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Press Release Archive

Mayor’s newsletter for George Herald of 25 August 2022

I have on occasion been asked why the Municipality promotes events and how these benefit local communities and citizens. It is therefore good useful to reflect on what is termed the “tourism multiplier effect” and the impact that it has on the local economy.

The traditional December five week holiday period has in the past often contributed 25-30% of the annual turnover to businesses directly dependent on tourism. The Municipality is actively seeking to encourage new additions to the calendar through events that will attract tourists to George over weekends and holiday periods.

Tourists arriving in George would firstly need accommodation at hotels or guest houses and may hire cars. These direct transactions will immediately trigger indirect transactions of employment at these establishments, purchases of fuel, cleaning of bedding and eating as examples. Tourists will buy food at restaurants or markets that benefit farmers or fishermen. Tourists will also seek out activities such as hiring canoes or going on boat trips.

If our tourists are mountain bikers, runners or participate in activities (that could range from sport, craft workshops to conferences) their entry fees will indirectly benefit the employees or suppliers contributing to the staging of these events.

The more tourists that we attract could result in part-time employment becoming full-time jobs. We have recently been privileged to host a film production unit with a crew of 70 based in local accommodation for three weeks making use of our scenic locations. Local individuals who acquire technical skills on film sets are then retained by film crews during future visits.

Stallholders at markets in the vicinity also benefit from tourists attracted to buy crafted products. Examples of locally produced products range from bread, cheese, preserves, clothing items, jewellery, to artistic works, etc. This sector provides employment to many either part-time or full-time, with even greater benefit flowing when local produce is being used.

The more events that are attracted will increase the annual turnover of businesses, improve sustainability, add more jobs and income for our citizens either directly through their employment or indirectly as more guest houses, services, entertainment facilities are constructed. Service charges and taxes that are paid to the municipality and government help to improve infrastructure that benefits the tourism sector.

One example of the infrastructure spending presently taking place in George is the upgrade of main roads where our provincial and national government partners have made grant funding available for these improvements on the proviso that the funding is spent within specified timelines.

We applaud those tourist operators who have added new activities to the annual calendar; and encourage even more iconic crafts and tourism product to be developed to further boost economic activity and employment.


Golf and colour-run fun to bolster OCC 2022 fundraising efforts

George, Garden Route (August 2022) – All wheels are in motion to ensure that this year’s Outeniqua Chair Challenge (OCC) can be hosted once again, with continued support from George Municipality and George Tourism since 2002. Taking into account the two-year hiatus necessitated by Covid-19, this year’s much-anticipated event may well be more of a mammoth production than ever before.

But come Saturday October 15, the OCC race village at Carpe Diem School as well as all routes, markers, marshals and meals, will have been secured and an army of helpers will be ready to roll – thanks to the efforts of event owner the Disabled Road Race Foundation (DRRF) and its many resourceful collaborators.

Roslyn Saptoe serves as DRRF chairperson and is tasked with directing the essential fundraising drives required to keep the race on the road, as it were. Two such initiatives are scheduled for the last weekend in August, allowing the general public to show their support for people in wheelchairs while contributing to OCC operational funds.

First up is a Fun Walk at Rooirivier Sports Grounds on Saturday the 27th at 12 noon. Entry fees are R30 for adults and kids pay R10 – register at the grounds from 11am onwards.

“The Fun Walk will follow the well-loved Colour Run-format, with rainbow-tinted powder ensuring no participant leaves the grounds looking drab or grey! Wear a white T-shirt and remember, donations are always very welcome,” smiles Roslyn.

She adds that Rooirivier grounds staff has been asked to trim the grass two days prior to the OCC Fun Walk, which should make it much easier for wheelchair participants to navigate their way.

Then, divot diggers of all skills levels must diarise Sunday August 28, when the OCC Golf Day fundraiser will be hosted at spectacular Oubaai Golf Estate. Entry fee is R2,000 per four-ball and includes green fees, golf carts, and a halfway snack. There’s also a plethora of prizes to be won for nearest to the pin, longest drive and suchlike, as well as an auction and lucky draws.

Various sponsorship options are available – call Roslyn on 073 450 2469 to find out more. Deposit your entry fee into Nedbank (branch code 198765) savings account 2033421546 and email proof of payment to before August 26. For general golf bookings, WhatsApp Nick on 083 491 9133 or Hilton on 073 901 6638

OCC race director Alewijn Dippenaar explains that all funds raised during the run-up to this year’s event will help footing the bill for essential infrastructure such as tents, toilets, sound equipment, water points, delineators and the like.

Says Alewijn: “Consider that we are positioning 2,600 delineators along a 21km circuit, with an equal amount of sandbags. Funds raised will also support our opening ceremony on the Friday evening, when we provide a bite for athletes in attendance.

“Then add the fact that all participants receive medals, and it’s clear the list of expenses is nearly endless. Long story short, the total cost of hosting an event of this magnitude is around R750,000.”

Local business folk unable to attend this month’s fundraisers must take note that a special category has been created by OCC organisers to allow their involvement and support.

“In the lead-up to Boss’s Day on October 16, we’ve opened our 5km route and invite businesses to participate in their own unique challenge on Saturday’s race day. Put your MD or manager into a wheelchair, and get your crew to take turns pushing along the 5km circuit.

“Entry is only R3,000 and affords you brand bragging rights at the race village and during the 5km event, so don’t miss this opportunity for great publicity and a whole lot of fun,” says Alewijn.

The DRRF was established in 2004 as NPO with the specific purpose of enhancing races for people in wheelchairs; each one of its seven directors has a specific portfolio to further this cause. OCC pre-entries can be done by clicking on or contact Alewijn Dippenaar on 082 457 5675 or at with queries.

Press release on behalf of the Road Race Foundation:
interface by goji
mimi finestone |  |  +27 84 583 3144

George becoming a sought-after film destination

With great beauty comes great responsibility is a twist on the old saying “With great power comes great responsibility”. George Municipality is well aware of the beauty of the natural resources we are surrounded by, and for that reason care was taken in setting up and formalising the George Filming Policy approved in 2021. The policy combined with ongoing promotion of the destination as an ideal filming location has meant that George is getting increasing requests for filming permits, from local as well as national producers.

The municipality recognises the valuable contribution of filming to the economic and cultural environment of George and surrounds and the policy aims to create a film-friendly environment while at the same time balancing the film industry requirements against community and environmental considerations to ensure the responsible use of public resources and the maintenance of community amenities.

George  Municipality has signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the Garden Route Film Office to market locations, promote the destination and train local staff and students to become well versed with the film industry, to foster a better understand of the requirements and the service levels expected from this industry.  The return on investment can be extremely lucrative, and although nominal fees are charged for permits, to ensure the sustainable and legal use of the locations, the main benefit is to the George business community.

Riders during the 2017 BUCO Karoo 2 Coast MTB race from Uniondale to Knysna – 24 September 2017 | photo by Ewald Sadie

Film crews can spend several million rand a week in a location, and this money is poured straight into the community for services such as accommodation, transport, arts  and crafts, hiring of equipment and casual staff.  A production company recently spent in the region of R3 million during their three weeks stay in George, which included a filming day on Victoria Bay beach. This economic injection into George’s economy was applauded by the Executive Mayor, Leon van Wyk. “We are privileged to have hosted a film production unit with a crew of 70 based in local accommodation for three weeks making use of our scenic locations. Local individuals who acquire technical skills on film sets are then retained by film crews during future visits” he said.

