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Author: Debra Sauer

Dogs on beaches(sand area) detrimental to Blue Flag status

Dogs on beaches(sand area) detrimental to Blue Flag status – we request your co-operation!

George Municipality wishes to inform all dog owners that in order to adhere to the Blue Flag international standards at all of our beaches, it is imperative to enforce strict rules of NO DOGS ON BEACHES (SAND AREAS) that is in line with the Municipality’s By-law, Keeping of dogs, cats and animals.

Wilderness Beach, Herold’s Bay and Victoria Bay have full Blue Flag status and Leeintjiesklip has Pilot status for the 2023 festive season. Blue Flag is an international coastal management programme that accredits beaches that meet standards of excellence in water quality, environmental management, environmental education and information as well as safety and services. In South Africa the programme is implemented by the Wildlife Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA). The Blue Flag season runs from 1 December 2023 to 31 January 2024.

Dog excrement can contaminate the water and jeopardise the Blue Flag status of our beaches – even if the dog poop is picked up. Dog owners are therefore warned to keep dogs on a leash and off the sandy areas at the beaches. Law Enforcement officers will not hesitate to act against those that do not adhere to the By-law.

Further to this By-Law no dog or other animal may be in any public street or public space (any open public space the public has access to which falls under the George Municipal jurisdiction for example beachfronts, parks, sport fields and sidewalks) except on a leash and under control. This is unless the animal is in an area designated by the George Municipality as a free-running area.

A person is not allowed to walk a dog other than a guide dog, ON A BEACHFRONT, a public street, public place, without carrying enough plastic or paper bags or wrappers, to place the excrement into, in the event of the dog defecating. Please note that dogs are allowed on the sidewalk areas, (tarred, brick-paved etc.) of beachfronts, if these conditions are adhered to.

The beach areas under the control of the George Municipality include Herold’s Bay, Gwaiing River Mouth Beach, Victoria Bay and the Leentjiesklip and Wildnerness beach areas up until the NSRI (Salina’s Restaurant). The area to the left of Salina’s Restaurant (facing the sea) falls under Sanparks. The attached map indicates the areas on Wilderness Beach where dogs MAY be walked on the beach.
The George Municipal By-Law may differ from that of other municipalities. Please humanely muzzle and or more can and will be imposed.

Animal owners leaving on vacation should please ensure that they have their animals cared for by a reliable person or at an animal boarding facility such as kennels or catteries.
We ask dog owners to familiarise themselves with a map of Sanparks attached, to see where dogs are allowed on beaches and where not.


Honde op strande (sandgebied) is nadelig vir Blouvlagstatus – ons versoek u samewerking!

George Munisipaliteit wil alle honde-eienaars in kennis stel dat om aan die Blouvlag internasionale standaarde by al ons strande te voldoen, dit noodsaaklik is om streng reëls van GEEN HONDE OP STRANDE (SANDGEBIEDE) af te dwing wat in lyn is met die Munisipaliteit se Bywet, Aanhou van honde, katte en diere.

Wildernisstrand, Heroldsbaai en Victoriabaai het volle Blouvlagstatus en Leeintjiesklip het status vir die 2023-feesseisoen. Blouvlag is ‘n internasionale kusbestuursprogram wat strande akkrediteer wat aan standaarde van uitnemendheid in watergehalte, omgewingsbestuur, omgewingsopvoeding en inligting sowel as veiligheid en dienste voldoen. In Suid-Afrika word die program deur die Wildlife Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA) geïmplementeer. Die Blouvlagseisoen strek van 1 Desember 2023 tot 31 Januarie 2024.

Honde-ontlasting kan die water besoedel en die Blouvlagstatus van ons strande in gedrang bring – selfs al word die honde-afval opgetel. Honde-eienaars word dus gewaarsku om honde aan ‘n leiband en van die sanderige gebiede by die strande af weg te hou. Wetstoepassingsbeamptes sal nie huiwer om op te tree teen diegene wat nie by die Verordening hou nie.

Ingevolge hierdie Verordening mag geen hond of ander dier in enige openbare straat of openbare ruimte wees (enige oop openbare ruimte waartoe die publiek toegang het en wat onder die George Munisipale jurisdiksie val, byvoorbeeld strandfronte, parke, sportvelde en sypaadjies) behalwe aan ‘n leiband en onder beheer. Dit is tensy die dier in ‘n gebied is wat deur die George Munisipaliteit as ‘n vrylopende gebied aangewys is.

‘n Persoon word nie toegelaat om met ‘n ander hond behalwe ‘n gidshond, OP ‘N STRAND, ‘n openbare straat, openbare plek, te loop sonder om genoeg plastiek- of papiersakke of omhulsels te dra, om die ontlasting in te plaas, in die geval die hond ontlas nie. Neem asseblief kennis dat honde op die sypaadjie-gebiede, (geteer, baksteen geplaveide ens.) van strandfronte toegelaat word, indien hierdie voorwaardes nagekom word.
Die strandgebiede onder beheer van die George-munisipaliteit sluit in Heroldsbaai, Gwaiingriviermondstrand, Victoriabaai en die Leentjiesklip- en Wildnerness-strandgebiede tot by die NSRI (Salina’s Restaurant). Die gebied links van Salina’s Restaurant (wat na die see kyk) val onder Sanparke.

