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Author: Chantel Edwards

URGENT PUBLIC NOTICE: Weather Update for George area


Severe weather warnings for damaging winds and rainfall remain in place for the George area, with the heavy rainfall predicted to land early hours of Monday 8 April (02:00). Accompanying high winds are expected 50-60km.

George Disaster Management Services is monitoring weather developments and the public will be updated via George Municipal Social Media Channels.

Motorists are warned to drive with caution due to heavy rainfall and mist which is affecting visibility.

A warning to refrain from walking/ and or swimming at any of the beaches remains in place. Avoid parking vehicles at the beach parking areas as they could be affected by storm surges.

FIRE EMERGENCIES: 044 801 6311


Live updates up on the WCG page: 

For information and latest updates about the impact of the storm on the Western Cape please:

– call the Western Cape Government’s call centre on 0860 142 142 (operational 24/7 till further notice)

– visit the the Western Cape Government’s website:

– visit the dedicated webpage:









Emergency Municipal Loadshedding Relief Grant March 2024 Update

The Western Cape Provincial government has authorized a sum total of R88.185 million rand from the Provincial Unforeseen and Unavoidable Reserve Fund to assist municipalities with the unforeseen and immediate impact of prolonged load-shedding on water and wastewater services.

In terms of this allocated Funding, George Municipality has received the sum of R14 220 000 (VAT included) as a contribution toward the purchase and installation of back-up energy supply. This back-up supply can include generators, renewable power sources, batteries and all ancillary costs associated with the installation thereof for example,  switch gear, safe keeping, caging etc. for water and wastewater infrastructure.

This grant funding will assist the George Municipality in ensuring a healthy environment and to continue with the provision of basic services to our citizens and businesses during the current load-shedding.

The municipality is in process of purchasing emergency diesel generators that will be placed strategically as follows:
Water Treatment Works
Haarlem WTW  (+_ 150kVA diesel generator)
Uniondale WTW (+- 200kVA diesel generator)

Waste Water Treatment Works
Uniondale WWTW (+_ 200 kVA diesel generator)
Kleinkrantz WWTW (+_ 300 kVA diesel generator)
Outeniqua WWTW (+_ 1000 kVA diesel generator)

Progress to Date:
Procurement Phase:   Appointment of Consultant ( Complete ) – 100%
Appointment of Contractor: Haarlem WTW ( Complete ) – 100%
Uniondale WTW ( Complete ) – 100%
Uniondale WWTW ( Complete ) – 100%
Kleinkrantz WWTW ( Complete ) – 100%
Outeniqua WWTW ( In Progress ) – 100%

Construction Phase:

Haarlem WTW ( ± 150 kVA diesel generator ) – 100%
Uniondale WTW ( ± 200 kVA diesel generator ) – 100%
Uniondale WWTW ( ± 200 kVA diesel generator ) – 100%
Kleinkrantz WWTW ( ± 300 kVA diesel generator ) – 100%
Outeniqua WWTW ( ± 1 000 kVA + 650 kVA diesel generator ) – 70%

In terms of the above the total expenditure to date for the project is therefore approximately 97.2% of the current funding allocation

Link to further information on how George Municipality is trying to mitigate the impact of load-shedding for George.



In order to replenish the emergency reserves for the week ahead, Stage 2 loadshedding will be implemented from 16:00 today until 05:00 on Monday morning.

Thereafter, loadshedding will be suspended until 16:00 on Monday when Stage 2 loadshedding will be implemented until 05:00 on Tuesday.

This pattern of suspending loadshedding from 05:00 until 16:00 and Stage 2 loadshedding from 16:00 until 05:00 will be repeated daily until further notice.

George will be affected as follows:
Sunday 24/03/2024

Monday 25/03/2024
02:00 – 04:30

Tuesday 26/03/2024
18:00 – 20:30

Wednesday 27/03/2024
18:00 – 20:30

Thursday 28/03/2024
02:00 – 04:30

Friday 29/03/2024
00:00 – 02:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows
Sunday 24/03/2024

Monday 25/03/2024

Tuesday 26/03/2024
21:00 – 23:30

Wednesday 27/03/2024
21:00 – 23:30

Thursday 28/03/2024

Friday 29/03/2024
03:00 – 05:30

PLANNED POWER OUTAGE – Modderrivier Line R404


NOTICE is hereby given that the electricity supply will be interrupted on  WEDNESDAY 27 MARCH 2024  FROM  08H00 TO 16H00 for the purpose of doing alterations to the electrical mains.  Consumers are warned to treat the installation as being live for the full duration as the supply may be resumed at any time within the notified period.

