Night Shelter at 044 873 2787 or George Municipality at 044 802 2000.

In the photograph are clockwise from left, Estelle Fredericks, Coordinator of the Forum and Project Hope for people living on the Streets, Zelda Barnard(Stop Trafficking), Brian Faul (SAHARA), Freddy Trout (Community Wellness programme), Enrico Tarentaal (Department of Social Development), Asavela Mandongana (Social Worker: George Municipality),Jonathan Gelderbloem (Manager: Kidstop and Chairperson of the Forum), Cllr MelvinRoelfse, MMC for Community Development, Thandabathu Ndamase, (Department of Education), Indiphile Mngcomela (Department of Education, Andries de Swardt (Department of Justice), Asiphe Zanywa (Department of Education) and Leigh-Main Jacobs (Department of Education.

Local author inspires at Funda Mzantzi 2024 Opening Ceremony

Sharon Eland-Lewis, local George author who overcame pain, suffering and lots of trials and tribulations to get her first book, Slegs ‘n enkele kans published, today spoke at the opening ceremony for the 14th Annual Funda Mzantzi competition hosted in George.

Her afrikaans book published by The National Library of South Africa, an agency of the Department of Arts and Culture is selected as the Afrikaans book for the competition. Ms Lewis gifted the Minister for Correctional Services, Dr Groenewald with a signed copy of her book.

Seen here from left are;  Garden Route District Municipality’s Speaker, Alderlady Georlene Wolmarans, Executive Deputy Mayor Raybin-Gibb Figland, National Minister of Correctional Services Dr Pieter Groenewald, National Commissioner for the Department of Correctional Services Mr MS Thobakgale and MMC Community Services (Social Development, Sport, Libraries and Customer Care) Cllr Melvin Roelfse.


Sharon Eland-Lewis was placed on the agenda of a portfolio committee meeting during 2017 when the Library Department announced that the staff of library service, that is Rachel Williams (Manager:George Libraries), Hazel Springfield and Eurogine Carolus  assisted her with the book by typing the whole publication for her when she approached them for assistance. James de Waal assisted with the proofreading of the book. Rachel Williams contacted Zanele Nikani, the Project Facilitator of the Community Programme at the Publishing National Library of South Africa. Ms Nikani arranged publishing (using the Community Publishing Grant), professional editing and proofreading for the publication. Well-known writer and poet Diana Ferrus assisted with further editing and proofreading of the manuscript. As Sharon is deaf, all correspondence to and from the National Library came through the office of the Library Manager. Although Sharon is vulnerable, extremely poor and a shack dweller, she is a very passionate library patron.  Sharon expressed her heartfelt thanks to the George Municipality, the George Library staff and everyone that assisted her on her journey.

Public Notice: Contacting George Municipality Telephonically

George Municipality has received complaints regarding the Main Switchboard number 044 801 9111. The switchboard is staffed by two officials during working hours, and we are aware of occasional issues with the Auto Call Attendant system, which can lead to incorrect call transfers or dropped calls when service departments are unavailable. We are working on improving the system to reduce these disruptions. After 16h30, the main switchboard is redirected to the George Fire Department, which also uses an after-hours Auto Attendant to route calls to Emergency Services, Civil, or Electrotechnical Services.

Main Switchboard Hours (044 801 9111): 7:45 am to 16:30 pm.
After-Hours and Emergencies (044 801 6300): The Fire Department’s Auto Call Attendant will handle calls to this number and direct them to emergency or relevant departments (Civils / Electrotechnical Services)
For fire emergencies after hours, please call 044 801 6311.
The Toll-Free Disaster Number (087 152 9999) is for disaster-related emergencies only and should not be used for general after-hours inquiries.

Save time by contacting the relevant department directly:

The main switchboard (044 801 9111) often experiences high call volumes, leading to longer wait times. To avoid this, we encourage residents to contact departments directly for faster service.