Die George Munisipale Verordening kan verskil van dié van ander munisipaliteite. Snoer asseblief jou hond op ‘n menslike manier,om die hond onder beheer te hou, indien die dier as gevaarlik, boosaardig of wreed beskou word. Geen diere moet in ‘n onbewaakte en/of toe voertuig of oop bakkie in enige openbare straat of ruimte gelaat word nie. Indien hierdie verordening nie nagekom word nie, kan en sal ‘n boete van R500 en hoër opgelê word.

Diere-eienaars wat met vakansie vertrek, moet asseblief seker maak dat hulle hul diere deur ‘n betroubare persoon of by ‘n diere-instapfasiliteit soos honde-herberg of katte-herberg versorg word.
Ons vra honde-eienaars om hulself te vergewis van ‘n kaart van Sanparke wat aangeheg is, om te sien waar honde op strande toegelaat word en waar nie.




Stage 6 loadshedding will be implemented from 20:00 tonight until 05:00 tomorrow morning. Then Stage 4 loadshedding will resume at 05:00 tomorrow morning until further notice. This is necessary to ensure sufficient generation capacity is available tonight to replenish the dam levels at the pumped storage power station so that this capacity will be available during the day tomorrow. The breakdown of 6 generating units during the day has necessitated the escalation in the loadshedding stage. Eskom will publish a further update should any significant changes occur.(Eskom)

George will be affected as follows:

Wednesday 21/12/2022
04:00 – 06:30
12:00 – 14:30
20:00 – 22:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:

Wednesday 21/12/2022
07:00 – 09:30
15:00 – 17:30
23:00 – 01:30

Public Notice: No Fireworks Allowed in George and surrounds

Public Notice: No Fireworks Allowed in George and surrounds

Issued George Mun,  20 December 2022

George Municipality reminds the public that due to the high fire risk, the setting off, and possession of fireworks, firecrackers, flares, paper lanterns and other such paraphernalia in the George municipal area is not allowed.

Strict Fireworks Legislation

George has strict firework legislation and according to the Bylaw on Community Safety, Section 58 (13) No person may discharge fireworks outside of a designated Fire Works Area. No Fire Works area has been made available in George and should someone be caught discharging a firework, a flare or lighting a Chinese lantern an immediate fine of R1000 is applicable as well as a potential charge of arson.

Confiscation Notices

Law Enforcement Services together with other Role players would start with the compliance campaign by doing continuous inspections at shops in all areas.  Confiscation notices and Fines will be issued to non-compliant shops and confiscated fireworks will handed over to the SAPS Explosives unit for disposal.

Marine Flares

Setting off marine rocket flares for fun is hugely dangerous and irresponsible. NSRI is compelled to log and investigate each and every incident in case it is a real emergency which of course takes up their time and valuable resources and, more seriously, could detract from genuine flare sightings. It is also hugely dangerous for those setting off the flares, which, as they are quite costly, we suspect are also probably out of date. Marine guidance notes explain that all old flares need to be disposed of correctly.

Rocket flares degrade with time and there have been cases where the rocket propellant separates from the parachute and you are left with an uncontrolled flare which then comes back down and hits the person who has fired it off.


George Municipality will firmly enforce the applicable by-laws and Law Enforcement officials will be deployed at various areas and beaches throughout the season to attend to fireworks complaints.

Pets and fireworks

This will hopefully assist in reducing the noise levels and allow people (and their pets) to plan for “noisy” periods thus allowing for a quieter, safer environment for all concerned. For some pets, especially dogs and cats with particularly noise-sensitive ears, the sound of fireworks can cause intense fear responses. Some pets will go to extremes to hide, others get startled and run away, and general anxiety caused by unexpected loud sounds can have long-lasting effects on animals.

Other impacts of fireworks- did you know?

Bees become so disorientated they don’t go back to their hives.

Birds have panic attacks at night causing mass deaths.

Fish and other animals perish after ingesting fireworks debris.

Companion animals have anxiety and panic attacks.

Fireworks can also trigger Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in people.

Please report the illegal setting off of fireworks to 044 801 6350 or after hours at 044 801 6300.

Please report the illegal trade in fireworks to 044 801 6350 or after hours at 044 801 6300.

FIRE EMERGENCIES: 044 801 6311


Openbare Kennisgewing: Geen vuurwerke word in George en omgewing toegelaat nie

Uitgereik deur George Munisipaliteit vir onmiddellike vrystelling

George Munisipaliteit herinner die publiek daaraan dat weens die hoë brandrisiko, die afvuur, en besit van vuurwerke, klappers, fakkels, papierlanterns en ander sulke toebehore in die George munisipale gebied nie toegelaat word nie.

Streng vuurwerkwetgewing

George het streng vuurwerkwetgewing en volgens die Verordening op Gemeenskapsveiligheid, Artikel 58 (13) mag geen persoon vuurwerke buite ‘n aangewese Vuurwerkgebied afvuur nie. Daar is geen vuurwerkgebied  in George beskikbaar gestel nie en sou iemand gevang word wat ‘n vuurwerk, ‘n fakkel of ‘n Chinese lantern aansteek, is ‘n onmiddellike boete van R1000 van toepassing asook ‘n moontlike klag van brandstigting.