“Film Promotion, as with Tourism Promotion does not have a direct return on investment for the George Municipality but is rather strategically marketed to stimulate business for the local tourism and film-related businesses.  As Tourism Manager, Joan Shaw puts it “We promote the destination to make the town tills ring!  The beauty is that everyone can benefit as the requirements are diverse ranging from accommodation, transport, and catering to engineering, artist, and event actors for bit parts.”

If you wish to register a location of your business as a provider to future film productions, please register on, register, and upload your product details.

For more information or assistance kindly contact Heloine America, at the George Tourism Office on 044 801 9293.

Find the GM Film Policy on

Tourism stakeholders to grab hold of SHO’T LEFT travel week sales opportunity

Issued George Municipality, 18th August 2022, for immediate release

The Tourism section of George Municipality, representing George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism, urge all tourism activities, accommodation, restaurants and event suppliers to make use of the Sho’t Left Travel Week opportunity to boost sales.


Sho’t Left Travel Week, an initiative of South African Tourism, is the annual tourism sale that offers South Africans up to 50% off when booking during the specified week. This year it’s taking place between 5-11 September.  A considerable investment of 24 million Rand is spent on marketing.   George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism strongly urge all tourism stakeholders to grab this opportunity to make known their offering and to sell.


“We call on all tourism experiences and providers to register on the Sho’t Left website and ensure our destinations are strongly represented in the domestic market space.  Through loading your individual offerings, you are ensuring that domestic tourists become aware of our destinations.  Visitors filter by region and experience.  At present, Knysna, Oudtshoorn and Plettenberg Bay are represented, and our destinations are not featured at all.  It will only take you a few minutes to load your deals, and it’s free.  Since you can set the redemption dates, your business could use this as a tactic to fill up your bookings during quieter times.  However, do keep in mind that domestic tourists prefer to travel during the school holidays so if you are not fully booked over these periods, allowing redemption during these windows could be beneficial to converting more sales.  Tourism products could work together to load deals – for example events and accommodation could offer a package.”, says Tourism Manager, Joan Shaw.


All participating businesses must complete their registrations and deals by 28 August 2022.  The vouchers loaded by the participating businesses are valid beyond the travel week, for whichever dates determined by the business.  Register here:


Road Upgrades in George – spending must take place to avoid loss of grant funding

George Municipality has been inundated with comments regarding all the road upgrades taking place throughout the city in the past few days and this is understandable, considering the impact on all road users. George Municipality is aware of the inconvenience caused by these infrastructure upgrades but as stated a few months ago by George Executive Mayor Alderman Leon van Wyk, the municipality is committed to optimizing road upgrades across the city.

“George Municipality continually pursues other sources of funding to address as many issues as possible. The road upgrade projects will utilize funding from three sources over the next three financial years including George Integrated Public Transport Network (GIPTN) funding, own budget and Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) funding as well as in the case of the York Street Circles, private funding,” said Ald Van Wyk.

The most frequently asked question is why these road upgrades on major routes are all being implemented within a short time period and were not staggered to lessen the overall impact of road users. The main reason for this is the source of funding, and the timeframes in which expenditure must be incurred.  Grant funding has very specific conditions attached, one being the period during which the allocated funding must be spent – if the funding is not used it does not rollover to the next financial year and it is returned to the source.

With this in mind, it must also be noted that certain government departments work on the premise that if a Local Municipality achieves a certain expenditure percentage by November/December of the municipal financial year,  additional funding may be diverted from under-spending municipalities and additional grant funding can be allocated during the national adjustment budget process.

Funding received from Western Cape Provincial Government for the upgrading and maintenance of Proclaimed Roads must be fully spent by 31 December (CJ Langenhoven, York Street), while achieving expenditure targets i.e., percentage of spend achieved on the Public Transport Network Grant Funding projects (Airways, Golf, Market and Tabata Streets) places the George Municipality in a very good position to receive additional funds during the national adjustment budget process.

George has been blessed this year with large grant and external allocations, far more than in any other financial year, to upgrade infrastructure for residents. The upgrading of this infrastructure is very costly and for the Municipality to fund these upgrades would require many millions that could only be generated by drastically increasing rates and taxes as the cost would have to be funded by revenue from municipal sources. “The municipality is grateful for these additional income sources that have enabled us to upgrade overall infrastructure and pedestrian experience, which ultimately benefit business, promote investment and improves quality of life,” said Browen Johnson, Portfolio Councillor for Civil Engineering Services.

As far as is possible major construction work is scheduled annually for completion by December , or for commencement in January of the next year. George is a major tourist and holiday destination, and the annual December-January peak holiday season is also the peak economic season for many businesses in George, both big and small . Apart from its abundant natural attractions, George’s main attraction is also it’s excellent services and infrastructure. These road upgrades will significantly improve the main accesses to George, as well as other well-travelled routes.

For the duration of the construction period, Traffic officials and/or point duty officers will be utilized during peak hours where possible to try and assist with traffic flow.


This project is funded by various private stakeholders.

Construction of the two new traffic circles in York Street next to the old tourist resort (Mount View Resort) between Hope Street Circle and the GO GEORGE Bus Depot commenced on Monday, 8 August 2022 and is expected to be completed during December 2022. These road upgrades are required to accommodate the additional traffic which is expected to be generated by the proposed Mediclinic, 1 on York and residential developments where the Crocodile Farm was previously situated.  The designs adhere to Municipal and Provincial requirements, but the project is funded by various private stakeholders.

The construction will take place in two phases, which entails the following:
Phase 1 has commenced in August 2022 and entails the construction of two “half circles” in the western carriageway. During this phase, the western dual lane carriageway (indicated in yellow) will be closed to traffic. Motorists will be diverted to the eastern dual lane carriageway (indicated in red) which will be used for two-way traffic.

Phase 2 is expected to commence in October 2022 and entails the construction of the remain “half circles” in the eastern carriageway. During this phase, the eastern dual lane carriageway (indicated in red) will be closed to traffic. Motorists will be diverted to the western dual lane carriageway (indicated in yellow) which will be used for two-way traffic.

This project is funded mainly from the Public Transport Network Grant.
This project will see a significant positive upgrade in the Central Business District. The five phases are progressing well, noting that the project did experience ongoing challenges with intermittent and frequent rain that is always problematic with deeper excavations. The optic fibre service provider co-ordinated their installations with the works and impact on sidewalk space in certain areas, but this work has been concluded.

The full project extends from York Street to Hope Street (in 5 phases with two phases completed, one nearing completion (End of August 2022), and the latest two progressing very well (set to be completed February 2023) and includes a full rebuild and upgrade of the full road reserve and includes the asphalting of the pedestrian walkways that include the paving of the furniture zone. (The furniture zone is the area for all street furniture (benches), streetlights, waste bins etc. and acts as a buffer between the roadway and the pedestrian sidewalk.)

As far as possible direct property access is maintained with the necessary arrangements /provisions made in advance with any affected business owner via Mr Alewijn Dippenaar.  Business and property owners affected by the road construction are requested to contact Alewijn Dippenaar at or on 082 457 5675 if they have any queries or concerns, and must not communicate directly with, or request information from the Contractor’s personnel.