  • Civil Engineering Services: 044 801 9262 / 9266
  • Community Services & Environmental Services: 044 802 2900 / 2911
  • Sport Development: 044 801 9488
  • Law Enforcement: 044 801 6350 / 6389
  • Traffic and Driving Licensing: 044 878 2400
  • Fire and Rescue: 044 801 6311 / 044 801 6300
  • Electrotechnical Services Customer Care: 044 803 9222 / 9202 / 9258
  • Electrotechnical Services WhatsApp: 067 350 3295 (Mon-Fri, 7:45 am – 4:30 pm)
  • Financial Services:
  • Human Settlements, Planning & Development:
    • Building Control: 044 801 9370 / 9166 / 9019
    • Town Planning: 044 801 9477
  • Office of the Municipal Manager: 044 801 9069
  • Council Contacts:
    • Executive Mayor: 044 801 9129
    • Deputy Mayor: 044 801 9051
    • Speaker: 044 801 9062

For further assistance or clarification, please contact the Municipality at the updated numbers above or visit our website at


Public Communication: Important Notice to Coastal Property Owners

The George Municipality acknowledges the urgency faced by owners of coastal property, particularly in the Wilderness area, to protect their beachfront properties from the immediate impacts of coastal erosion and the uncertainty surrounding the responsible authority for this. It must be clarified that, under the National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act 24 of 2008 (NEM: ICMA), the state is not obligated to prevent or address the effects of coastal erosion on private properties. The responsibility for protecting properties from natural coastal processes rests with property owners, and any interventions must comply with legal requirements.

There are increasing incidences of sandbags and gabions being placed outside of property boundaries for erosion control along the coastline. It is important for property owners to understand that sandbags and other coastal defence structures may only be placed within their property boundaries. The Municipality and organs of State are obliged to take legal action against property owners who place sandbags or any other structure outside of their boundaries. Section 15 of the NEM: ICMA states that it is unlawful to erect any structure on coastal public property without the required authorisation. Placing sandbags and other structures outside property boundaries without proper approval not only violates this law but can also result in negative consequences.

While these measures provide immediate relief to the property, improperly placed sandbags and structures can obstruct natural processes that are meant to maintain the integrity of the foredune. This can accelerate erosion on adjacent properties by changing the natural flow of sand along the coast and can lead to increased erosion down shore, endangering neighbouring properties and aggravating coastal erosion.

The George Municipality in collaboration with the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning and South African National Parks has prioritised interventions to address coastal encroachments.  These interventions will include raising awareness with affected property owners regarding their obligations in terms of environmental and planning law and enforcement of the legislation.  Affected property owners in the Wilderness area will be issued with contravention notices in this regard and are encouraged to engage with the Municipality regarding rehabilitation efforts.

The Municipality supports the rehabilitation of the foredune, as restoring and maintaining the dune system is an effective way to increase the resilience of the coastline against erosion and storm surges. Before undertaking any such measures, please contact the George Municipality to check compliance with applicable legislation, such as the Outeniqua Sensitive Coastal Area / Extension Regulations, National Environmental Management Act: Environmental Impacts Assessment Regulations and NEM: ICMA. Please follow the link below to access and review the Erosion Response Guideline for more information: Erosion Response Guideline. Alternatively, you can access it on the George Municipality Website > Documents > Policies, Guidelines, Plans and Guidelines > GM Coastal Erosion Guideline.

Affected property owners in Wilderness will in due course receive notification from the Municipality to partake in joint discussions regarding coastal erosion and encroachments along the Wilderness coastline.

Pacaltsdorp Satellite Thusong Service Centre Launched

In the photo: Councillors, stakeholders and community at the opening of the Thusong Centre

The Pacaltsdorp Satellite Thusong Service Centre, located at the Old Tourism Information Building on Mission Street, was officially launched on Wednesday, 18 September 2024.