Wetstoepassingsdienste sal saam met ander rolspelers met die nakomingsveldtog begin deur deurlopende inspeksies by winkels in alle gebiede te doen. Beslagleggingskennisgewings en boetes sal uitgereik word aan winkels wat nie aan die vereistes voldoen nie en gekonfiskeerde vuurwerke sal aan die SAPD se plofstofeenheid oorhandig word vir vernietiging.

Mariene vuurpylfakkels

Dit is uiters gevaarlik en onverantwoordelik om mariene vuurpylfakkels vir die pret te laat afgaan. NSRI is verplig om elke voorval aan te teken en te ondersoek ingeval dit ‘n werklike noodgeval is, wat natuurlik hul tyd en waardevolle hulpbronne in beslag neem en nog ernstiger, afbreuk kan doen aan werklike fakkelwaarnemings. Dit is ook uiters gevaarlik vir diegene wat die fakkels afvuur aangesien dit redelik duur is en waarskynlik verouderd. Luidens Mariene handleidingnotas moet alle ou fakkels korrek vernietig word.  Vuurpylfakkels versleg mettertyd en daar was al gevalle waar die vuurpyldryfmiddel van die valskerm skei en jy sit met ‘n onbeheerde fakkel wat dan terugkom en die persoon wat dit afgevuur het, tref.


George Munisipaliteit sal die toepaslike verordeninge streng toepas en Wetstoepassingsbeamptes sal deur die seisoen by verskeie gebiede en strande ontplooi word om aandag te gee aan vuurwerkklagtes.

Troeteldiere en vuurwerke

Hierdie sal hopelik help om die geraasvlakke te verminder en mense (en hul troeteldiere) in staat stel om te beplan vir “geraas” periodes en sodoende ‘n stiller, veiliger omgewing vir alle betrokkenes, moontlik te maak. Vir sommige troeteldiere, veral honde en katte met besonder geraas-sensitiewe ore, kan die geluid van vuurwerke intense vreesreaksies veroorsaak. Sommige troeteldiere gaan tot uiterstes om weg te kruip, ander skrik en hardloop weg, en algemene angs wat deur onverwagte harde geluide veroorsaak word, kan langdurige uitwerking op diere hê.

Ander impakte van vuurwerke – het jy geweet?

Bye raak so gedisoriënteerd dat hulle nie teruggaan na hul korwe nie.

Voëls ondergaan paniekaanvalle in die nag wat massa-vrektes veroorsaak.

Visse en ander diere vergaan nadat hulle vuurwerkrommel ingeneem het.

Geselskapsdiere het angs- en paniekaanvalle.

Vuurwerke kan ook posttraumatiese stresversteuring by mense veroorsaak.

Rapporteer asseblief die onwettige afvuur van vuurwerke by 044 801 6350 of na-ure by 044 801 6300.

Meld asseblief die onwettige handel in vuurwerke by 044 801 6350 of na-ure by 044 801 6300 aan.



Refuse removal on public holidays over the Festive Season

Refuse removal for the public holidays of 26 and 27 December, as well as 2 January, will take place as per the normal schedule.

Black bag-related enquiries: 044 802 2900
Blue and green bag enquiries: LGE Waste, 044 630 0279.

MONDAY: Blanco, Riverlea, Heatherpark, Heatherlands, Glen Barrie, Kraaibosch, Groenkloof, Blue Mountain Village, Herold’s Bay, Victoria Bay, Rondevlei area (George side) and certain businesses as arranged.

TUESDAY: Levallia, Rosemoor, Conville, Protea Park, Parkdene, Ballotsview, Borchards, Lawaaikamp, Thembalethu, Wilderness, Constantia Kloof, Kleinkrantz

Issued by George Municipality 20 December 2022


Public Notice: Posters and Banners, the do’s and don’t’s of putting them up in George