This project is funded mainly from the Public Transport Network Grant.
The introduction of the GO GEORGE public bus transport service and the increased traffic volumes in Airway Road has led to serious degradation of the road structure, requiring a rebuild to renew the life cycle of this important transport asset. The work consists of rehabilitation of the 600m of Airway Road, while including realignment of the traffic circles.  The project is set to be completed by mid-October 2022.

This project is funded mainly from the Public Transport Network Grant.
The introduction of the GO GEORGE  public bus transport service and the increased traffic volumes in Golf Street has led to serious degradation of the road structure, requiring a rebuild to renew the life cycle of this important transport asset. The work consists of rebuilding the majority of Golf Street and is set to commence in the second portion of 2022, subject to the securing of sufficient funding.

This project is funded mainly from the Public Transport Network Grant.
The upgrading of the next portion of Tabata Street, Thembalethu, from Mfayana Street to Mbewo street (about 600m), commenced in July 2022 and the contractor is progressing with the works. This phase of construction is set to be completed end February 2023. The improvements to this main arterial through Zone 12, 13 and 15 will most certainly improve the experience of road users, pedestrians and the lives of residents.

The road, sidewalk (similar to other community routes) and stormwater system upgrades will improve vehicle and pedestrian movement and reduce flooding of the street and properties. The entire intended Tabata Street upgrade extends from the intersection with Nelson Mandela Boulevard (Fourways) to where the road re-joins Nelson Mandela Boulevard and will be implemented in phases, subject to the securing of sufficient funding.

Project funded jointly by SANRAL and the Public Transport Network Grant
This strategic upgrade is long overdue and involves the doubling of the original bridge, significant improvements to sidewalks and non-motorised transport facilities, upgraded N2 on-off ramps and the widening of Nelson Mandela Boulevard between Main/Ncamazana Streets in the north and Tabata/Ngcakani Streets in the south. It has taken more than 12 years to secure funding for this project that is now jointly funded by SANRAL and the Public Transport Network Grant. This project will see a marked improvement in traffic flow and safety of all road users, and especially residents of Thembalethu, this being the only access to Thembalethu. Construction work has commenced with an anticipated completion date in May 2024.

Provincial Government Western Cape provides 80% of the funding for these projects
CJ Langenhoven Road and York Street are both Proclaimed Roads within the Municipal Road Network. As part of the Grant Funding for maintenance of these roads provided by Western Cape Government: Transport and Public Works (which are the Road Authority of both Roads), George Municipality was fortunate to get a significant portion of the Provincial Budget for such roads. The condition of the Grant Funding is that it be spent before the end of December 2022, which calls for an overlapping of the two projects to meet the condition. Consideration has been given to coordinate the two projects to ensure that traffic disruptions are limited to the absolute minimum. With the projects being rolled out in winter, it makes it difficult to programme night work, due to a drop in the temperature which makes it difficult to work with asphalt and the placement thereof.

Resealing of CJ Langenhoven Road (Phase 2) between Davidson Road (Provincial Hospital) and York Street has commenced and follows on Phase 1 that took place between Witfontein and Davidson Road. The remedial work will require the milling and removal of existing bituminous layers as well as milling and removal of existing gravel base layers. The milling operations will be followed by the placing of new bituminous base layers and surface layers. The above work will be carried out in half widths and CJ Langenhoven Street will be restricted to one-way traffic at times.

Traffic will be managed by means of Stop and Go or rerouted. This will lead to traffic congestion and delays. Access to businesses will be maintained, however parking between Palm Road and York Street will be impacted. Reconstruction and repairs to kerbs will have no major traffic impact. The anticipated completed date is mid- October 2022.

Similar to CJ Langenhoven Road (Phase 2), York Street also requires the milling and removal of existing bituminous layers as well as milling and removal of existing gravel base layers that will be followed by the placing of new bituminous base layers and surface layers. The anticipated commencement date is mid-September 2022 with a completion date projected by end of December 2022.

The impact on traffic movement varies for each project depending on the nature of the work done, and the details are published in advertisements in local print media and on the George Municipality social media channels ahead of commencement of construction. If the GO GEORGE service will be affected this is communicated by GO GEORGE champions on location as well as via the usual social media and other communication platforms. Municipal services such as water, sewer and electricity may be temporarily disrupted, and planned disruptions will be communicated via social media when required.

Pacs High learner wins GO GEORGE rap competition

Pacs High learner wins GO GEORGE rap competition

To loud and joyful applause, Pacaltsdorp High School learner Olwethu Sayidini was announced as the overall winner of the GO GEORGE Anti-vandalism Rap Competition for high schools held at the George Arts Theatre on Wednesday 10 August 2022. His catchy chorus lyrics will certainly stay on repeat in the minds of the audience: “Please stop the vandalism … It is part of gangsterism … Do you wanna end up in prison?”

The runners-up are both from George High School: Graziel Heathcote (second place) and Likho Ntshohgontshi (third place). The three winners were selected from 10 finalists entered by eight high schools in George.
The competition formed part of a focused, multi-pronged campaign by GO GEORGE to raise the alarm and to focus attention on the vexing social issue of vandalism, and specifically the vandalism of GO GEORGE infrastructure (buses and shelters) provided at high cost for the benefit of the community.

Entrants had to comply with specific criteria relating, amongst others, to the use of the words GO GEORGE and vandalism, in addition to the requirement that the content should not be offensive in any way and be suitable for distribution. The original lyrics the contestants came up with were inspiring and powerful, speaking about the negative influence of vandalism on the bus service and their communities, as well as the consequences to the perpetrator. Their messages will be strengthened by using the media to which the youth respond, such as Facebook, TikTok and Instagram.

George Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk, handed over the prizes to the three winners. He reiterated the importance of preventing vandalism. “We are acutely aware that the GO GEORGE and overall municipal anti-vandalism drive has been born out of the necessity to put a stop to the scourge of vandalism in our town and in our communities,” he said. “Vandalism is not a prank or a game; it is a criminal offence that can have lasting consequences for the perpetrators. I am truly heartened by what I have seen and heard tonight – vandalism needs to be discouraged at all costs. I believe that this competition represents a very relevant and powerful form of expression, used by our youth who have the power to influence their peers.”

The winner of the competition received Beats Solo3 wireless on-ear headphones, the second-prize winner a set of Skullcandy wireless earbuds, and the winner of the third prize went home with a JBL flip 5 Bluetooth speaker. Each finalist received a goodie bag containing vouchers or products from various sponsors including Margot Swiss, Watsons Meat, Coca-Cola, Root Café, Nando’s, RocoMamas, Spur and Panarotti’s.

Winner of the GO GEORGE Anti-vandalism Rap Competition, Olwethu Sayidini
First runner-up of the GO GEORGE Anti-vandalism Rap Competition, Graziel Heathcote
Second runner-up of the GO GEORGE Anti-vandalism Rap Competition, Likho Ntshohgontshi

Rap winners with Mayor:
George Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk, handed over the prizes to the three talented winners of the rap competition. Posing with him are, from left, Olwethu Sayidini (winner), second runner-up Likho Ntshohgontshi, and first runner-up Graziel Heathcote.