Should circumstances prevent the work being carried out during the abovementioned period; the work will be done on THURSDAY 28 MARCH  2024 FROM  08H00 TO 16H00


Due to the need to replenish the emergency reserves in preparation for the week ahead and the loss of three generating units over the last 24 hours, Stage 2 loadshedding will be implemented from 16:00 today until 20:00 tonight. Thereafter, Stage 3 loadshedding will be implemented until 05:00 on Saturday, followed by Stage 2 loadshedding until 20:00 and thereafter Stage 3 resumes again until 05:00 on Sunday.

George will be affected as follows:
Friday 22/03/2024
20:00 – 22:30

Saturday 23/03/2024
20:00 – 22:30

Sunday 24/03/2024
04:00 – 06:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Friday 22/03/2024
16:00 – 17:30

Saturday 23/03/2024
23:00 – 01:30

Sunday 24/03/2024
07:00 – 09:30

UPDATE PUBLIC NOTICE – Gwaing River and River Mouth Open

George Municipality is pleased to confirm that the Gwaing River and River Mouth is OPEN for swimming and water activities after water quality tests indicate that the river’s water quality meets requirements. This follows a sewer spill caused by damage to a sewer pipeline by a service provider on 12 March. The damaged pipeline was repaired on the same day and the river was closed as a precautionary measure.

ESKOM LOADSHEDDING UPDATE – Thursday, 21 March 2024

In order to replenish the low dam levels at the pumped storage power stations, Stage 3 loadshedding will resume from 20:00 tonight until 05:00 on Friday. Thereafter, loadshedding will be suspended again from 05:00 on Friday until 16:00. Eskom will provide an update on Friday afternoon or if any significant changes occur.

George will be affected as follows:
Thursday 21/03/2024

Friday 22/03/2024
04:00 – 05:00

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Thursday 21/03/2024

Friday 22/03/2024

George Fire Brigade Acquires State-of-the-Art Fire Engine to Meet City’s Growing Needs

George Fire officials in front of their new state of the art fire engine. In the centre of the back row are Johan Crause (Station Commander); Neels Barnard (Fire Chief), Dr Michele Gratz (Municipal Manager); Johan Brand (Divisional Commander and Santa Sternsdorf (Station Commander). Kneeling in front with fire officials is Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk.

 Today marked a momentous occasion for the George Fire Brigade as they proudly welcomed a brand-new Fire Engine into their fleet, sourced from Scania, a renowned leader in transportation solutions. The vehicle underwent a remarkable transformation into a Fire Engine by Rosenbauer South Africa, utilizing cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques. This new Fire Engine is equipped with a major pumper featuring a built-in foam system, specifically designed to combat high-hazard flammable liquid fires such as gasoline, oil, and jet fuel, ensuring enhanced effectiveness and safety during firefighting operations.

As the urban landscape of George continues to evolve and expand, so does the demand for exceptional fire and disaster services. Recognizing this imperative, the acquisition of this advanced Fire Engine reflects the commitment of George Fire and Disaster Management Services to meet the evolving needs of a smart city and to uphold legislative requirements aimed at protecting residents. Director for Community Safety, Dawie Adonis, was presented with the key to the vehicle during a prestigious event hosted by the George Fire Brigade, attended by the Executive Mayor, Leon Van Wyk, MAYCO Members, Municipal Manager Dr Gratz, Directors, and distinguished guests from Rosenbauer and Scania.

Executive Mayor, Leon Van Wyk expressed his pride in the municipality taking ownership of a Rosenbauer major pumper fire tender built onto a Scania chassis. “Both of George and Rosenbauer are steeped in histories of over 200 and 150 years respectively. It is therefore fitting for George to have acquired the newest fire technology and equipment available from a world leader. We are blessed with a top-notch fire and emergency services team that are professional, alert, prepared and constantly focussed to be ahead of the game,” he said.