Public Notice: Posters and Banners, the do’s and don’t’s of putting them up in George
George Municipality would like to advise all organisations and individuals who wish to put up posters and/or banners prior to the festive season that it is illegal in terms of our Standard Bylaw regarding Streets (PK 565/1987) to put up posters in the George jurisdiction without prior permission of the Municipality. Organisations and individuals alike should further take note that there is an application process and deposits, and fees are payable. All requirements in the Bylaw need to be met and will be strictly enforced.
Permission for the erection of posters on lamp posts is granted, in accordance with the Regulation regarding Advertisement Signs and the Defacement of the Façade on the Forefront of Streets (PK 565/1958) and the Standard Bylaw regarding Streets (PK 565/1987) to: Individuals erecting posters for municipal and/or parliamentary elections and meetings; Political parties as well as the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) to erect posters during the official IEC voter registration week/weekends; An institution which holds sports events on a provincial, national or international level; An institution that organises festivals which receive financial support from Council.
1. Only one poster per event may be displayed on a lamp post with the understanding that two posters may be positioned back-to-back. These posters may be positioned two weeks before an event and may only be fixed to the lamp posts by means of using rope or a similar material. No adhesive material may be used for this purpose. A maximum of 100 posters may be displayed in instances where sports events and festivals are taking place.
2. Posters must be removed on or before the fourth weekday after the event.
3. Wording of the poster must be factual and may not offend any person, race or belief. The municipality also retains the right to remove any poster without providing explanation, where such poster hinders the visibility of any traffic sign or if management deems it ineligible for a poster to be displayed at a specific location.
4. Should an individual/organisation neglect to remove all posters that they have displayed, they will forfeit the deposit or a part thereof, depending on the costs involved in the removal of said posters. The Poster or the artwork must be submitted via the Tourism Department for approval within a reasonable timeframe before it is displayed or erected.
5. The official stamp must be affixed on each of the approved posters once the applicable fees are paid.
Banners can only be applied at five (5) specific municipal sites namely; York Street (from Pacaltsdorp before train bridge and on left side); Langenhoven Road, Knysna Road, Sandkraal Road (from Thembalethu in front of SANTA fence) and Unity Park in York Street.
1. The banners sites must be pre-booked with a deposit paid.
They may only be a maximum size of 3.5 m x 1m, and no political, liquor or cigarette advertisement with offensive wording on banners will be allowed.
2. Banners may only be up for a period of two weeks and must be removed by the applicant.
The distribution of pamhlets/flyers at traffic intersections and on public roads is not permitted in terms of National Road Traffic Act 92 of 1996, Section 319 as well as the George Municipal By-Law relating to Roads and Streets.
The public, business and organisations are further advised that the George Municipal Logo and Crest are registered as the intellectual property of the George Municipality, and as such can only be used by the George Municipality for official purposes, unless otherwise authorised by Council. No business, organisation and/or individual has the right to use the George Municipal logo in any social or printed media, and or including any marketing items such as caps, tshirts, banners, posters and flyers etc.
Where a business, organisation or individual is collaborating with a municipal department on a project, prior approval must always be requested before using the municipal logo in any format. This will be granted on condition that the project and/or event is endorsed by the municipality officially, and that the product or marketing material which is produced is in good taste, not offensive and adheres to the guidelines as set out by the George Municipal Corporate Identity Manual.
Contact for Posters and Banners
Heloine America ● +27 44 801 9295 ●
Download the application form

Public Notice: Pump failure in Kraaibosh area – use water sparingly

Public Notice: George Municipality appeals to residents in the Kraaibosch, Groenkloof and Welgelegen areas to please urgently reduce or limit their water usage in the kitchen and bathrooms. Unfortunately we’ve had a sewage pumpstation failure at Kraaibosch. Both pumps failed and are estimated to take a week to repair. Tankers are in operation but will not be able to meet the inflow. For emergencies please phone our emergency number 044 801 6300. Issued by George Mun 18 Dec 2022 at 13h50.

Urgent Notice: Motorists to exercise extra caution when driving in rain

Urgent Public Notice: George Municipality Emergency Services appeals to the public and motorists to exercise extra caution when driving on the roads while it is raining heavily. Certain Streets are already flooded and can become impassable while downpours continue. PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY. ISSUED BY GEORGE MUN 17 DECEMBER 2022 AT 8h00

URGENT Public Notice: Alternative Cellphone Emergency Numbers

URGENT Public Notice: Alternative Cellphone Emergency Numbers

George Municipality’s official emergency and after hours number is 044 801 6300 and a dedicated fire emergency number 044 801 6311.
We have added additional cellphone numbers to the emergency room which the public can also make use of:
1. 074 621 8737 or
2. 074 423 8635


Eskom Stage 6 loadshedding implemented – See schedule

*Eskom Stage 6 loadshedding was implemented. This was necessary due to the failure of 8 generating units overnight and the excessive reliance on OCGTs and pumped storage generation that is rapidly depleting these reserves.*

_*George will be affected as follows:*_

Friday 16/12/2022
08:00 – 12:30 **
16:00 – 18:30

Saturday 17/12/2022
06:00 – 10:30 **
14:00 – 18:30 **
22:00 – 00:30

Sunday 18/12/2022
06:00 – 08:30
14:00 – 18:30 **
22:00 – 00:30

_*Uniondale will be affected as follows:*_

Friday 16/12/2022
11:00 – 15:30 **
19:00 – 21:30

Saturday 17/12/2022
01:00 – 03:30
09:00 – 13:30 **
17:00 – 21:30 **

Sunday 18/12/2022
01:00 – 03:30
09:00 – 11:30
17:00 – 21:30 **

Issued by George Mun on behalf of Eskom – 16 Dec 2022 at 09h20

Stage 6 loadshedding was implemented

Stage 6 loadshedding was implemented. This was necessary due to the failure of 8 generating units overnight and the excessive reliance on OCGTs and pumped storage generation that is rapidly depleting these reserves.

Eskom will give a full update in due course.(Eskom)
Please note that this morning’s slot in George has now been extended to 12:30 due to the implementation of stage 6. Issued by George Municipality 16 Dec 2022 at 09h00

Weather Warning: 𝗟𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗹 𝟲 𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗺s

Weather Warning: 𝗟𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗹 𝟲 𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗺𝘀

Issued by George Mun on behalf of the South African Weather Service for immediate release


The South African Weather Service has issued a warning of level 6 severe thunderstorms from Friday, 16 December until Saturday, 17 December along the Garden Route District, including George.


Orange level 6 warnings for Severe Thunderstorms can result in flooding and sometimes large amounts of small hail. Storms will dominate over the western parts by Friday morning  according to the Weather Service before moving eastwards to the central and eastern parts during the afternoon and evening.