Judges 1:
Three of the four competition judges are well-known entertainers: from left, Yoma, Moses Williams and Jason Hakkiesdraad Hartman.
Judges 2:
Robyn Mouton (right) is a local youth who is sight impaired, knows and sincerely loves rap music and listens with a fine-tuned ear. He was part of the panel of judges, assisted here by his father, Alberto Mouton.
Rap finalists:
The rap competition finalists who shared their wisdom and talent with an appreciative audience were, from left, front: Jade van Harte (Eden Technical High School), Jamil Pretorius (Outeniqua High School), Franwill Frazenberg (Van Kervel School), Kirstan Keffers (Parkdene High School), and Liyema Nsasane (George High School); from left, back: Jerome Appels (Olympia School), Baynalekhem Misland (Outeniqua High School), Liko Ntshohgontshi (George High School), Graziel Heathcote (George High School), Jerico Manies (Olympia School) and Olwetho Sayidine (Pacaltsdorp High School).
Winners with ambassadors and VIPs:
Posing with the three winners after the final competition event were George Executive Mayor, Alderman Leon van Wyk (middle, back), Cllr Gert Niehaus, chairman of the Section 79 committee of the George Council (second from right), and James Robb, acting Public Transport Oversight Official of the Municipality (second from left), as well as three of the six GO GEORGE anti-vandalism ambassadors: Moses Williams, actor and comedian (far left), Lizette da Silva, George Herald editor (middle), and behind her, Morné Pietersen, Station Manager, Eden FM. Three of the ambassadors, Peter Jaftha, Lloyd Bosman and Zane Kirchner, were not able to attend the event, but sent their best wishes to the finalists and winners. Olwethu Sayidini (winner) and second runner-up Likho Ntshohgontshi are standing next to James Robb, with first runner-up Graziel Heathcote far right.


PERSVRYSTELLING: Hoërskool Pacaltsdorp-leerder wen GO GEORGE rap-kompetisie

Olwethu Sayidini, ’n leerder van Hoërskool Pacaltsdorp, is onder luide en vreugdevolle applous aangekondig as die algehele wenner van die GO GEORGE Anti-vandalisme Rap-kompetisie vir hoërskole wat op Woensdag 10 Augustus 2022 in die George Kunsteteater gehou is. Sy treffende koorlirieke sal nog lank bly draai in die gehoor se geheue: “Please stop the vandalism … It is part of gangsterism … Do you wanna end up in prison?”

Die naaswenners is albei van Hoërskool George: Graziel Heathcote (tweede plek) en Likho Ntshohgontshi (derde plek). Die drie wenners is gekies uit 10 finaliste wat deur agt hoërskole in George ingeskryf is.

Die kompetisie het deel gevorm van ‘n gefokusde veldtog deur GO GEORGE om aandag te vestig op die kommerwekkende sosiale kwessie van vandalisme, en spesifiek die vandalisering van GO GEORGE-infrastruktuur (busse en skuilings) wat teen hoë koste tot voordeel van die gemeenskap verskaf word.

Deelnemers moes voldoen aan spesifieke kriteria soos die gebruik van die woorde GO GEORGE en vandalisme, benewens die vereiste dat die inhoud op geen manier aanstootlik moet wees nie en geskik moet wees vir verspreiding. Die oorspronklike lirieke waarmee die deelnemers vorendag gekom het, was inspirerend en kragtig en het verwys na die negatiewe invloed van vandalisme op hul gemeenskappe en die busdiens, asook die gevolge vir die oortreder. Die boodskappe sal versterk word deur die media te gebruik waarop die jeug reageer, soos Facebook, TikTok en Instagram.

George se uitvoerende burgemeester, raadsheer Leon van Wyk, het die pryse aan die drie wenners oorhandig. Hy het die belangrikheid daarvan om vandalisme te voorkom, beklemtoon. “Ons is deeglik bewus daarvan dat GO GEORGE en die munisipaliteit se anti-vandalisme-dryfkrag gebore is uit die noodsaaklikheid om ‘n einde te maak aan die plaag van vandalisme in ons dorp en in ons gemeenskappe,” het hy gesê. “Vandalisme is nie ‘n poets of ‘n speletjie nie; dit is ‘n kriminele oortreding wat blywende gevolge vir die oortreders kan hê. Ek is werklik bemoedig deur wat ek vanaand gesien en gehoor het – vandalisme moet ten alle koste ontmoedig word. Ek glo hierdie kompetisie verteenwoordig ‘n baie relevante en kragtige vorm van uitdrukking wat deur ons jeug gebruik word en wat die mag het om hul portuurgroep te beïnvloed.”

Die wenner van die kompetisie het Beats Solo3 draadlose oorfone ontvang, die tweede pryswenner ‘n stel Skullcandy draadlose oorfone, en die wenner van die derde prys is huis toe met ‘n JBL flip 5 Bluetooth-luidspreker. Elke finalis het ‘n geskenksak met koopbewyse of produkte van verskeie borge ontvang, waaronder Margot Swiss, Watsons Vleis, Coca-Cola, Root Café, Nando’s, RocoMamas, Spur en Panarotti’s.

Wenner van die GO GEORGE Anti-vandalisme Rap-kompetisie, Olwethu Sayidini
Eerste naaswenner van die GO GEORGE Anti-vandalisme Rap-kompetisie, Graziel Heathcote
Tweede naaswenner van die GO GEORGE Anti-vandalisme Rap-kompetisie, Likho Ntshohgontshi

3 wenners met burgemeester:
George se uitvoerende burgemeester, raadsheer Leon van Wyk, het die pryse aan die drie talentvolle wenners van die rap-kompetisie oorhandig. Saam met hom op die verhoog is, van links, Olwethu Sayidini (wenner), tweede naaswenner Likho Ntshohgontshi, en eerste naaswenner Graziel Heathcote.

Judges 1:
Drie van die vier kompetisiebeoordelaars is bekende vermaaklikheidskunstenaars: van links, Yoma, Moses Williams en Jason Hakkiesdraad Hartman.

Judges 2:
Robyn Mouton (regs) is ‘n plaaslike jongman wat siggestremd is, baie lief is vir rap-musiek en met ‘n fyn ingestelde oor luister. Hy was deel van die paneel beoordelaars, hier bygestaan deur sy pa, Alberto Mouton.

Rap finalists:
Die rap-kompetisiefinaliste wat hul wysheid en talent met ‘n waarderende gehoor gedeel het, was van links, voor: Jade van Harte (Eden Tegniese Hoërskool), Jamil Pretorius (Hoërskool Outeniqua), Franwill Frazenberg (Van Kervel-skool), Kirstan Keffers (Hoërskool Parkdene) en Liyema Nsasane (Hoërskool George); van links, agter: Jerome Appels (Olympia-skool), Baynalekhem Misland (Hoërskool Outeniqua), Liko Ntshohgontshi (Hoërskool George), Graziel Heathcote (Hoërskool George), Jerico Manies (Olympia-skool) en Olwetho Sayidine (Hoërskool Pacaltsdorp).
Winners with ambassadors and VIPs:
Saam met die drie wenners ná die finale kompetisiegeleentheid was George se uitvoerende burgemeester, raadsheer Leon van Wyk (middel, agter), rdl. Gert Niehaus, voorsitter van die Artikel 79-komitee van die George-raad (tweede van regs), en James Robb, waarnemende toesigbeampte van openbare vervoer van die munisipaliteit (tweede van links), asook drie van GO GEORGE se ses anti-vandalisme-ambassadeurs: Moses Williams, akteur en komediant (heel links), Lizette da Silva, George Herald-redakteur (middel), en agter haar, Morné Pietersen, stasiebestuurder, Eden FM. Drie van die ambassadeurs, Peter Jaftha, Lloyd Bosman en Zane Kirchner, kon nie die geleentheid bywoon nie, maar het hul beste wense aan die finaliste en wenners gestuur. Olwethu Sayidini (wenner) en tweede naaswenner Likho Ntshohgontshi staan langs James Robb, met die eerste naaswenner Graziel Heathcote heel regs.