Highlighting the significance of this acquisition, Adonis emphasized the importance of embracing technological advancements to effectively combat modern fires, both in urban developments and the surrounding wildlands cherished by the community. “Our fire officials will undergo comprehensive training conducted by Rosenbauer technicians as well as the brigade’s own training officials to ensure proficient and reliable use of the equipment,” Adonis stated.

Reflecting on the journey leading to this acquisition, George Fire Chief, Neels Barnard, recalled the humble beginnings of the George Fire Brigade’s first Rosenbauer pump in 1989, emphasizing its continued reliability and service to the community. Overcoming financial obstacles and navigating procurement processes and regulations, the Fire Brigade has persevered to procure the new vehicle, knowing it will play a vital role in saving lives and protecting property for years to come.

“The addition of this state-of-the-art Fire Engine underscores the George Fire Brigade’s unwavering commitment to excellence in service delivery and community safety, ushering in a new era of firefighting capabilities for the city of George,” Barnard said.

Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk and Municipal Manager Dr Michele Gratz taking a look at the drivers cabin of the new major pumper.

From left Station Commander Santa Sternsdorf, Director Community Services and Safety Dawie Adonis, Cllr Johan Du Toit, Executive Mayor Leon Van Wyk and Municipal Manager Dr Gratz holding the ceremonial key, Portfolio Cllr for Community Safety Marais Kruger, Portfolio Cllr for Community Services: Social Development, Libraries, Sport and Customer Care Brendan Adams, Chief Whip Marlene Barnard, Portfolio Cllr Civil Engineering Services: Capital Projects and BFI Johan Stander, Divisional Commander Johan Brand and Portfolio Cllr Community Services: Refuse, Environment and Parks) Theresa Jeyi.


URGENT PUBLIC NOTICE – Gwaing River and River Mouth Closed

URGENT PUBLIC NOTICE – Gwaing River and River Mouth Closed
Issued George Municipality, 12 March 2024 @ 11h00

Following damage to the Proefplaas Sewer Pump Station Pressure Main Pipeline by a service provider working on overhead electrical lines there has been a sewer spill into the Gwaing River catchment area. Gwaing River and River mouth is therefore temporarily closed as a precautionary measure, for swimming and any water activities until further notice.

Civil Engineering Services has a service provider on site trying to contain the spill and remedial measures are being applied in order to re-commission the sewer pump station. All protocols are being followed and the Department of Water and Sanitation, as well as the Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Agency(BGCMA) have been notified.

Further updates will be provided.


Look no further than this video highlighting the best that George has to offer!

Kyknet’s Kwêla launched their popular ‘Dorp van die Jaar’ competition for 2024 on 3 March 2024, and it is time that the beautiful town of George took centre stage to show off its magnificent attributes. All towns in the 9 provinces of South Africa or Namibia with less than 500,000 residents, that have not been regional winners in the past three years qualify to be nominated.

What do you find special about George?  What are the special things that make you feel at home when you drive down the roads?  How many treasures are hidden in your community?  What are the jewels of your town that you are proud of?  Name George as your favourite town and you may win bragging rights for your entire town and its people!

John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address inspired citizens to see the importance of civic action and public service. His historic words, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,” challenged every American to contribute to the public good. This is your opportunity, George!  In this case, ‘Ask not what your town can do for you – ask what you can do for your town.’  (with apologies to JFK).  The ultimate winner of the Town of the Year will receive R1 million in advertising on Kyknet.  This will be an invaluable boost to promoting our town as a tourist destination in the domestic and Namibian market, so please send an SMS to the benefit of every resident in George.

Nominate George by SMSing GEORGE to 33157 (SMS’s cost R1,50).  Entries of nominations close on Friday, 15 March at noon.  You can name as many towns as many times as you wish, but only one town name per SMS. 

Three towns with the most nominations from every region will go through to the semi-finals that will be announced on 14 April, 21 April, and 28 April 2024, when the public will have a weeklong opportunity to vote for their favourite town of the three finalists.  Only 30 SMSs per person will be allowed in this round.  The town with the most votes will represent their region as a finalist. Kwêla will film an insert on each of the 9 finalists, and once all nine towns are announced, the public can vote for their favourite between 19:00 on 14 July and noon on 19 July 2024.