According to the Service, flash flooding of roads and susceptible settlements as well as danger to life in the crossing of fast-flowing streams may occur. Large amounts of small hail/large hail can cause damage to vehicles and cause difficult driving conditions, especially where heavy downpours are present. These conditions can lead to major travel disruptions and can be aggravated by possible falling trees that could block major roads. Loss of agricultural production is also likely together with disruptions to essential services.


We ask the public to please stay indoors away from metal objects. Do not seek shelter under trees or tall objects. Do not go fishing or golfing as both the golf clubs and fishing rods are a good conductor of electricity. Be aware that any combination of hail strong winds and or heavy downpours can accompany the storms.


Please note Facebook, George Municipal App or Twitter are not formal channels for logging complaints.


Emergencies (24/7)

  1. All municipal related emergencies control centre – 044 801 6300
  2. Dedicated fire emergencies – 044 801 6311


Flood safety tips and preparation before, during and after the emergency, vector infographic

George Law Enforcement officers sweep another 241 shops for fireworks

*Media Release: George Law Enforcement officers sweep another 241 shops for fireworks
Issued by George Municipality 15 December for immediate release*

George Municipality Law Enforcement officers have visited 241 shops in George and Uniondale areas since the last sweep in November and fined five shop owners  a total of R7500 for having fireworks in their possession. Law Enforcement officers have put up hundreds of posters about the ban on fireworks in the George Municipal area and will continue writing out warnings and issue fines to shop owners who refuse to adhere to the law.

The value of the fireworks confiscated is approximately R1700. Officers will next clamp down on Thembalethu, Rosedale and New Dawn Park. Law Enforcement official, Ashley Joseph has visited 14 shops in the Uniondale area and handed out posters. No fireworks have been confiscated. Joseph will still visit shops in Haarlem and surrounding farming areas.

We remind the public that due to the high fire risk, the setting off, and possession of fireworks, firecrackers, flares, paper lanterns and other such paraphernalia in the George municipal area is not allowed. The fireworks confiscated by our Law Enforcement officers will be handed over to the police for disposal. Confiscation notices are issued to the offending shops.

George has strict firework legislation and according to the Bylaw on Community Safety, Section 58 (13) No person may discharge fireworks outside of a designated Fire Works Area. No Fire Works area has been made available in George and should someone be caught discharging a firework, a flare, or lighting a Chinese lantern an immediate fine of R1000 is applicable as well as a potential charge of arson.

Setting off marine rocket flares for fun is hugely dangerous and irresponsible. NSRI is compelled to log and investigate every incident in case it is a real emergency which of course takes up their time and valuable resources and could detract from genuine flare sightings. It is also hugely dangerous for those setting off the flares, as they are quite costly, and sometimes also out of date.

Marine guidance notes explain that all old flares need to be disposed of correctly. Rocket flares degrade with time and there have been cases where the rocket propellant separates from the parachute, and you are left with an uncontrolled flare which then comes back down and hits the person who has fired it off.

George Municipality will firmly enforce the applicable by-laws and additional Law Enforcement officers will be deployed at various areas and beaches over the festive season to attend to fireworks complaints. This will hopefully assist in reducing the noise levels and allow people (and their pets) to plan for “noisy” periods thus allowing for a quieter, safer environment for all concerned. For some pets, especially dogs and cats with particularly noise-sensitive ears, the sound of fireworks can cause intense fear responses. Some pets will go to extremes to hide, others get startled and run away, and general anxiety caused by unexpected loud sounds can have long-lasting effects on animals.

Please report the illegal setting off of fireworks to 044 801 6350 or after hours at 044 801 6300.
Please report the illegal trade in fireworks to 044 801 6350 or after hours at 044 801 6300.

FIRE EMERGENCIES: 044 801 6311


_*Fireworks 1 and 2: Some of the fireworks and crackers confiscated in George.*_

_*fireworks 3: Ashley Joseph with hands a poster to the Jozelle shop owner, Zakir Hossin in the Uniondale CBD.*_


Euwel van verstopte stormwaterdreine en kabeldiefstal lei tot groot skade en probleme met dienslewering

Mediavrystelling: Euwel van verstopte stormwaterdreine en kabeldiefstal lei tot groot skade en probleme met dienslewering

Uitgereik deur George Munisipaliteit 15 Desember 2022 vir onmiddellike vrystelling


Die aandag is vandeesweek weer opnuut op die euwel van verstopte stormwaterdreine en kabeldiefstal geplaas toe strate in Rosemoor, George oorstroom het en bykans onbegaanbaar was, weens ‘n drein in O’Connellstraat wat met ‘n bondel gesteelde elektriese kabels en gemors verstop was.

Amptenare van ons Siviele Ingenieursdienste moes spook om die kabels uit te kry wat aan ander vullis, soos volgestopte plastieksakke, koeldrankbottels en nog vele gemors vasgedraai was.

Ons Elektrotegniese Dienste Direktoraat het bevestig dat dit kragkabels is, wat reeds van koper gestroop is.