Construction of two new traffic circles on York Street

George Municipality is issuing ON BEHALF of 1 on York, Ruwacon and Urban Engineering
Construction of two new traffic circles on York Street (MR002) will impact road users during the period July 2022 to December 2022.
CONSTRUCTION PERIOD: July 2022 to December 2022
DESCRIPTION: Construction of two new traffic circles in York Street next to the old tourist resort (Mount View Resort) between Hope Street Circle and the GO GEORGE Bus Depot.
The road upgrades are required to accommodate the additional traffic which is expected to be generated by the proposed Mediclinic, 1onYork and crocodile farm residential developments. Although designs are according to
Municipal and Provincial requirements, the project is funded by various private stakeholders.
The construction will take place in two phases.
Phase 1 is expected to commence in July 2022 and entails the construction of two “half circles” in the western carriageway. During this phase the western dual lane carriageway (indicated in yellow) will be closed to traffic.
Motorists will be diverted to the eastern dual lane carriageway (indicated in red) which will be used for two-way traffic.
Phase 2 is expected to commence in October 2022 and entails the construction of the remain “half circles” in the eastern carriageway. During this phase the eastern dual lane carriageway (indicated in red) will be closed to traffic. Motorists will be diverted to the western dual lane carriageway (indicated in yellow) which will be used
for two-way traffic.
Extra care is to be taken by road users and pedestrians throughout the duration of the construction period.
Adherence to temporary road signage and markings will be required.Traffic accommodation plans can be viewed with prior arrangement at Urban Engineering, 18 Varing Avenue, George.
The public is kindly invited to forward any comments or queries in writing to
Project Enquiries: Pieter Ruthven (Phone: 083 645 3833 or )
Contractor: Ruwacon (Phone: 083 262 1230 or )
Consulting Engineers: Urban Engineering (Pty) Ltd (044 874 4098 or


The George Municipal Council approved a revised Policy On House Shops And Other Residential-Based Retail Concerns in November 2021. The revised policy establishes sustainable land use management guidelines to allow the operation of house shops or similar micro-enterprises from residential properties, with specific focus given to low-income residential neighbourhoods such as townships, subsidy housing areas, and informal settlement areas – to ensure their short-term economic sustainability while also facilitating the long-term spatial strategy for these neighbourhoods.

The residential business survey conducted by the George Municipality’s Town Planning Department in March 2022 revealed that of the 308 house shops recorded in the George Municipal area, including Blanco. Pacaltsdorp, Thembalethu, Wilderness, Haarlem, and Uniondale, only five (5) are legal in terms of the Town Planning law. This has therefore necessitated a vigorous drive on rectification of illegal house shops in the greater George area.

As part of the rectification process, all owners and/or operators of illegal house shops or 3rd party retail concerns, including those who have previously been served a notice, will now be granted an amnesty period of 3 months to rectify their operation and avoid the payment of any penalties or fines.

“The amnesty will only be granted if the operator can present proof of the shop’s existence prior to the implementation of the new zoning scheme on 1 September 2017 and accepts the General Conditions of Approval for house shops. The granting of amnesty shall not be construed as an indicator of support for their illegal businesses, or that their application will be approved,” said, Clinton Petersen, the Senior Manager in the George Municipality’s Town Planning Department.”

Petersen confirmed that the Municipality has already commenced the process of issuing notices directly to all unauthorised house shops in George. “The notice that we have issued is a ‘First Notice’, which basically informs and warns the property owner and the house shop operator that they have utilised the land outside the zoning scheme prescripts and without the approval of the municipality. The notice furthermore advises that they must rectify the contraventions (the illegal activity and/or building works) within 30 days of the date of notice being served. The notice will also request the owner/operator to contact and visit the Town Planning department to discuss options in rectifying the contravention,” Petersen said.

If the property owner and/or house shop operator does not adhere to the municipality’s ‘first notice’, the municipality will issue a second notice allowing the owner and/or operator a further 14 days to address the contravention. Should the owner and/or operator adhere to the above-mentioned notices, he/she will be assisted by the Planning department and advised on the requirements of submitting the necessary land use applications. They will also be advised that the submission of such an application does not give them the authority to continue operating the illegal shop and further, that submission of the application does not guarantee that their application will be successful.

Petersen says that the owner and/or operator will then be provided one (1) month to submit the required land use application. “Should the second notice not be adhered to, or the land use application is not be submitted, the matter will be handed over to the Department of Legal Services and Compliance for the instituting of further legal action. The Legal Department will issue a final compliance notice allowing the owner and/or operator a final opportunity (14 days) to address the contravention, failing which, said Department will be instructed to either lay a criminal charge with the SAPS or appoint an attorney to institute civil proceedings against the owner and/or operator,” he added.

The municipality may deviate from the above procedures and institute legal action if the activity and/or structure pose an imminent danger to life or property, or if illicit activities are suspected to be taking place on the property and pose a threat to the health and wellbeing of the community concerned.

The owners can contact the official who issued the notice on the phone number, or the email address provided thereon. They can also visit the offices on the 5th floor, municipal building, 71 York Street. For enquiries, the public can contact our office on Tel: 044 801 9477. They also send an email to to register a service request. There will be a town planner on duty each day to assist with these queries.