The winning town will be announced on 28 July 2024, on Kwêla and take home the coveted title of Town of the Year, and an incredible R1 million advertising contract with Kyknet.  Homebrew Films, the producers of Kwela will make a 45-second advertisement on the town that will be broadcast during Kyknet’ s advertising time.  In addition to this, a festive function will be held in the town to celebrate with music, food, and fun, showing off the winning team’s spirit.  Lottoland has another surprise in store for the winning town as they will also donate a cash prize of R1 million to the town to invest back into the town.  Go on, it will be worth it!

This project will take a mammoth effort from the town, but if everyone pitches in, we can make it happen!  Residents and businesses that wish to be more involved in the process can contact George Municipality’s Tourism Manager, Joan Shaw, on for more details.

PUBLIC NOTICE: Emergency Municipal Loadshedding Relief Grant February 2024 Update

The Western Cape Provincial government has authorized a sum total of R88.185 million rand from the Provincial Unforeseen and Unavoidable Reserve Fund to assist municipalities with the unforeseen and immediate impact of prolonged load-shedding on water and wastewater services.

In terms of this allocated Funding, George Municipality has received the sum of R14 220 000 (VAT included) as a contribution toward the purchase and installation of back-up energy supply. This back-up supply can include generators, renewable power sources, batteries and all ancillary costs associated with the installation thereof for example,  switch gear, safe keeping, caging etc. for water and wastewater infrastructure.

This grant funding will assist the George Municipality in ensuring a healthy environment and to continue with the provision of basic services to our citizens and businesses during the current load-shedding.

The municipality is in process of purchasing emergency diesel generators that will be placed strategically as follows:
Water Treatment Works

Haarlem WTW  (+_ 150kVA diesel generator)
Uniondale WTW (+- 200kVA diesel generator)

Waste Water Treatment Works
Uniondale WWTW (+_ 200 kVA diesel generator)
Kleinkrantz WWTW (+_ 300 kVA diesel generator)
Outeniqua WWTW (+_ 1000 kVA diesel generator)

Progress to Date:
Procurement Phase:   Appointment of Consultant ( Complete ) – 100%
Appointment of Contractor: Haarlem WTW ( Complete ) – 100%
Uniondale WTW ( Complete ) – 100%
Uniondale WWTW ( Complete ) – 100%
Kleinkrantz WWTW ( Complete ) – 100%
Outeniqua WWTW ( In Progress ) – 100%

Construction Phase:  
Haarlem WTW ( ± 150 kVA diesel generator ) – 100%
Uniondale WTW ( ± 200 kVA diesel generator ) – 100%
Uniondale WWTW ( ± 200 kVA diesel generator ) – 100%
Kleinkrantz WWTW ( ± 300 kVA diesel generator ) – 100%
Outeniqua WWTW ( ± 1 000 kVA + 650 kVA diesel generator ) – 70%

In terms of the above the total expenditure to date for the project is therefore approximately 97% of the current funding allocation
Link to further information

R8000 in fines issued for illegal dumping

Law Enforcement Officials Verona Botha and Nicole Smith issuing a R1000 fine for illegal dumping in Sarah Crescent, Rosedale.

Municipal Law Enforcement officials have been patrolling illegal dumping hot spots over the past month and have issued fines to the value of R8000 and 15 warnings. In terms of the applicable By-Laws being enforced, the fine for being caught illegal dumping is R1000. The law enforcement has been in support of the Community Services cleaning teams who have continued to clear hot spot areas in February, with a total of 29 430 black bags of refuse picked up. This past week illegal dump sites were cleared in Thembalethu (Phelandaba, Nelson Mandela Boulevard); Borcherds (Spandiel Street); Rosemoor (Miller Street); Blanco (Golden Valley); Conville (Fiskaal, Valk and Pienaar Street, Nelson Mandela Boulevard) and Uniondale (Du Preez Street). Eva Crescent in Rosedale received a tyre beautification.

The Community Services Directorate has concluded the Illegal Dumping month with a Hazardous Waste Open Day on Friday 23 February. The public are encouraged to hold onto their dangerous items and to safely dispose of them when the municipality hosts its quarterly Open Day. The municipality will take motor oil, oil filters, brake fluid, used antifreeze, paint, paint thinner, turpentine, pesticides or herbicides, household batteries, old TV’s, electronics, tyres, fluorescent tubes, globes, and household medical waste such as needles, old medicine and tablets. The public is requested to bring the items you wish to dispose of in a strong box preferably in their original, labelled containers. Please do not mix the products together. We are unable to take explosives, ammunition, radioactive materials and controlled substances.