The launch event was attended by the Executive Mayor of George, Ald Jackie von Brandis, along with councillors, stakeholders from various organisations, representatives from government departments that will operate from the new Thusong Centre, local entrepreneurs, community leaders, and members of the Pacaltsdorp community. Officials from the Western Cape Department of Local Government and the George Municipality were also present.

During the opening, Mayor von Brandis expressed her enthusiasm for the new facility: “It’s an absolute privilege to open this centre today. I’m pleased to have the councillors, the community, and all stakeholders here to witness the start of bringing services closer to where they are needed most. Please come and see what the centre offers.”

“The Pacaltsdorp Satellite Thusong Service Centre will host key government services, including the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), the Department of Labour, the Department of Home Affairs, and the Department of Social Development (on a scheduled basis), as well as Community Development Workers (CDW), among others,” Mayor von Brandis added.

Thusong Facilities are defined as one-stop, integrated community centres where residents can access crucial government information, services, and resources. The Thusong Service Centre Programme is designed to bring government services closer to the people, promoting access to opportunities and contributing to improved livelihoods.

The establishment of a Thusong facility in Pacaltsdorp was identified as a key priority in the Municipality’s Integrated Development Plan (IDP). The IDP highlighted a pressing need for such a facility in the community, which has now been addressed by the George Municipality.

The facility’s maintenance is supported by a grant from the Department of Local Government. The George Municipality now has three Thusong Centres, including those in Thembalethu and Waboomskraal. With the addition of the Pacaltsdorp centre, service coverage across the community will be significantly enhanced, with all three centres working to deliver essential services at the grassroots level.

This launch coincides with the Annual Thusong Service Centre Week, taking place from 16 to 20 September 2024 nationwide. The week forms part of Integrated Public Service Month, aimed at emphasizing the critical role of Thusong Service Centres in enhancing community access to services and information about opportunities.

“As the Executive Mayor of this great municipality, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the officials involved in bringing this project to fruition. We call on our residents to safeguard and protect this centre—it belongs to you as much as it belongs to us. With the services offered here and the community’s commitment to its preservation, I am confident that this Thusong Centre will thrive and provide lasting benefits for all,” Mayor von Brandis concluded.

Please Watch the video of the launch:

#GeorgeMunicipality #ThusongCentre #CommunityDevelopment #Pacaltsdorp

Photo 1: From left to right: Edward Ganza (Deputy Director of Administration in the Corporate Services Department of the George Municipality), Cllr Browen Johson (MMC for Civil Engineering Services – Operating Aspects, Capital Projects & BFI), Theresa Jeyi (Whip of Council), Marais Kruger (MMC for Financial and Strategic Services), Pastor Allen Spies (Chairperson of Minister’s Fraternal in Pacaltsdorp), Cllr Melvin Roelse (MMC: Community Services (Social Development, Sport, Libraries & Customer Care), Adam Lewie (Thusong Centre Manager) and Phildene Fortuin (Programme Director from the Municipality’s Corporate Services Department).
Mayor Jackie von Brandis – front -, Councillors, Stakeholders and officials
Pacaltsdorp Primary School Choir
Members of the Pacaltsdorp Community Business Association also present
Mayor Jackie von Brandis and Muzi FM team, a local radio station
The George Municipality Community Development team
George Municipality Human Settlements Team


George Municipality Addresses Low Water Pressure Issues in Heather Park and Surrounds

Low water pressure affecting Heather Park, Kingswood, and Golf Park is being addressed

George Municipality is aware of the ongoing low water pressure affecting the Heather Park, Kingswood, and Golf Park areas. Recently, the Municipal water team, in collaboration with Cllr Erika Brown, the Ward Councillor for the area, held a meeting with residents to address these issues and provide updates on the situation.

The low pressure, typically experienced between 07:30 and 11:00, is believed to be caused by a faulty valve in the network and increased water use during this timeframe. According to Tahseen Raiman, Manager of Water Distribution at the Municipality, the low pressure is not due to the installation of pressure management devices in the water network. “There are no pressure management devices installed in Heather Park and surrounding areas,” she clarified.