Volgens Lionel Daniels, adjunkdirekteur van Siviele Ingenieursdienste, kry hul afdeling gereeld klagte oor ons stormwaterstelsel wat nie behoorlik werk nie, maar sê hy hierdie is die tipiese voorvalle waarmee sy spanne bykans elke dag moet sukkel en wat dienslewering kelder.

Daniels sê in hierdie spesifieke geval het het talle strate oorspoel met die swaar reens weens die een verstopte drein.

Wonder jy ooit hoekom sekere gebiede meer oorstromings en rioolstortings as ander het? In meeste gevalle kan die probleem direk verbind word met wat in die drein afgaan.

Verkeerde goed wat toilette afgespoel of wat in stormwaterafvoerpype gegooi word, is een van die grootste oorsake van riool wat oorloop en verstopte dreine en oorstromings. Probleemitems sluit in, kosverpakking, koeldrankbottels en tot dooie diere en meubels, sanitêre produkte, babadoeke wat in die mangate en afvoerpype gegooi word.


Om dreinpype skoon te maak is duur en kos die munisipaliteit geld en mannekrag wat vir iets anders gebruik kon word. Oorstromings weens verstopte dreine kan huise, motors en eiendom beskadig en kan selfs die oorsaak van verdrinkings wees.

Ons vra die publiek om asseblief die area voor stormwatergate in die pad skoon te hou van blare en gemors. Moenie rommel strooi nie, hou dit in a swartsak tot vullisopteldag. Plaas babadoeke, koshouers, sanitêre produkte in ‘n plastiek inkopiesak, bind dit toe en plaas dit in ‘n swart sak. Moenie die toilet as ‘n vullisblik gebruik nie. Gooi bourommel, voertuigbande en ander groot goed by die munisipale stortingsterrein of binne-in ‘n skepbak in u gebied.

Verjaag enigiemand wat vir kwaadgeld rondloop en probeer om dreindeksels oop te maak of rapporteer dit.

Rapporteer onwettige stortings by Omgewingsdienste: 044 802 290

Verstopte riool en stormwaterpype by Siviele Ingenieursdienste: 044 801 9262/66

Dooie diere vir verwydering by Tuinroete DBV: 044 878 1990

Mense wat groot items in dreinpype gooi by Wetstoepassing: 044 801 6350

Dooie diere op die N2 vir verwydering by Sanral: 082 553 4878

Of na-ure by George Munisipaliteit nooddienste 044 801 6300.


Vandalisme – groot oorsaak van kragonderbrekings

Vandalisme van munisipale eiendom kos die George Munisipaliteit miljoene rande per jaar. Kabeldiefstal lei dikwels tot kragonderbrekings, wat rioolpompstasies en huishoudings beïnvloed, en dus ‘n groot invloed het op dienslewering. Gebiede waar sub-stasies, mini-substasies, straatligte en rioolpompstasies geteiken is, sluit in die industriële gebiede Tamsui en Pacaltsdorp, Rosedale, Lawaaikamp, Parkdene, Conville, Borcherds, Rosemoor, Blanco, Gwaing en Thembalethu.

George Munisipaliteit het nog steeds die probleem van kriminele wat elektriese strukture klim, en hulself en ander se lewens in gevaar plaas deur hierdie kriminele en nalatige dade. George Munisipaliteit word gedwing om groot bedrae van die belastingbetalers se geld te bestee op die herstel van elektriese (en ander) netwerke wat gevandaliseer word. Hierdie bates behoort ook aan die belastingbetalers en die munisipaliteit bestuur hierdie bates wat deur die publiek betaal word. George Munisipaliteit versoek dus alle inwoners om ons te help om ons bates te beskerm. Meld sulke oortredings soos kabeldiefstal aan by George Munisipaliteit of by u naaste polisiekantoor.

Rapporteer by 0860 044 044 of 044 801 6300 na-ure.

 Foto-onderskrif: Twee George munisipale amptenare spook om ‘n groot bondel elektriese kabels wat aan ander gemors soos volgestopte vullissakke en koeldrankbottels verstrengel geraak het, uit ‘n stormwaterdrein te verwyder. O’Connellstraat en omliggende strate in Rosemoor het vandeesweek met die swaar reens oorstroom  en was bykans onbegaanbaar weens die verstopte drein.

Eskom Loadshedding will be reduced to Stage 4 from 05:00 on Thursday morning, 15 December

Eskom Loadshedding will be reduced to Stage 4 from 05:00 on Thursday morning, 15 December 2022 until 05:00 on Sunday morning.

George will be affected as follows:

Thursday 15/12/2022
00:00 – 04:30 **
08:00 – 10:30
16:00 – 18:30

Friday 16/12/2022
00:00 – 02:30
08:00 – 10:30
16:00 – 18:30

Saturday 17/12/2022
06:00 – 08:30
14:00 – 16:30
22:00 – 00:30

Sunday 18/12/2022
06:00 – 08:30
14:00 – 16:30
22:00 – 00:30

Uniondale will be affected as follows:

Thursday 15/12/2022
03:00 – 05:30
11:00 – 13:30
19:00 – 21:30

Friday 16/12/2022
03:00 – 05:30
11:00 – 13:30
19:00 – 21:30

Saturday 17/12/2022
01:00 – 03:30
09:00 – 11:30
17:00 – 19:30

Sunday 18/12/2022
01:00 – 03:30
09:00 – 11:30
17:00 – 19:30

Issued by George Mun on behalf of Eskom

Public Notice: Dogs on beaches(sand area) detrimental to Blue Flag status

Public Notice: Dogs on beaches(sand area) detrimental to Blue Flag status

George Municipality wishes to inform all dog owners that in order to adhere to the Blue Flag international standards at all of our beaches, it is imperative to enforce strict rules of NO DOGS ON BEACHES (SAND AREAS) that is in line with the Municipality’s By-law, Keeping of dogs, cats and animals.