Report Illegal Dumping
Help the municipality to curb illegal dumping by spreading the news in your community that the dumping of waste is dangerous and a health hazard. Waste should be collected in refuse bags and placed for collection on waste removal days. Builders’ rubble and waste not suitable for bags must be dropped at the municipal refuse site on the R102 (airport road). If you can provide names, vehicle registration details or addresses of alleged perpetrators who have dumped illegally and you  are willing to make a statement in this regard, please report it to Law Enforcement at 044 801 6350 or You don’t need a photograph of the perpetrator, but it will strengthen the case for a warning or fine to be issued.

Eva Crescent in Rosedale was given a tyre beautification after the illegal dump site was cleared.


ESKOM LOADSHEDDING UPDATE -Sunday, 25 February 2024

Having sufficiently replenished emergency reserves over the weekend, Stage 2 loadshedding will continue to be implemented until Monday 16:00. (Previously communicated that Stage 3 loadshedding will be implemented at 16:00 today until 05:00). Thereafter, Stage 3 loadshedding will be implemented from 16:00 until 05:00 on Tuesday. This alternating pattern of Stage 2 loadshedding from 05:00 until 16:00 and Stage 3 loadshedding from 16:00 until 05:00 will be repeated daily from Monday until further notice. A total of 4 170MW of generation capacity is expected to be returned back to service by Wednesday. Eskom will communicate any significant changes should it be required.

George will be affected as follows:
Monday 26/02/2024
10:00 – 12:30
18:00 – 20:30

Tuesday 27/02/2024
18:00 – 20:30

Wednesday 28/02/2024
02:00 – 04:30
18:00 – 20:30

Thursday 29/02/2024
00:00 – 02:30
08:00 – 10:30

Friday 01/03/2024
14:00 – 16:30
22:00 – 00:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Monday 26/02/2024
13:00 – 15:30
21:00 – 23:30

Tuesday 27/02/2024
21:00 – 23:30

Wednesday 28/02/2024
05:00 – 07:30
21:00 – 23:30

Thursday 29/02/2024
03:00 – 05:30
11:00 – 13:30

Friday 01/03/2024
17:00 – 19:30

ESKOM LOADSHEDDING UPDATE, Saturday, 24 February 2024


Loadshedding will be reduced to Stage 2 from 05:00 on Sunday until 16:00. Thereafter, Stage 3 loadshedding will be implemented from 16:00 until 05:00 on Monday. This is as a result of the anticipated recovery of emergency reserves overnight and the two generating units expected to return to service by Sunday. Eskom will provide an update of the outlook for the week ahead on Sunday, or as soon as any significant changes occur.

George will be affected as follows:
Saturday 24/02/2024
20:00 – 22:30

Sunday 25/02/2024
02:00 – 04:30
10:00 – 12:30

Monday 26/02/2024
02:00 – 04:30
10:00 – 12:30
18:00 – 20:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Saturday 24/02/2024
23:00 – 01:30

Sunday 25/02/2024
05:00 – 07:30
13:00 – 15:30

Monday 26/02/2024
05:00 – 07:30
13:00 – 15:30
21:00 – 23:30


ESKOM LOADSHEDDING UPDATE, Thursday , 22 February 2024

Due to the loss of five generating units at Kendal Power Station and a generating unit at Duvha Power Station, Stage 4 loadshedding will be implemented at 04:00 today until further notice. Eskom will closely monitor the power system and communicate should any significant changes occur.

George will be affected as follows:
Thursday 22/02/2024
12:00 – 14:30
20:00 – 22:30

Friday 23/02/2024
04:00 – 06:30
12:00 – 14:30
20:00 – 22:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:
Thursday 22/02/2024
07:00 – 09:30
15:00 – 17:00
23:00 – 01:30

Friday 23/02/2024
07:00 – 09:30
15:00 – 17:30
23:00 – 01:30

BROWN WATER – UNIONDALE, 21 February 2024

Parts of Uniondale may experience brown water due to operational challenges. George Municipality is investigating the problem and applying remedial measures. We apologise for the inconveniance.

The water treatment team will provide updates on the matter as the day progress.