Us ‘Georgiette’s’ or ‘Georgians’ are the envy of many South Africans, especially those far from the sea, sitting in long daily traffic commutes – we won’t say who! We get to live in one of the top destinations in South Africa, surrounded by abundant beauty yet with all our creature comforts within proximity, and plenty to do and see! Each month the tourism section of George Municipality, which represents the tourism offices for George, Wilderness and Uniondale, will be sharing snippets to help you get to know more about all that is available to you and your visiting friends and family.
  • AfriCamps at Oakhurst Farm, Wilderness area – Winter Special: Book any room for 3 nights and save R500. Valid until 30 September 2022.
  • Cinnamon Boutique Guest House, Wilderness area – Winter Special: Stay for two nights at 50% discount. Valid until 31 August 2022.
  • Die Plaaskind Padstal, Uniondale area – Winter Special: R250pps when staying two nights and get a complimentary coffee and cake. Valid until 22 September 2022.
  • Eagle Falls, Uniondale area – 30% off accommodation. Valid until 21 November 2022.
  • Escape to the Beach, Wilderness area – Winter Special: 20% off. Direct booking only from their website. Valid until 31 August 2022.
  • Fancourt Hotel, George area – Women’s Month Special: Celebrate being a woman with the ultimate relaxing and rejuvenating experience at Fancourt. Spend 3 nights’ at Fancourt and enjoy the Spa at Fancourt with complimentary use of their Roman Bath, sauna, steam room and tepidarium at R5,997pp. Valid during August only.
  • Fancourt Hotel, George area – To Unlock Paradise book three, five or seven nights and enjoy a round of golf, a meal or a treatment on them.
  • The Manor House at Fancourt, George area – To Unlock Paradise book three, five or seven nights at the Manor House and enjoy a round of golf, a meal or a treatment on them. Includes 3 nights’ accommodation, breakfast daily, spa treatments to the value of R1300, a canapé lunch and a gift.
  • Moontide Guest Lodge, Wilderness area – Winter Special: Two nights’ accommodation on the banks of the beautiful Touw River, a 60-minute couple’s massage, breakfast under the Milkwoods (or next to the fire), plus a bottle of bubbly or wine at R1,750pp. Valid until 30 September 2022.
  • Nima Lodge, Wilderness area – Winter Special: Book three nights for the price of two. Valid until 01 September 2022.
  • Over the Mountain Guest Farm, George area – Winter Special: Stay for three nights, and only pay for two. Valid until August 2022.
  • Toorbos Cottages, Wilderness area – Winter Special: Book a five-day mid-week stay and only pay for 4 nights. Valid until 31 October 2022, excluding weekends and public holidays.
  • Acrobranch Garden Route, Wilderness area – The Tailored Family Package Deal is R720 for up to 4 people, choose any course available (min 1 adult, 1 child). Get 40% discount on all mid-week team building, year-end functions, school outings and field trips.
  • Joplins Steak Bar, Wilderness area. Winter Special: Tuesday R85 burger special, R120 Sirloin special. Valid every Tuesday until 30 September 2022.
Terms and conditions apply for all deals issued herein, and deals can be changed or withdrawn by the businesses represented.
What’s happening in George? Here are a selection of local events taking place over the next month. Contact us for the full events calendar or go to
20 August 2022: Jakhals MTB & Trail Run Challenge at Arendsrus Country Lodge in George
What makes this event so special is the breath-takingly beautiful area it explores. It starts and ends at ArendsRus Country Lodge, an oasis consisting of 75 hectares of farmlands with lush green vegetation and fynbos gardens, glorious views and abundant birdlife. The route encompasses Jonkersberg and Geelhoutboom farmlands. Mountain bikers can choose between a 26km, 38km and 52km. This forms part of the XCM series (cross country marathon). There is even a special category for e-bikes, who can enter on the 52km. Trail runners can enjoy a panoramic 9km route.
25-28 August 2022: George Landbouskou at George Show Grounds
The George Landbouskou is the Western Cape’s biggest agricultural show, but it isn’t just for farmers and it’s not just about animals! There’s also a sports festival, live concerts and a fun fair. For people with children or anyone curious about farming, the SA Jersey Championships are taking place from Wednesday to Friday and visitors will be able to see how cows are milked. On Thursday and Friday, over 600 chickens will be at the show, and there are also sheep shearing demonstrations on the Friday. General entertainment includes a fun fair with food stalls, a variety of inflatables for kids and arts and craft stalls, as well as live music. On the Friday, there will be “oppie stoep” local artists, with Laatnag Idees and headliner Early B. Saturday will feature “oppie stoep’s”, Byron Minnie, Michael Lindt, Caroline Grace and headline artist, Fatman. The sports festival will be taking place from Thursday with a unique line up – tug of war, a Strong Man competition (lifting + pulling a truck), power lifting (weights), horse riding, kick boxing and traditional boxing fights. On the Saturday night, petrol heads can also enjoy stock car racing! The Sunday of the show features a praise and worship concert.
16-17 September 2022: Thousand Sensations Craft Liquor Food & Music Festival at Woodfields Estate, George
This annual event takes place on the Map of Africa and calls to craft enthusiasts! Not the knitting type, mind you, but the liquor type. The festival village is set in a natural amphitheatre and there are a variety of craft beer and other types of craft liquor stalls, as well as food vendors, a tented area and a large live music stage with headline artist, Andra. Festival goers can taste and buy the crafts available which include beer, whiskey, gin, brandy, rum, beer and more. Set in an incredible natural setting, situated on grasslands between natural, pine and eucalyptus forest and with magnificent mountain and sea views, this festival promises to not only be fun but also beautiful. For those wanting to stay over, there are a limited number of caravans which can be booked; alternatively, guests can bring their own caravans and tents for a fee. Make sure to organise responsible transport arrangements.
Want to know more about what you can see and do and where you can stay in George, Wilderness and Uniondale?
Contact George Tourism:
044 801 9295


Vandalism of paving and manhole covers from the roads in Erf 325 East and Metro Grounds Developments areas, that have been serviced for future housing development is raising a huge concern for the Municipality, as it deprives citizens of deserving services.

“The vandalism of the road which is caused by members of the public is self-defeating because the infrastructure that has been built in this future residential area is meant for the development of the community. It also takes away from the public funds. Each destruction robs the community of what they deserve, and it hinders good quality service delivery. The Municipality has also noted that the manhole covers on the Metro grounds are also being vandalised, and this poses a danger to small children and animals,” said Lionel Daniels, acting director for Civil Engineering Services in the George Municipality.


“We plead to the community to assist by reporting these incidents. We implore the public to help us, as it appears that people continue to plunder Municipal property in many parts of the Municipal area. Assessments of the extent of the damages on the road and missing manhole covers is ongoing and it is unfortunate that funding earmarked for new infrastructure, now needs to be allocated for these repairs,” Daniels added.

Vandalism is a crime and ultimately costs ratepayers, money. Vandalism also results in communities being deprived of services. The public is requested to please report people tampering, painting, breaking, or stealing municipal property with the SAPS and George Municipality Law Enforcement (044 801 6350 or 044 801 6300 after hours) as soon as you see it happening. If you can take pictures of the culprits in the act without endangering yourself, it will help a lot. Thank you in advance for helping us protect our infrastructure.


George Municipality offers a R2500 reward for information that leads to the successful conviction of vandalism in a court of law. The witness will have to go on record to the authorities, giving his/her name and contact details to testify, but his/her identity will be protected. Report to 0860 044 044 to be eligible for the reward.






Calling on operators to register to operate a tourism activity at Outeniqua Nature Reserve – Cape Nature applications close 26 August 2022

Calling on operators to register to operate a tourism activity at Outeniqua Nature Reserve – Cape Nature applications close 26 August 2022

Issued by George Municipality 12 August 2022 for immediate release


George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism encourages tourism industry stakeholders, in particular those that are activity-based operators, to consider and apply for an opportunity being offered by Cape Nature to submit proposals to operate within their reserves.

In George, this opportunity will specifically be within  the Outeniqua Nature Reserve. Joan Shaw, Manager: George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism said, “This is a great opportunity for local entrepreneurs operating in the sports or tourism industries to benefit from our magnificent natural outdoor setting.  The Outeniqua Reserve is right on our doorstep – literally at the entrance to George from the Oudtshoorn direction and close to the new Hawthorn Boutique Hotel opening soon.  The area is mostly used for trails – hiking, trail running and mountain biking – as well as the Power Van which utilises the railway track up the mountain.  We encourage entrepreneurs to grab hold of this prospect, as it will benefit not only your potential business, but also the greater community of George, continuing to position George as a sports and tourism destination.”


Please follow the link below to apply- Cape Nature invite activity-based operators to submit proposals to operate in the reserves:

The closing date for proposals is 26 August 2022 @ 12:00.