Efforts are ongoing to restore water pressure to acceptable levels. “George Municipality teams have been inspecting and repairing faulty valves in the Heather Park area. These inspections and repairs on the supply lines feeding Heather Park are ongoing,” Raiman added. “A pressure logger will also be installed in Heather Park to enable continuous pressure monitoring.”

The Municipality remains committed to resolving this issue promptly and will continue to keep residents informed of any progress.

Municipal Staff Face Growing Threats During Service Calls

A call on residents to assist in safeguarding officials working in communities

The safety of George Municipality officials attending to after-hours service delivery calls is under serious threat due to a rise in crime-related incidents, intimidation, and the theft of essential municipal equipment. This alarming trend is undermining efforts to provide consistent services across the city, with staff safety becoming a serious concern. The municipality urgently calls on residents to assist in safeguarding officials working in their communities.

The Electrotechnical Services and Civil Engineering Services (CES) departments, which handle critical services such as power and water outages, have reported numerous incidents where staff have faced intimidation, threats, and violence while on duty.

Personnel from the Electrotechnical Services department, responsible for maintaining and restoring power, have been increasingly targeted, particularly during nighttime service calls. High-risk areas have been identified, including Nelson Mandela Boulevard near the Total Garage, Borchards, Conville, Parkdene, and parts of Rosemore. Staff have been subjected to harassment, threats, and even physical attacks while attempting to resolve urgent electrical issues.

To mitigate these risks, the municipality has increased the number of personnel assigned to attend service complaints in these areas. “When working in high-risk areas, we now deploy more staff and additional vehicles. In some cases, we are forced to delay attending to complaints until the next day for safety reasons,” said Daniel Greeff, Acting Director of Electrotechnical Services at the George Municipality. These measures have increased operational costs and delayed response times, but the municipality stresses that staff safety must come first.

The Civil Engineering Services (CES) department has faced similar threats and, in response, has intensified security and crime prevention measures. In addition to water outages, this department frequently accesses pump stations in remote areas to carry out repairs.

“Employees working at pump stations are currently equipped with pepper spray, and some stations have emergency panic buttons linked to armed response,” explained Deon de Jager, Deputy Director of the Civil Engineering Services Directorate. “However, these measures do not fully eliminate the risks, particularly for staff working alone or in areas without security guards.”

Staff attending to emergencies after-hours at the Municipal plants, reservoirs, and/or pump stations, facing the risk of assault or robbery. Areas of particular concern include Pacaltsdorp, Touwsranten, Wilderness Heights, Die Rus, Thembalethu, Kraaibosch, Herolds Bay, and Oubaai. While pump stations are secured with fencing and behind locked gates, they do little to protect staff, particularly at night.

Tahseen Raiman, Manager for Water Distribution, added that her team has identified several areas with heightened risks, including Ryger Park, Golden Valley, Conville, Thembalethu, Borcherds, Maraiskamp, Rosemore, and Protea Park. These areas can be particularly unsafe on weekends. For instance, in Golden Valley, children were recently seen climbing behind a moving water truck, putting both themselves and the driver in danger. In Ryger Park, a team was recently threatened and told they would not be allowed to leave until a leaking pipe was fixed.

While there have been no violent incidents against Water Distribution staff in the past year, there have been instances of infrastructure vandalism. To address these challenges, the municipality has implemented team-based working strategies and prioritizes the most urgent complaints. However, this approach has led to reduced service levels and increased costs for service delivery.

The Senior Manager of Community Safety at George Municipality, Lee-Anne Meiring, confirmed that the Community Safety Division supports the municipality’s service departments in cases such as disconnecting illegal connections. “Our law enforcement standby teams assist after hours when required or requested. We also collaborate with the South African Police Service (SAPS) to ensure that extra safety, protection, and policing are provided in the most volatile areas,” Meiring said. “We will not hesitate to take action against these criminal elements.”