Dog excrement can contaminate the water and jeopardise the Blue Flag status of our beaches-even if the dog poop is picked up. Dog owners are therefore warned to keep dogs on a leash and off the sandy areas at the beaches. Law Enforcement officers will not hesitate to act against those that do not adhere to the By-law.

Wilderness Beach and Herold’s Bay both have full Blue Flag status and Victoria Bay has Pilot status for the 2022 festive season. Blue Flag is an international coastal management programme that accredits beaches that meet standards of excellence in water quality, environmental management, environmental education and information as well as safety and services. In South Africa the programme is implemented by the Wildlife Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA). The Blue Flag season runs from 1 December 2022 to 31 January 2023.

Further to this By-Law no dog or other animal may be in any public street or public space (any open public space the public has access to which falls under the George Municipal jurisdiction for example beachfronts, parks, sport fields and sidewalks) except on a leash and under control. This is unless the animal is in an area designated by the George Municipality as a free-running area.

A person is not allowed to walk a dog other than a guide dog, ON A BEACHFRONT, a public street, public place, without carrying enough plastic or paper bags or wrappers, to place the excrement into, in the event of the dog defecating. Please note that dogs are allowed on the sidewalk areas, (tarred, brick-paved etc.) of beachfronts, if these conditions are adhered to.
The beach areas under the control of the George Municipality include Herold’s Bay, Gwaiing River Mouth Beach, Victoria Bay and the Leentjiesklip and Wildnerness beach areas up until the NSRI (Salina’s Restaurant). The area to the left of Salina’s Restaurant (facing the sea) falls under Sanparks.

The George Municipal By-Law may differ from that of other municipalities. Please humanely muzzle and keep dogs under control, which could be considered dangerous, vicious or ferocious. No animals should be left in an unattended and or closed vehicle or open bakkie in any public street or space. If this by-law is not adhered to, a fine from R500 and up can and will be imposed.

Animal owners leaving on vacation should please ensure that they have their animals cared for by a reliable person or at an animal boarding facility such as kennels or catteries.
We ask dog owners to familiarise themselves with a map of Sanparks attached, to see where dogs are allowed on beaches and where not.



Openbare Kennisgewing: Honde op strande (sandgebied) is nadelig vir Blouvlagstatus

George Munisipaliteit wil alle honde-eienaars in kennis stel dat om aan die Blouvlag internasionale standaarde by al ons strande te voldoen, dit noodsaaklik is om streng reëls van GEEN HONDE OP STRANDE (SANDGEBIEDE) af te dwing wat in lyn is met die Munisipaliteit se Bywet, Aanhou van honde, katte en diere.
Honde-ontlasting kan die water besoedel en die Blouvlagstatus van ons strande in gedrang bring – selfs al word die honde-afval opgetel. Honde-eienaars word dus gewaarsku om honde aan ‘n leiband en van die sanderige gebiede by die strande af weg te hou. Wetstoepassingsbeamptes sal nie huiwer om op te tree teen diegene wat nie by die Verordening hou nie.
Wilderness strand en Heroldsbaai het albei volle Blouvlag-status en Victoriabaai het loodstatus vir die 2022-feesseisoen. Blouvlag is ‘n internasionale kusbestuursprogram wat strande akkrediteer wat aan standaarde van uitnemendheid in watergehalte, omgewingsbestuur, omgewingsopvoeding en -inligting sowel as veiligheid en dienste voldoen. In Suid-Afrika word die program deur die Wildlife Environmental Society of South Africa (WESSA) geïmplementeer. Die Blouvlagseisoen strek van 1 Desember 2022 tot 31 Januarie 2023.
Ingevolge hierdie Verordening mag geen hond of ander dier in enige openbare straat of openbare ruimte wees (enige oop openbare ruimte waartoe die publiek toegang het en wat onder die George Munisipale jurisdiksie val, byvoorbeeld strandfronte, parke, sportvelde en sypaadjies) behalwe aan ‘n leiband en onder beheer. Dit is tensy die dier in ‘n gebied is wat deur die George Munisipaliteit as ‘n vrylopende gebied aangewys is.
‘n Persoon word nie toegelaat om met ‘n ander hond behalwe ‘n gidshond, OP ‘N STRAND, ‘n openbare straat, openbare plek, te loop sonder om genoeg plastiek- of papiersakke of omhulsels te dra, om die ontlasting in te plaas, in die geval die hond ontlas nie. Neem asseblief kennis dat honde op die sypaadjie-gebiede, (geteer, baksteen geplaveide ens.) van strandfronte toegelaat word, indien hierdie voorwaardes nagekom word.