Features of the Outeniqua Nature Reserve:  forested areas, mountain peaks, rivers and streams as well as the George and Cradock peaks and part of the Outeniqua Mountains. Rock climbing and many other activities can be considered in the mountainous area. The Outeniqua Nature Reserve is a very scenic area and part of a world heritage site complex. It consists of endemic plants, rare species not found anywhere else, animals and insects such as  leopard, caracal, honey badger, scorpions, spiders and it is an important water conservation area.


For all enquiries about the application process please contact Cape Nature, Nicolette Mouries at 087 087 3022 or email her on

Please contact Joan Shaw or Sharon House at George, Wilderness and Uniondale Tourism on 044 801 9295 if you would like to arrange a virtual meeting with representatives from the Outeniqua Nature Reserve



DSC pics: Hiking in the Outeniqua Mountains. Photos: Andre Roux

Mayor’s Newsletter for George Herald of 11 August 2022

During the July Council meeting, reference was made to expenditure that had been incurred in the January-June 2022 period to prevent occurrences that would adversely affect our citizens. This included R15,4 million to acquire back-up generators to keep key water and wastewater pumping stations operational during periods of loadshedding and R2,8 million to provide uninterrupted power supplies to traffic lights at 40 intersections.

On the other hand, our small law enforcement unit is at full stretch dealing with the effects of cable theft that has become very prevalent across George. In June 2022, there were 101 incidents of cable theft. The costs incurred in these investigations and the repairs are extremely costly.

These incidents are occurring throughout the country with detrimental effects on the economy. National Government has belatedly issued a government gazette draft policy to address the theft of infrastructure metals.

I would like to appeal to our citizens to be on the look-out for any activity that may indicate incidents of tampering, the digging of holes in the vicinity of electrical pylons, streetlights, etc. These incidents should be reported immediately to our 24 hour emergency number, 044-801-6300. The theft of such cables is also being enabled by the purchasers of these materials who are keeping the thieves in business by on-selling stolen goods. Citizens should be reporting such transactions to SAPS.

Improvements in the safety of our communities will receive attention during the present financial year. Additional law enforcement unit officers will be recruited with approximately R12 million to be spent on broadening the existing network of over 600 CCTV cameras across George. It is planned to expand the control room operation monitoring these cameras to a 24-hour operation by the end of 2022. The expansion will also make provision for the introduction of numberplate recognition cameras.

It is vitally important that collaboration with neighbourhood watches is improved to ensure coordination (with law enforcement agencies) and reaction from the control room. In due course, discussions will take place to encourage the business sector and neighbourhood watches to collaborate through the linking up of existing CCTV cameras. Additional cameras that are compatible with the existing operation can also be contributed by these groups to cover more areas across the municipal area.

We continue to experience incidents of illegal electrical connections in informal settlements as well as illegal dumping (R7,5m) that also costs the municipality millions.

It is crucial that all these issues are addressed within community groups (and by church leaders and in schools). Suggestions can be forwarded to:



The George Municipality wishes to thank the public for a successful open day for hazardous waste held on 29 July 2022 between 08:00 and 15:00 at the Outeniqua Stadium Parking area, on Augusta Street.

A word of gratitude goes to the 150 people who came to turn in hazardous waste as the open day was a resounding success.

The following wase was collected:

  • 315 litres of medical waste
  • 200 fluorescent tubes / globes
  • 10kg of household batteries
  • 2 tons of e-waste and
  • 1 ton of paint

The next open day will take place on 28 October 2022, the following items are acceptable as hazardous waste:

  • Motor oil, oil filters, brake fluid
  • Used antifreeze
  • Paint, paint thinner, turpentine
  • Pesticides or herbicides
  • Household batteries
  • CRT’s old TVs, miscellaneous electronics, Tyres, Fluorescent tubes, and Globes
  • Household medical waste (needles and old medicine and tablets)

The following items are not acceptable as hazardous waste:  

  • Explosives – Ammunition
  • Radioactive Materials
  • Controlled Substances

Remember to bring the items you wish to dispose of in a strong box preferably in their original, labelled containers and do not mix products. For further enquiries please contact the George Municipality’s environmental services on 044 802 2900.




Buses rerouted during road upgrades in CJ Langenhoven Road

 Buses rerouted during road upgrades in CJ Langenhoven Road

Issued Friday 5 August 2022


Planned construction activities on CJ Langenhoven Road during August and September 2022 will have an impact on GO GEORGE services. Hospital staff and visitors to George Hospital and Geneva Clinic will be impacted, amongst other bus users. Construction will commence on Thursday, 11 August.

The section to be upgraded is between George Hospital and York Street, with one lane open in each direction, allowing access to road users along this section of road. Since traffic congestion is expected, it was decided to reroute Route 2 Blanco-CBD via Davidson Street on its way from Blanco to the CBD. The rerouting will be from the hospital circle to the York Street circle, where the route will run along York Street and turn left into Hibernia Street on its normal route to the Transport Hub in Cradock Street.

Affected bus stops

Bus stop 346 Sports Club on the hospital side of the street behind George Hospital will be closed temporarily. Passengers who usually board the bus at this stop are advised to use stop 143 Hospital in Davidson Road.

The other two bus stops that will be closed temporarily are 144 Herrie and 587 Palm. Passengers disembarking at these stops will now be deviated via Davidson and York Streets to Hibernia Street, and those usually boarding at these stops will now have to board at stop 313 York D in Hibernia Street.

Passengers who need assistance with planning their trips are welcome to phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044 or send an email to


Three bus stops in CJ Langenhoven Road will be closed temporarily during the planned roadworks.



 Busse herlei tydens padopgraderings in CJ Langenhovenweg  

Uitgereik Vrydag 5 Augustus 2022


Beplande konstruksieaktiwiteite in CJ Langenhovenweg gedurende Augustus en September 2022 sal ‘n invloed op GO GEORGE-dienste hê. Hospitaalpersoneel en besoekers aan die George Hospitaal en Geneva-kliniek sal onder meer geraak word. Konstruksiewerk sal op Donderdag 11 Augustus begin.

Die gedeelte van die pad wat opgegradeer moet word, is tussen George Hospitaal en Yorkstraat, met een baan oop in elke rigting, wat toegang tot padgebruikers langs hierdie gedeelte van die pad toelaat. Aangesien verkeersopeenhopings verwag word, is daar besluit om Roete 2 Blanco-CBD via Davidsonstraat te herlei in die rigting van Blanco na die middedorp. Die herleiding sal strek van die hospitaalsirkel tot by die Yorkstraat-sirkel, waar die roete in Yorkstraat sal indraai en dan weer links in Hiberniastraat op sy normale roete na die Vervoerkern (Hub) in Cradockstraat.

Bushaltes wat geraak word

Bushalte 346 Sports Club aan die hospitaalkant van die straat agter die George-hospitaal sal tydelik gesluit word. Passasiers wat gewoonlik by hierdie halte op die bus klim, word aangeraai om die 143 Hospital-halte in Davidsonweg te gebruik.

Die ander twee bushaltes wat tydelik gesluit word, is 144 Herrie en 587 Palm. Passasiers wat gewoonlik by hierdie haltes afklim, sal nou via Davidson- en Yorkstraat na Hiberniastraat herlei word, en diegene wat gewoonlik by hierdie haltes opklim, sal nou by die 313 York D-halte in Hiberniastraat aan boord moet gaan.