George Municipality urges residents to play an active role in ensuring the safety of municipal staff working in their communities. Intimidation, harassment, and attacks on officials not only delay critical services but also endanger the people striving to keep essential services running.

“We need the support of the community to address this serious issue,” said Greeff. “The safety of our personnel is non-negotiable, and we ask all residents to assist us in protecting the very people who are working to improve their living conditions.”

The municipality continues to work on improving safety measures but stresses that community cooperation is key to ensuring that vital services can be delivered without disruption or fear.

Intimidation, harassment, and attacks on officials delays services
Municipal staff have increasingly been targeted, particularly during nighttime
Law enforcement will not hesitate to take action against criminal elements

Congestion on Nelson Mandela Boulevard at Thembalethu Bridge to ease soon

Issued on behalf of Sanral.

Western Cape, 12 September 2024 – The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) has announced that construction works, that have been in progress at the Thembalethu interchange on the N2 at Nelson Mandela Boulevard since May 2022, is nearly complete.

“While construction work is virtually finished, temporary restrictions are still in place on Nelson Mandela Boulevard between the intersections with Tabata and Ngcakani Streets to the south and Vuyani Ncamazana and Main Streets to the north. This is while the installation of the bridge expansion joints is being finalised,” said Petronella Theron, SANRAL Project Manager.

It is anticipated that the temporary restrictions will be removed by Friday 13 September, and double carriageway traffic, both in and out of Thembalethu, should then be possible.

“Once the restrictions have been removed there may still be lane or shoulder restrictions until the end of October. These will be kept to off-peak hours as we are mindful of the impact on mobility,” said Theron.

Furthermore, new streetlights have been installed along the length of Nelson Mandela Boulevard which should aid visibility on this stretch of road.

SANRAL apologises for any inconvenience caused. This is however a short-term inconvenience in pursuit of long-term road safety and mobility improvements.

Homeless participants lead CBD clean-up to challenge perceptions

In the photo above are Estelle Fredericks (left) and some of the homeless people that took part in the clean-up action.

In a George Municipality Community development and Environmental Services initiative, homeless individuals took to the streets of the Central Business District (CBD) last week, to participate in a large-scale clean-up action.

The event was conducted in conjunction with local environmental services, emphasising a collaborative effort to promote both community well-being and environmental stewardship.

According to Estelle Fredericks, Auxiliary Social Worker and Coordinator of  Project Hope, the event saw participants begin their efforts on Cathedral Street, progressing up Memorial Street, down Courtney Street, and Wellington Street, before returning to York Street.

Organised by Project Hope, the clean-up was designed to address and challenge prevailing misconceptions about the homeless population, particularly the stereotype that they are unwilling to work, Fredericks said. The project aims to reshape public perceptions by demonstrating the active role that individuals experiencing homelessness can play in their communities.

Many homeless individuals lack identification documents, which complicates their access to formal employment opportunities. As a result, they often engage in informal labour as a survival mechanism. The clean-up action not only sought to improve the environmental conditions of the CBD but also highlighted the dedication and work ethic of those living on the streets.

Fredericks said through this initiative, Project Hope hopes to foster greater understanding and support for the homeless population, while also contributing to the cleanliness and attractiveness of the city centre.

We kindly request that you refrain from giving money or handouts to individuals, including both children and adults, who are begging on the streets.

The George Municipality urges the residents of George to be part of the solution for those living on the streets by directing their donations to reputable organisations like the George Night Shelter or Kidstop. This approach is far more effective than providing direct assistance to people begging at street intersections, which has become a growing concern. Regrettably, providing money or handouts to individuals on the streets can perpetuate their homelessness and lead to negative long-term consequences.