Die strandgebiede onder beheer van die George-munisipaliteit sluit in Heroldsbaai, Gwaiingriviermondstrand, Victoriabaai en die Leentjiesklip- en Wildnerness-strandgebiede tot by die NSRI (Salina’s Restaurant). Die gebied links van Salina’s Restaurant (wat na die see kyk) val onder Sanparke.

Die George Munisipale Verordening kan verskil van dié van ander munisipaliteite. Snoer asseblief jou hond op ‘n menslike manier,om die hond onder beheer te hou, indien die dier as gevaarlik, boosaardig of wreed beskou word. Geen diere moet in ‘n onbewaakte en/of toe voertuig of oop bakkie in enige openbare straat of ruimte gelaat word nie. Indien hierdie verordening nie nagekom word nie, kan en sal ‘n boete van R500 en hoër opgelê word.
Diere-eienaars wat met vakansie vertrek, moet asseblief seker maak dat hulle hul diere deur ‘n betroubare persoon of by ‘n diere-instapfasiliteit soos honde-herberg of katte-herberg versorg word.
Ons vra honde-eienaars om hulself te vergewis van ‘n kaart van Sanparke wat aangeheg is, om te sien waar honde op strande toegelaat word en waar nie.

Eskom Loadshedding stage 5 will continue to be implemented until Thursday at 05:00

*Eskom Loadshedding stage 5 will continue to be implemented until Thursday at 05:00*

_*George will be affected as follows*_

Wednesday 14/12/2022

00:00 – 02:30

08:00 – 10:30

16:00 – 18:30

Thursday 15/12/2022

00:00 – 04:30 **


_*Uniondale will be affected as follows:*_

Tuesday 13/12/2022

19:00 – 23:30 **

Wednesday 14/12/2022

03:00 – 05:30

11:00 – 13:30

19:00 – 21:30

Thursday 15/12/2022

03:00 – 05:30

*Issued by George Municipality 13/12/22 on behalf of Eskom*

Update on the major pipeburst in the George Industrial area

Update on the major pipeburst in the George Industrial area. The only area affected at this stage is the Industrial area and teams are working on the repairs. Two water trucks will be stationed at Stanmar Motors and one near Roelcor. For any water, sanitation and street faults phone in on 044 801 9262/6. Issued by George Municipality 13 December 2022 at 10h00

George Municipality handed over 700 home composting bins to residents

Media Release: George Municipality handed over 700 home composting bins to residents

Issued by George Municipality 12 December 2022 for immediate release


George Municipality handed over 700 home composting bins the past week to residents who qualified to receive a composting bin.

According to Grace Notshokovu from Environmental Services, they’ve had a good turnout and residents are very excited to start their composting projects. This was the first cycle of the project, and it will continue to be rolled out over the next three years.

Notshokovu said people are welcome to apply for bins in the meantime. They must however be patient as bins can only be bought as funding from the Municipal budget becomes available. However, if someone fails to fetch their bin or cancels it, the next person on the database will receive a bin.

George Municipality invited households, NGO’s, churches and schools to apply for composting bins in July.  The household bin is 150 litres and the bigger bin for organisations is 200 litres. Approximately 30% of all household waste being disposed of at a landfill site consists of organic waste that could potentially be diverted from the landfill by means of household composting.

Complex residents are also encouraged to apply.

Minimum criteria

  1. Must reside permanently in the George municipal area for the project (proof of address must be submitted).
  2. Must generate kitchen waste e.g., raw vegetable and fruit waste.

Application forms to participate in the project are available on the George Municipal website: or can be obtained from the George Environmental Services Municipal offices, 82 Meade Street, George.

Follow the link to the application form:

Submit application forms to or or at George Environmental Services Municipal Offices, 82 Meade Street.

For more information on composting follow the link:

To enquire, contact Grace Notshokovu/ Karin Stoffels (044 802 2900).


George Municipality officials at the handover of the composting bins. With them are Gaston Lehmann (second from right) a beneficiary of a composting bin.


Compost2: Gail Hagemann (beneficiary) with George Municipal officials Khayalethu Khau, Karin Stoffels, Rodriques Opperman (beneficiary) and Zikhona Thungu at the handover of the composting bins.


Compost3: Elize Herbst, Zikhona Thungu and Chris Herbst at the handover.

Update Public Notice: Water trucks deployed where water problems occur

Update Public Notice: Our Civils teams on the ground have found a major water leak and is busy isolating the problem so that water can stabilise. Please report any water leaks to 044 801 6300. Water trucks are stationed or will be at the different areas by 17h00 in the different areas.
Trucks are stationed at:
Borchards: Behind the Vaalwinkel(c/o Garcia and Borchards Road).

Rosemoor 1: VGK Church, Canary Street

Conville 2: Vlakkie (Bontrokkie Street)

Protea Park: Across Hope church

Levallia: Engen garage

Issued by George Mun 12/12/22 at 16h50

Public Notice: Telkom faulty lines also have an effect on MVR office

Public Notice: Telkom faulty lines also have an effect on MVR office, however all the other Traffic Services in Pacaltsdorp and the Vehicle Testing Station is open for business. If the clients at MVR cannot be assisted today, they will be assisted first thing tomorrow morning. Some other departments in the region have also laid complaints with the Department of Transport early today. The service provider is attending to the situation. We will keep you informed of any developments that may arise. Issued by George Mun 12/12/22 at 14h00