Passasiers wat hulp nodig het met die beplanning van hul ritte is welkom om die GO GEORGE-inbelsentrum by 0800 044 044 te skakel of ‘n e-pos aan te stuur.


Drie bushaltes in CJ Langenhovenweg sal tydelik gesluit word tydens die konstruksietydperk.


The George Municipality’s Civil Engineering Department successfully and meticulously executed a five-day emergency repair work into the Eden Sewage Pump Station.

The executive mayor of George, Alderman Leon van Wyk commended the team for their success. “I would like to congratulate the team for painstakingly repairing the pump station. The pump station was experiencing frequent and costly breakdowns, and this threatened the integrity of the sewage system it serves. We can safely say that the emergency repair work was completed excellently and I’m happy to confirm that the pumps are up and running again.”

According to Deon de Jager, Deputy Director for water and sanitation in the George Municipality, one of the isolating valves on the delivery manifold of the sewer pump station failed, therefore the Municipality had to cut in a new isolating valve on the sewer rising main outside the pump station to isolate the effluent inside the sewer rising main to enable us to replace the isolating valve on the pump station delivery manifold.

“The emergency work was completed from Saturday 23 July to the morning of 28 July at 5h30, with the most important part taking place on Wednesday night 27 July, from 08h00 to the morning of 28 July 2022 at 05h30,” de Jager said.

“All work was completed, but the emergency has been minimised with two duty pumps available to pump sewage from the Eden Pump Station.”

The work was completed with no incidents, and the raising-main (pump-line) is operational with 2 x pumps available to pump into the rising main that can now be isolated for emergency and maintenance purposes.

Stakeholders involved include George Municipality which managed the sewage sumps with honey-suckers and Fire Department provided lighting. The replacement of valves inside the pump station was done by Coastal Armatures, meanwhile, Hidro -Tech / Rudcor – Manufacturing specialists assisted with cutting in a T-Piece and isolating valve on the rising main and constructing emergency overflow. IX Engineers and Sharples Environmental assisted the Municipality with the facilitation of the emergency works.  Other stakeholders assisting the Municipality on the legal and compliance side included the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEADP) and Breede Gouritz Catchment Management Agency (BGCMA).


Mayor van Wyk also thanked residents of the affected areas. “I would also like to thank the residents of Eden, Denver Park and Loerie Park for heeding our call to use water sparingly and limit water discharge into the sewer network.”



Media Statement :  Illegal Land Invasion Addressed in Touwsranten

George Municipality has as landowner, on 2 August 2022, addressed the illegal land invasion of Erf 125/1, a portion of land which is located outside the urban edge of Touwsranten. The illegal occupation of this portion of land took place in September 2020. An interdict was issued by the court and was served on the illegal occupants in November 2021, giving 90 calendar days to vacate the property.

ERF 125/1 is an environmentally sensitive area with falls within the SANParks buffer area. The illegal settlement encroaches on water courses, critical biodiversity areas and on ecological support areas and is not earmarked for future housing developments. The eviction order was executed by the Sheriff of the Court assisted by Public Order Police, Municipal Traffic and Law Enforcement Officials.

The illegal structures, approximately 219 have been demolished and the “building” materials removed have been stored at a temporary site with security for a limited period, as per the court order. Measures have been taken to assist vulnerable individuals as defined by the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act, 1998.

As per the court order, the unlawful occupiers have been given an opportunity to either check their registration on the housing database, or to register, should they qualify. Municipal officials from the Human Settlements division were on hand to assist with such registration.

CAPTION: Pacaltsdorp passengers may need to take an earlier bus to reach work or school on time.

Construction work in York Street will impact bus service

Construction of two new traffic circles in York Street starting shortly will impact road users, including the GO GEORGE bus service.

Work on the planned circles on the section of road between the Hope Street circle and the George Link bus depot, near Mount View Resort, will start on the 5th of August if all goes according to plan, and will last until at least the end of the year. The circles are required to accommodate the additional traffic which is expected to be generated by proposed developments in the area and are funded by private stakeholders.

According to Morné Lakay, acting GO GEORGE Manager, no rerouting of buses is being planned. “Since the project will be executed with one lane open at all times, we will be able to keep our Pacaltsdorp buses on route, but passengers will unfortunately have to prepare for delays, especially during peak times,” he said. “For this reason, we encourage passengers to take an earlier bus than usual, to still reach work and school on time. We apologise for the inconvenience but trust that everybody will find a way to plan around the delays which are out of our control.”

Affected bus stops

The two Skatelab bus stops close to the George Link bus depot will be closed during the construction period, with passengers normally using these stops being requested to use their closest alternative stop in the area. Stop Hope 112 between the Mount View entrance and the Hope Street circle will temporarily be moved to the bridge side of the circle for passengers’ convenience.

Passengers who need assistance with planning their trips are welcome to phone the GO GEORGE Call Centre on 0800 044 044 or send an email to



Mayor’s newsletter for George Herald of 28 July 2022

Following a recent discussion with some citizens about the new electricity tariff structure that was introduced from 1 July 2022, I believe it is useful to provide the following explanation.

George is one of the last municipalities to shift over to the separation of fixed and energy charges for electricity as required by NERSA. The principle being applied is that there needs to be a recovery (in the form of a fixed charge) for the operational and maintenance costs relating to the fixed network infrastructure owned by the municipality valued at R2,5 billion. This network comprises the transformers, substations, powerlines, etc.  This makes up the distribution network that delivers energy to households and businesses. Each consumer has a different capacity requirement depending on their specific needs and usage patterns.

Due to the tariff changes, all customers had to be placed in a certain capacity. The Municipality has used the historical kWh usage patterns to determine this capacity. Although this is not a definitive factor to determine the capacity required it is the most realistic data available.  If the actual installed capacity were to be applied, the majority of consumers would be on 60 Amps which would expose consumers to a fixed charge of more than R350 per month.  That is why consumers are requested to make the selection themselves or remain with the capacity selected by the municipality based on historical consumption.

In this way, domestic consumers using less than an average of 600 units (Kilowatt Hours) monthly (approximately 75% of domestic users) are placed on a 20 Amp capacity. If they manage their load well, they should be able to function on this capacity. A 20 Amp supply is equal to 4.6 kW.  There are on average 730 hours in a month which means if used continuously more than 3300 kWh can be consumed per month.  A consumer using 600 units per month therefore only uses about 18% of the capacity of the supply.

If a consumer is able to manage with 20 Amp capacity, they will only pay an all-inclusive tariff (240 cents/unit plus VAT) without the additional basic or capacity charge. A consumer using more than 600 units may require 30-40 Amp capacity depending on their usage patterns. The capacity needed is determined by different appliances being used simultaneously. A geyser would require 15-16 Amps while water is being heated, while hairdryers could use 7-8 Amps. Other appliances such as kettles, toasters, ovens or tumble-dryers would require capacities between these ranges.

The capacity charge has been introduced for those domestic consumers using more than a 20 Amp capacity. There will be a lower energy charge of 208 cents (plus VAT) for users paying fixed and capacity charges.

Consumers should call 044 801 9243 during office hours (with account and meter numbers at hand) to select their Amp capacity or email their request to