If you wish to make a positive impact, you can get in touch with the following organisations:

  • Freddy Trout, PASA (People Against Substance Abuse) at 068 487 4848.
  • Jonathan Gelderbloem, YFC Kidstop at 044 874 2624/044 875 1794.
  • Department of Social Services at 044 814 1920.
  • Andre Olivier from Cremhog via email at

Please note that living on the streets is not a criminal offense, and individuals cannot be arrested or relocated without their consent. The responsibility to assist people living on the streets mainly falls under the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the National Department of Social Development.

George residents, business owners, and organisations interested in helping the homeless or sharing innovative ideas for their support are encouraged to participate in the monthly PLOTS meeting.

For more information, please contact Estelle Fredericks at 044 802 2000, extension 2015 during office hours.

Estelle Fredericks (left)  and some of the homeless people that took part in the clean-up action.

Estelle Fredericks (in front)  and some of the homeless people that took part in the clean-up action.


George Municipality hosts successful HR Exhibition in Uniondale

In the photograph above,  are all the officials from Uniondale and Haarlem and HR officials that attended the exhibition.

To improve accessibility and communication, the George Municipality’s Human Resources department during this week held a successful exhibition in Uniondale for the officials of Uniondale and Haarlem. The event aimed to provide employees with direct access to crucial HR information and services.

The HR department held a similar exhibition for George officials.

Each HR section set up a dedicated stall, allowing employees to interact with HR officials without needing appointments. The Traffic department was also on hand to offer road safety demonstrations. The exhibition featured a range of HR services tailored to meet specific employee needs, including:

Benefits: Updates on beneficiary forms to ensure records are current.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS): Essential safety tips and SHE (Safety, Health, and Environmental) request handling.

Performance Management System (PMS): Explanations of performance evaluations and probationary reviews.

Training and Development: Guidance on Personal Development Plans and Skill Audit forms.

Employee Assistance Programme (EAP): Introduction of new EAP personnel and counseling services.

Labour Relations: Clarification of various Labour Relations processes and procedures.

Recruitment and Selection: Information on the new online application process and required documentation for job applicants.

Event coordinator Chrystal Spies and HR officials noted the exhibition’s success in enhancing employees’ understanding of available services. The department thanks all participants and visitors. Employees are encouraged to stay connected with HR for updates on future events and services.



Leandri Soko and Pheliswa Kwinda from assisting officials with beneficiary forms and records.


HR assisting officials with beneficiary forms and records.

Juanita Foster from HR assisting officials with Performance Management queries.

HR assisting officials with beneficiary forms and records.

Marildien Olivier attending the exhibition.

Abraham Venter attending the exhibition.

Joey Muller from Traffic Services showing Benjamin Wynand the breathalyser test.

Cesley Thomas, Assistant HR Officer and Francois Michaels, Employee Assistance Programme Officer helping officials at the exhibition.

Officials utilising vision distorting goggles that simulate the effects of alcohol consumption on the body from George Traffic.

Traffic officers at the exhibition.

Labour Relations Officers at the exhibition from left, Illana Gouws, Anga Gxoyiya and Avril Bennet.

HR officials assisting Uniondale and Haarlem officials at the exhibition.

Joey Muller from George Traffic and Chrystal Spies from HR with the breathalyser test.

Integrated Safety Strategy to Secure George’s Future as a Safer City

In the photo from the Front row: From left: Cllr Marlene Barnardt (MMC for Planning and Development – Planning, Building Control, Property, IDP, Performance Management, Economic Development, Agriculture and Tourism), Cllr Marchell Kleynhans (MMC for Community Services – Parks, Refuse and Environmental), Lee-Anne Meiring (Senior Manager for Community Safety), Ald Jackie von Brandis (Executive Mayor of George), Cllr Brendon Adams (MMC for Community Safety), Cllr Johan du Toit (MMC for Corporate Services), and Cllr Melvin Roelfse (MMC for Community Services – Social Development, Sport, Libraries and Customer Care).

Back row: From left: Cllr Nosicelo Mbete (MMC for Human Resources), Cllr Raybin Figland (Executive Deputy Mayor of George), Browen Johnson (MMC for Civil Engineering Services – Operating Aspects, Capital Projects & BFI), Cllr Jean Safers (MMC for Planning and Development – Human Settlements), Marais Kruger (MMC: Financial and Strategic Services) and Sean Snyman (Speaker).

As George expands into a larger city, the challenges related to the safety of its citizens, visitors, and businesses have also grown. In response, the George Municipality’s Community Safety Division has developed an Integrated Community Safety Strategy aimed at ensuring the safety of all who reside, study, visit, work, and invest in George.

On Friday, 6 September 2024, the George Municipality’s Community Safety division presented the Integrated Community Safety Strategy to the City’s leadership. The Council leadership, led by Executive Mayor Ald Jackie von Brandis, included MMC for Community Safety, Cllr Brendon Adams, and members of the George Municipal Mayoral Committee.

The leadership team also visited a renovated facility that will serve as the Integrated Operational Command Centre, a key component of the safety strategy. This facility, located at a municipal building on Mitchell Street, next to the George Fire Station, is integral to the city’s safety infrastructure.

“I’m thrilled to see the remarkable work being done within the Community Safety sector of George Municipality. Today, I had the privilege of visiting the CCTV room, where we are showcasing over 700 cameras installed across George. This is a major step toward our vision of a safer and cleaner city,” said Mayor von Brandis during the visit.

The Municipality’s safety operations include law enforcement, traffic services, fire and emergency services, and disaster management. “Safety is crucial to creating viable, competitive, and sustainable cities, and local government plays a key role in achieving this goal,” Mayor von Brandis added.

“While cities offer opportunities for people from all walks of life, they also concentrate crime and violence. This strategy aims to mitigate safety risks and address the challenges that accompany the city’s growth,” Mayor von Brandis emphasized.

MMC Adams praised the community safety team for their proactive approach: “I’m excited to see our team’s dedication to making George a safer city for all its residents. We’ve been touring with the Mayoral Committee of George, showcasing how prepared we are to combat crime and create a safer environment.”

Senior Manager for Community Safety, Lee-Anne Meiring, explained the multi-faceted strategy, which includes technological advancements, institutional development, a dedicated response unit, strengthened relationships with other law enforcement agencies such as the South African Police Service (SAPS), piloting a business intelligence and analytics unit, and upgrading a facility into an Integrated Operational Command Centre for all safety operations.

“Over R5 million has been invested in refurbishing the Integrated Operational Command Centre during the last financial year. This facility will enhance collaboration among all security stakeholders,” said Meiring.

The Integrated Operational Command Centre will include the following features:
• Multi-functional Operational Command Centre
• Enhanced collaboration between various role players
• Centralized hub for information collection and analysis
• Call-taking and dispatching for all Community Safety Departments
• 24-hour call centre
• Strengthened community safety in George
• Capacity to scale up to a Disaster Management Joint Operations Centre (JOC) or incident room

Last year, the George Municipality further bolstered its public safety by expanding its CCTV network to over 700 cameras, spread throughout the city and including municipal buildings. These cameras monitor criminal activity and potential threats, safeguarding municipal property and detecting unlawful actions.

“We are committed to creating a secure environment that enables all stakeholders to function optimally in George. By forging partnerships across various sectors, we will continue working toward making George a safer city,” Mayor von Brandis concluded.

MMC for Community Safety Brendon Adams and Executive Mayor Jackie von at the CCTV room
Community Safety presents the Integrated Community Safety Strategy to the leadership
City’s leadership visit to the renovated Integrated Operational Command Centre


Officials getting ready for Springboks and All Blacks showdown in Cape Town!

The Internal Audit team in high spirits before the game.

As the anticipated rugby showdown between the Springboks and the All Blacks approaches, George Municipality is embracing the rugby spirit at work today, Friday September 6th. Some of our officials sported green and gold and rugby jerseys to show their support for the Springboks.

Clarina Nell, Elrina Bothma and Magda Meyer from Finance getting ready for the Bok game!


Michelle Lee, Fakazile Vava and Amelia Lombard from Planning catching Bok fever before the game

Officials from Environmental Services are ready for the showdown between the Springboks and All Blacks tomorrow!

Municipal LGBTQIA+ Help Desk supports Queer and Trans Imbizo

Meeting the Executive Mayor Jackie von Brandis are on left Khanyisile Fortuin, Special Programmes & Project Coordinator for George Municipal Social Development, and on her right Gita November, Health Advocacy Officer for Gender Dynamix

Executive Mayor Jackie von Brandis met with Khanyisile Fortuin, Special Programmes & Project Coordinator for George Social Development, and Gita November, Health Advocacy Officer for Gender Dynamix, to promote participation in this week’s Queer and Trans Imbizo which culminates in a Pride Parade and evening entertainment scheduled for Saturday, 7th September, at Rosemoor Stadium. Two days of workshops will feature Dr. Nicole Chillimagras and Elliot Kotze, two medical practitioners specializing in gender-affirming healthcare. Their services are commissioned by Gender Dynamix, Africa’s leading organization for the transgender and gender-diverse community, as part of efforts to bring gender-affirming healthcare to local primary care facilities.

The George Municipal Social Development LGBTQIA+ Help Desk, established in May 2022, has grown significantly in its ability to assist the community. Through the Reactors Programme, facilitated by Gender Dynamix and the Social Health and Empowerment (SHE) Organization, the Help Desk offers psychosocial support, advice, and referrals for those facing human rights violations.

Services offered include one-on-one sessions with social workers, monthly support group meetings, referrals to safe spaces, human rights advocacy, ongoing education on rights and safe sex practices (including sensitization training and condom distribution), visibility in the community, and community outreach to assist those in need of advice or support. The Help Desk also supports special events such as Pride Month in June, Human Rights Day, Freedom Day, and World AIDS Day. A key upcoming event is the Queer and Trans Imbizo at Rosemoor Stadium on Saturday, 7th September.

For more information, contact the Community Development Section at 044 802 2000 or visit their offices at the corner of Varing and St. John’s Streets.

Television Show Set Construction Underway at Garden Route Dam in George

The Garden Route Dam, a natural setting for the George community, is currently playing host to a popular South African television show set. The project, which commenced earlier this month, is scheduled to restrict public access to some areas around the dam between 20 October to 24 November with no impact on regular walkers and cyclists.

This initiative is a significant milestone for the emerging film industry in the region, promising to boost local economic development. The set construction will employ various structures that harmonise with the natural beauty of the area, ensuring that all materials used are locally sourced and primarily composed of wood. The aesthetic design respects the serene environment, carefully integrating the new structures into the existing landscape.

To ensure that this project adheres to all local by-laws and regulations, the producers are working closely with George Municipality, the George Fire and Disaster Services with regard to the relevant health and safety conditions, and the municipal Civil Engineering Services Department division of water and sanitation. This collaboration ensures that all activities are conducted with the highest standards of safety, environmental responsibility, the necessary permits, and respect for the local community. This disruption is temporary, and the site will be evacuated and all temporary structures at the picnic spot be removed and reopened by 1 December 2024.

This project brings with it substantial economic benefits to George and the surrounding communities. Local businesses, including sawmills, security firms, construction material suppliers, event planning and management companies, and catering services, are all playing critical roles in supporting the production. This collaboration not only strengthens the private sector but also creates job opportunities and injects much-needed revenue into the local economy.

“We are thrilled to be part of this unique project, which not only showcases the beauty of our region on a national stage but also provides a significant boost to the local George economy,” said Joan Shaw, Tourism Manager. The production team appreciates the community’s understanding and cooperation during this period and looks forward to showcasing the beauty of George in the upcoming television show.

For any urgent queries regarding the project, please contact Heloine Crowley 044 801 9293 |